Red Bluff Tehama County Daily News from Red Bluff, California (2024)

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jjajeTTinitfa liHI iyiwfwgw i iik it Ajjie awe Mvy'uiii juiuk kiiu Red Bluff Dally News 6 Wednesday January 9 1957 o-SSoimil by DREW PEARSON TAKING NO CHANCES JERSEY CITY Detectives Michael Vincitore and John Gillen rummaged through more than 300 bog of laundry Monday in quest of three diamohd rings which had Jaecn caught up in the wash by mistake They filially found the rings valued at $3000 attached to a brassiere Marion Walker Publisher Wilson Managing Editor Opal Tucker Business Manager Eight Hungarians' Denied Admission WASHINGTON -Oft- The United States has sent eight Hungarian refugees back to Austria far giving false information to Immigration official The Justice Department announced the action late Tuesday as Rep Francis Walter D-Pa charged that many Hungarian refugees admitted to the United States they did not receive the thorough screening which the law he helped Nominates TwoAs Senate Immortals WASHING-TON OB-fien Richard Neuberger (D-Ore) Sunday proposed the late Sens George Norris (Ind-Neb) and Charles! McNary (ROre) as candidates for the Senate's of Fame" A special committee headed by Sen John Kennedy (D-Mass) was set up last year to pick the five senators in history for special portraits to be hung near the Senate chamber None of the five can be living Published daily except Sunday at 230 Walnut Street Red Bluff California Entered Nov 1 1885 at Red Bluff California post office as second class matter according to ftn act of Congress March 8 1879 National Representative West-Holiday Co Inc Subscription rates: One year in advance 8150G one month $125 single copies 10 cents Member California Newspaper Publishers Association DAILY CROSSWORD Port Pros pecw ors stake out Cleans Ingof oap Affirm ative reply Permit Asleep 31011 of Congress with a special requeet to give him power which he admits he already -has is the ineffectiveness of recent warnings American diplomats abroad have been reporting that Eisenhower Arministrnticn -wanting don't mean much anymore Nobody particularly believes them Chi the other hand the warning supported by Congress In regard to Formosa has meant something The President himself detailed tome of the Near East warnings in his message Congress Some had "been made by Truman some by hien Truman had participated with Britain and France in the Near Erst Eisenhower had warned April 9 1658 against any Near East aggression Again as recently as November 29 1958 he warned against any threat to Iraq Turkey Iran or Pakistfin Simultaneously he had bowed to Russian threats on November 5 and all during the election campaign he had repeatedly announced that the United States was not going to get involved in the Near East These repeated statements were belived nat only by the American electorate but by the Chanceries of Europe Asia and Africa So Ike himself confessed in his message to Congress: weaknesses ln the presort situation and the increased danger from international Communism convince me that basic United States policy should now find expression in- joint action by the congress and the chief executive" This was a dignified way of re-phrasing what American diplomats have been reporting in blunter language: That the word of the executive branch of the government alone isn't worth much anymore when it conies to stopping a threat of war Thai is why it would be a tragedy if Congress did noit back up the new Eisenhower Doctrine a ranee 2 Military life ft Egyptian pot Hautboy 10 At one time 11 Concoct IE Impress 14 Astern IE Theater seat 18 Toward IT Triangular piece for giving width IE Stimulus 2L Mormon atate 23 Skill 4 ChurCh vault IT Dancing girls (Egypt) 19 Falsehood SO Keep 3X Handle (Rom Antlq) 34 Superior 31 Part of be" 31 At that time 41 Wine receptacle $2 Coined 44 Pin for roasting meat 45 Cloee to 41 Malt beverage 47 Pierce with horns 41 Blunders DOWN 2 Ionian island 2 Incites 1 Cut as grass 4 Letter (Hebi) 1 Melody I Mountains (So Am) 7 Frozen water 1 False teeth 1L Sack IX Small quantity navu wrongs II People of Latvia 11 Dine 21 Knave of clubs (loo) 33 81 21 24 21 21 21 31 Man even iHther with the muii-k since he's been drinking McCall's Multi-Vllamin Milk!" IILUNUIE CHDSwCOO-V fuL VJU GOT A VEPV) iMPOorANf v7f? phone CallthiS I afteuncon ln 4-4 moke Classified Ads BUSINESS SERVICE 6 SHEET METAL WORK Hotline VMnllntlns Ooolln WHITE DAVIS HART 823 Walnut Phone 210 FOOD LOCKER RENTALS Months or snout) basis a Low os $1000 for 6 Me Custom Cutttnf snd Freezing Red Bluff Locker Service 131 Ash Si Phone 84 1 coulon find ii I cant APCNOLSotr fUCAOirl WROTE IT WITHA-J 9 FiN -i -fi i 94? rAKcN $st