Policy 5534.1 – Anaphylaxis – Kenosha Unified School District (2024)

Every allergic reaction has the potential for developing into a life-threatening event known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is always a medical emergency as students can have the onset of symptoms within minutes, and if untreated, it can lead to collapse and death shortly thereafter.

Anaphylaxis is usually an immediate reaction occurring within seconds or minutes to an hour following exposure to an allergen (food, insect sting, latex, medication). There is no predictable pattern with anaphylaxis. Each subsequent episode may be the same, more severe, or less severe.

For severe allergic reactions, epinephrine is the drug of choice for treatment. Every student with a history of anaphylaxis should have at least one emergency kit in the health office. Some students may have additional kits at school or may carry a kit with them.

Individuals not know to be at risk of anaphylaxis
A student not known to be at risk of anaphylaxis may also display symptoms of severe allergic reaction. In such circumstances, school staff should assess the situation and take action as would be appropriate for any other illness/injury/emergency incidents. This includes calling 911 if anaphylaxis is suspected.

Any authorized school staff or volunteer, or school bus operator validly authorized under state law to operate the school bus, he/she is operating, may use an epinephrine auto-injector to administer epinephrine to any pupil who appears to be experiencing a severe allergic reaction if, as soon as practicable, the school bus operator, employee or volunteer reports the allergic reaction by dialing the telephone number “911” or, in an area in which the telephone number “911” is not available, the telephone number for an emergency medical service provider.

When given intramuscularly (IM) in the outer thigh, the onset of action is quick and peaks within 9 minutes. It must be given as soon as possible to treat and reverse symptoms. Administering epinephrine buys time to get to an emergency room for additional care.

A second EpiPen® may be administered if no improvement in symptoms occurs within 15-20 minutes. When in doubt, administer EpiPen® and immediately call 911. Due to the short duration of action of epinephrine and the high potential that additional emergency treatment will be needed, prompt activation of the local EMS by calling 911 and subsequent transport to a medical facility is imperative. Unfortunately, epinephrine and other treatments for anaphylaxis are not fail-safe; deaths can and do occur despite administration of emergency medications. The only truly effective treatment is absolute avoidance of the allergen.

When a student known to be at risk for anaphylaxis displays initial symptoms, it must be presumed that the student is in need of the assistance outlined in the student’s emergency health plan. Immediate intervention is essential. It will not harm the student if his/her prescribed medication is given even if anaphylaxis is not present.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Sections 118.125 Confidentiality/maintenance of student records
    • 118.29 Medication administration by school personnel; policy/procedure requirements
    • 121.02(1)(g) Emergency nursing services standard
    • 146.81 – 146.83 Confidentiality of patient health care records]
  • PI 8.01(2)(g) Wisconsin Administrative Code Emergency nursing services requirements; medication administration procedures required


  • 5434 Student Alcohol and Other Drug Use
  • 5531 Emergency Care Services

AFFIRMED: August 27, 2013

Rule 5534.1 – Anaphylaxis

  1. Required Written Statements
    1. Copies of all required written directions of a physician and written consent of a parent/guardian pertaining to administration of medication to a student shall be filed in the school nurse’s or principal’s office.
    2. The practitioner providing the direction and prescribing the medication must state in writing, either on the prescription or in a letter, the name of the student, the name of the drug including strength, dosage, time indications, and duration of the prescription; the specific conditions under which he/she should be contacted regarding the condition or reactions of the student receiving the prescription medication. The practitioner must also express a willingness to accept communication from the person dispensing or administering the prescription medication.
  2. Medication Administration
    1. Designated school employees i.e. health/information assistants, principals, secretaries, teachers, counselors, will dispense and administer medication at the elementary and middle school level.
    2. Senior high school students will be allowed to administer their own medication with written parent/guardian permission. Any secondary school student needing prescription medication during school hours must have the prescription on file in the nurse’s office. If a student is unable to administer his/her own medication, a designated school employee will assume this responsibility.
    3. Parents/guardians of students taking medications labeled twice daily shall administer these at home, unless otherwise ordered by a practitioner.
    4. Parents/guardians of students taking medications labeled three times daily shall administer the first and last dosage, unless otherwise ordered by a practitioner – designated personnel shall administer the middle dosage.
    5. Parents/guardians of students taking medications labeled four times daily shall administer the first, third and fourth dosage and the school shall administer the second.
    6. WI School Meds on line training course for school personnel will be provided.
  3. Medication Storage and Recordkeeping
    1. All medication must be supplied in the original container. The label on the bottle must contain the name and telephone number of the pharmacy, the pupil’s identification, name of the practitioner, medication name, number dispensed, strength, dose, route, times or circumstances for medication to be given, special directions for storage or dispensing. Non-prescription medication must be in the original container with the directions on the container including pupil’s name. The prescribed medication shall be kept in a locked cubicle or drawer. Taking the medication shall be supervised by the designated school personnel at the time conforming with the indicated schedule.
    2. Anyone dispensing or administering medication under Board policy and these procedures shall record such action in a log kept in the school nurse’s or school office. This log will contain the recorded time the medication was administered and the initials of the person who was responsible for the administration of the medication.
    3. Any unused medication at the end of the period for which it was prescribed shall be picked up by the parent/guardian after notification to the parent/guardian, or the medication shall be destroyed.
  4. Liability Exemption
    School employees, except health care professionals, shall be immune from civil liability for any acts or omissions in administering medication to students in accordance with Board policy, these procedures and state law requirements unless the act or omission constitutes a high degree of negligence.

    School employees and volunteers, other than health care professionals, who in good faith render emergency care to a student, are immune from civil liability for any of their acts or omissions in rendering such emergency care.

Policy 5534.1 – Anaphylaxis – Kenosha Unified School District (2024)


What is the protocol for anaphylaxis? ›

Epinephrine (1 mg/ml aqueous solution [1:1000 dilution]) is the first-line treatment for anaphylaxis and should be administered immediately, as an intramuscular injection. A dose of epinephrine may be repeated approximately every 5-15 minutes if symptoms do not improve or if they return while waiting for EMS.

What to do if a child has an allergic reaction in school? ›

What Can I Do About Allergic Reactions?
  1. If the symptoms are severe and you have an epinephrine autoinjector, use it as directed right away and call 911 for emergency medical help.
  2. If the symptoms are mild, give an antihistamine by mouth such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl or a store brand).

Who do you report an incident of anaphylaxis to? ›

Healthcare professionals are encouraged to report all anaphylaxis events. All cases of fatal anaphylaxis must be reported to the coroner (or equivalent).

What are the four stages of anaphylaxis? ›

4 Stages of Anaphylaxis
  • Stage 1. Your symptoms are mild. You might not know yet if you're having an anaphylactic reaction. ...
  • Stage 2. Your symptoms are now worse and on more of your body. ...
  • Stage 3. As your symptoms get worse, you may have trouble breathing. ...
  • Stage 4. Your symptoms are now life-threatening.
Oct 31, 2023

What is the policy of anaphylaxis? ›

Treatment of anaphylaxis should be based on general life-support principles: • Call for help early. Use the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach to recognise and treat problems. Treat the greatest threat to life first. Give IM adrenaline to treat Airway/Breathing/Circulation problems.

How long do you have to respond to anaphylaxis? ›

It mostly occurs within 20 minutes to 2 hours after exposure to the allergen. Signs and symptoms may be mild at first, but can get worse very quickly. A small number of people suddenly develop signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) without any signs of a mild to moderate allergic reaction.

What is the anaphylactic policy? ›

Anaphylactic policy

A strategy to reduce the risk of exposure to anaphylactic causative agents. A communication plan for the dissemination of information on life-threatening allergies, including anaphylactic allergies.

Can you sue for anaphylaxis? ›

Yes, you can sue a restaurant for an allergic reaction injury.

What is the first thing you should do when someone is experiencing anaphylaxis? ›

A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is life-threatening and requires urgent action . Lay the person flat – do not allow them to stand or walk. Give adrenaline injector (such as EpiPen® or Anapen®) into the outer mid-thigh.

Does Benadryl stop anaphylaxis? ›

An antihistamine pill, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), isn't enough to treat anaphylaxis. These medicines can help relieve allergy symptoms, but they work too slowly in a severe reaction.

What is the most common trigger for anaphylaxis? ›

The most widely reported triggers of anaphylaxis are: insect stings – particularly wasp and bee stings. peanuts and tree nuts. other types of foods – such as milk and seafood.

How fast does your throat close due to an allergic reaction? ›

It can happen seconds or minutes after you've been exposed to something you're allergic to. Peanuts or bee stings are examples. In anaphylaxis, the immune system releases a flood of chemicals that can cause the body to go into shock. Blood pressure drops suddenly, and the airways narrow, blocking your breathing.

What is the first line treatment for anaphylaxis? ›

Anaphylaxis needs emergency first aid. The first line treatment is injection of adrenaline (epinephrine) into the outer mid-thigh. Do not allow the person to stand or walk. Give further doses of adrenaline if there is no response after 5 minutes.

What are the five steps given for anaphylaxis action? ›

  • LAY PERSON FLAT - do NOT allow them to stand or walk. ...
  • Phone ambulance - 000 (AU) or 111 (NZ)
  • Phone family/emergency contact.
  • Further adrenaline may be given if no response after 5 minutes.
  • Transfer person to hospital for at least 4 hours of observation.

What is the management procedure for anaphylaxis? ›

Call 911 or emergency medical help. Use an epinephrine autoinjector, if available, by pressing it into the person's thigh. Make sure the person is lying down and elevate the legs. Check the person's pulse and breathing and, if necessary, administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or other first-aid measures.

What is the emergency action plan for anaphylaxis? ›

Call 911. Ask for ambulance with epinephrine. Tell rescue squad when epinephrine was given. allergy/anaphylaxis develop, use epinephrine.

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