VWTH A CS9 F22 A7 TAlKNF TO I rrA Isis Jhf Ja WASHINGTON It would be disastrous In the extreme If the congress did not support the president in voting tile' new Eisenhower Doctrine for the Near East Here are certain events some of them little known (o the public which baek up this conclusion Shortly after the election this writer reported that on November 5 one day before the election a hurried White House meeting was called to consider the Kremlin's note to England and France threatening attack if they did not quit fighting in Suez Hurbert Hoover acting Secretary of State was deathly afraid Russia would precipitate war He reported various moves made by (Moscow sent the Jitters through American leaders I reported on November IX messages were rushed to Prime Minister Eden and Premier Mollet warning that the fate of Western civilization might rest upon their agreement to an immediate cease fire in Suez reaction was negative Mollpt wasn't worried by the Russian threat He branded it a big bluff Eden decided to call off the Egyptian war" These events reported exclusively In this column November 12 were officially substantiated on DecL-mber 12 when Ambassador Douglas Dillon in France ta'cd that neither the United States nor the Nnitcd Nations but rather Soviet threats had brought about the Frcnrh-British ceasefire EDEN IS SCORNFUL This is one backstage -incident that makes congressional support for the proposed Eisenhower Doctrine to necessary For 7 both European and the Near East government are convinced the Eisenhower Administration can be outbiuffei by Moscow that it intervene in the Near East unless it has an official OK from congress The view is so widely and scornfully held that Prime Minister Eden discussing the proposed Slzenhower Doctiirn with a cip-loirst last week remasked that the president wculd rit use American forces unless Red Army was marching up Pennsylvania Avenue" Other incidents have contributed to this belief Here are some of them: Indochina Speaking before the Governors' -conference in Seattle in 1P53 the President stressed the lmpoitjree of Indochina warned thit the United States might be constrained to act Later at the American Legion Convention John Foster Dulles threatened in a speech obinusly 'limed at Red iiggrrstinn against Indochina Later in Anril lf54 Vice President Nixon addressing the American Society of Newsp-ipcr Ediws staled that Me United States would ue trorps to block Communism in Indochina Wh''e Kiserhnwer officials kept makin: speeches Communist lerd-eis ki-Jt rn advancing Apparently they know forces Wuuld rot be used Indochina loJay is m-re thin half CommnnLL Tae Summit Crnfarcree In one befjre the Suirmt Cur Terence in Geneva Ambasradjr Henry Byroaite reported firni Cairo that Col-inrl Nasser piamod lu buy liujuian-Czcrh arms Yet notlii'vg was' dore at the Gcr a eorTei eree one mjfii later to it an arms transaction wuch v-as certain to upset and aid the peace of the Near Ej-I it was by El eah iffciii in rxr-'aiiaton that lie Krcnlih chiefs had informed Ike 'at t-iat Me arives t- vsi ii-irc' a timmerrul tran-i sai'fi--n Avarei'ly Me to-k Lieir word I Two yean la Ur erv-u-h jrmi wrr L-vd In liic bnai De-ei by ths Israoil rmy la have tqij-iJ iiveral dvni: of the It jAimy sent thrre to be uni by Rusun when te w-t i'kerulive warrrgs Vs Cin-j gru ral warrir Ore of the Tcvif wcrt to -v V-JV' A 'rrhy PROFESSiOHAl DIRECTORY In Medical Emergencies Phon St EHsaboth'i Hospital 22S -lOlor 102 Coming Memorial Hospital TAylor 4-5451 TEHAMA COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY Fhyaldan and Sargeon CL Harold Edwards Osteopathic Surgeon 200 Josephine LoiMolinos Phone for Appointment Office FUlton 4-2313 Residence FUlton 4-2391 News Classified Ads' Bring Results Phone 31 by Chic Toon (Vit-LCCNT Ct SO UPSET-f- i a rij IS Aa -V By Edgar Hire Burroughi Hy Bst-burn Van Hum iT TJBA9AST f'5ZELLA I yOJ AtAKE 0009 CJ CAN kXTAa rR-i By Darrell MrClur AND MAi7r A (iiriM A tOD ml S) FA4 1 UUPC ti( issit cvmvy ir MOW Thai IM WCMOiN MC HC i rciAtAftd! PONTTilusry lly Taut RsMrm TtaterStjr'f Asswer 37 Rodent 41 In this place 41 New (comb form) 44 Indian weight 41 Exist petals Candle Arabian chieftains 4 a shakeup would be the biggest carried out by the chief of state since Hit Only two ministers have been replaced since talk BUNN Germany Licking postage stamps is becoming a sweet tak in West Germany Peppermint- flavored stamps have been placed on sale and other flavors will be available noon the West German postal ministry retried today NOTICE OF THISTLE'S SALE On Friday January 25 1957 at 19:03 a of said day on the steps at the East main entrance to the Court House of the County of Tehama in the City of Red B'u'f Stale of California the TEHAMA COUNTY TITLE COMPANY a corporation as Trustee will si 11 at publc auction to the highest bidder for cash Jn lawful money of the United States the folli'-A-ng described real property stuate In the County of Tehama State if CaijrrU particularly described at follows i-wt: Luts 33 and 37 of Howell Subdivision as the same are shown on the ma enttted: Map of II melt Subdivision Te-iamj Ccin'y California'' Med in tie eft re of the County Re-c ir ier Me County of Tehama State of Caifornn S-pVm'Jir i 1317 in B-h G-2 if Mipl at I 'page sole wilt be miJe to lats-fy lie sri-rrd by and pursuant to Me wcr of sale conferred in acertjr D-'nl cf Trust (xceutcd bv OTTO MlU-Fit and ALICE MtLLFR husuard and i wfe to TEIIAMA COUNTY TITLE 1 COMPANY a -poratin as Tru-tee and LKUN VltD PARKS and EUZAUE1II PARKS husband aife as J-nt Tenants Bern frarU-s dated Augusta 1U1 'ard rreordrd A i-t IV in 37 of (ftrjl Iti-curds at pose 79 Kcc-v Jt of Tthama CVin-I ty 1 N-t re of De'aii't if c-'-Vgati-in a--l rlecti tu s-l vUt 1 id of was reortd S--ti-n icr 2H 1513 Pi IV IV i (-Treil lie-c-ud at purr S' 4 I(errj of Te-i Cr ail wtur'i re-'c-n-ti ri-'niTf- is hereby nia-le fr thi-r pn -liars Dated lit ei-rtiber IS-I I'J'-O TUttMt COUNTY TITLE I ffiMPANY a rpiraton as jitre lly Jin Hall i-e-Pi 'i-nt I SEAL! fly It -ial ne It IVVt'h Jauaaiy 2 1 id and XI l'J-7 TARZAM AEB1E ff SLATS ELLA CXNDfXS Franco Considers Cabinet Snitches MADRID iW Generalissimo Frsr-isrj Franco' is answering jnsjir reshuffle 1 because cf a rplit smorg his ministers info-med sources said today -Political sources said two of the possible reasons for the shakeup were Spain's growing economic difficulties and difference between Falangist snd Monarchists over new constitutional laws Madrid buzzed With speculation ard at lea ft fve or cabinet charges were contemplated Such Medication in a Shampoo that works! The firl rffrctiirljr lueiliiated liquid sliaitipoo lliat requires no ireerilion THYLOX mndicatwd shampoo iroieets again! DamlruflT Ilclijr ksIji iMmaiili Oily wal completely jnire Safe ami easy to ue arge 6' ounce only j'iiNiMniiil JafiMi 4 CO bill lItJN INC ls Elmore 401 Walnut thorn 333 I re I be' 9t'9 9VTK ICTMAJ T9 L9 LF ZAJLAf tY ID Thin Oh TH CRJ9Kf y- rg-Ay3 ANN-ff- Lf)-' lO'T LITTlC BAflY 1 COME TO a a WMrerDHs 1 rooT-1 ar Tiiari? -Vr vCytf-: NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara ln the Matter of the Estate of MACIE TA1T Deceased No 41221 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Executor of the Estate of MACIE I TATT deceased will sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned and subject to confirmation by said 1 Superior Court on January 17 1937 at the hour of 10:39 o'clock AM or thereafter within the lime allowed by law at the office of RUDOLPH SCHOLZ at 1 Montgomery Street San Francisco all right title interest and estate of said XLAC1S I TAIT deceased at the time of her death and all right title snd interest that said estate haa acquired by operation of law or otherwise otier than or in addition to that of said MACIE TAIT at the time of her death in and to the real property situated in the City of Red Bluff County of Tehama State of California described as fallows Lots three and four ifiloek twelve of the City (fnmieriy Town) of Red Bluff Couvty of Tehama Slate of California as adkU and Block ora delineated upon the official map of the Town (now City! of- Red Bluff on file in the office of the Cc*nty Recorder if the County of Tehama Slate of California Bids or offers are invited for said pupcrty and must be in writing and will be rceeiv at the of Leu of RUiXLDII SUICLK at-ur-y f-r sici Estate or may be Ld wtn the Cli-ik of aald Superior Court t-r delivered to the laid RUDOLPH SCHULZ pernnnl'y at ary lme after frst publication of tins rvdce and before making su'd sale Snd sal will be made ipn the T'll iwlrg trims: Clarh Dattd: December 18 IDW RUDJT1TI SCH JLZ Executor if the lud iU of Made I Tat Dcccasid Pub: January 2 thru 15 1957 ine 1 1 ft? Ipple-1 fire ami uw- er lil-Ltf Milk gsUuua WMAT AA13 TWn that fv ip rgviN TP A KSWASCe pgrASEN Cci a7 J-'ii'T LITTLE ANNIE ROONET 1 ST -1 ETTA KITY 1 VwxAT WOV T-' i a DECORATOR SALESMAN Our Mtnius him In lmprUi't the ritM tir sod Ntirrs are lu rtrry In-ditlilu! dnurvlinf nhrnwi fr owe palJ fi mm! littUllrd there la MU munlM ir rrrwr A curprl I Ihrr tu Mar 1hl why hr eumlNf IMu uur hum with wundrrtul VMHy Mmptru snd hrlping )U Mini rrlnl rarprl Hr )ir rkuUr tin-eraling Mhrme (lie a rail rt5- tv- klfrJ lllitcli Ices -gi rXCITLLI (r yr JAlVCF (us I u0 DuUlt ulu in iitltlli NIGHT TIL 9 rnitu a) 'mm 0PIM IVtRT 1 -Ail A- a a I i a i.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.