Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (2024)

Y. M.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (1)Why did I choose this school: Honestly, I am not the one who chose this university. Its just that my parents beg me to look after my older brother. Then, because of that, I finally take the entrance examination and passed.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (2)About FSUU: For the atmosphere, it was really normal since students are very polite and always smiling even though your not close. The environment are always clean.

For the professors, they are really good in teaching, instructing, guiding and motivating students to study harder for future success. And they are not just graduates but board passers and have a masters degree.

For the facilities, I kind of say that the school don't have yet a good equipment for student and professors but I noticed that the school and management did their best to improved and develop the school needs.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (3)My current job: For now, I'm still having my review for the upcoming CPA Board Examination. But I am also applying to some establishments and companies.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (4)How long did it take to find a job: It's not really complicated since I've already done through lots of interviews and they already call to hire me since I passed their interviews and examinations.

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E. C.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (5)Why did I choose this school: I chose the school it’s because It is a known University in our Region with high standard education, especially in Accounting and Business courses. Its tuition is affordable and it fits to my scholarship.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (6)About FSUU: At first, I liked the school because of it's polite guards and staff. As I enter the school, I saw many students always in commotion, always talking and walking. I didn’t like it but I guess it’s normal for a University because there are too many students.

The professors were great. They are all professional in their teaching and create boundaries between them and us students. When outside the class, they become friendly and jamming to build good relationships to their students.

As for places to rest, socialize and study - they were present. They have good places to study and socialize but I think it’s too much. Computer Labs and Offices were all air-conditioned but rooms for classes were not.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (7)My current job: I am an Instructor in AMA Computer Learning Center.
I teach Accounting for Information Technology - like Quick Books. I also teach accounting subjects to students who took Business courses.

My journey was very enjoyable. I got to know many people and learned many lessons from this experiences. I am very contented with my job now, there’s a lot of opportunity but I really want to teach. It’s not really big in terms of salary but it is fair enough to make my family live and to have fun.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (8)How long did it take to find a job: I graduated on April 2013, I then work on a job June at the same year.

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R. F.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2012

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (9)Why did I choose this school: I chose Father Saturnino Urios University because it's near Balenguan, Agusan del Norte. I don't need to go to far Universities because FSUU offers a quality teachings in Accounting with low tuition fees.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (10)About FSUU: The ambiance was clean and eye-catching because of the wall designs and paintings. They always repaint the walls to look clean and bright for the freshmen to be lively and motivated to go to school.

Our Major Accounting Professors were all CPAs, so rest assure the quality of the teaching since they all experienced the hardship of the same course. They were strict inside the room but approachable and friendly outside. They were like "barkada" to us students.

The school has many social places and study areas. Students will go outside if there were no sheds and study area. The facilities were not complete. I graduated college without even using the accounting laboratory. I heard there were accounting laboratory and we already paid for it but we did not even see it's door or where it was located.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (11)My current job: I am now an Accountant at Agricultural Training Institute - Caraga.

After I graduated, I did not bother to take a job because I was not in a hurry. I pursued BS in Accountancy in Father Saturnino Urios University and I also graduated in this course.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (12)How long did it take to find a job: After I graduated from BS Accountancy, it did not took me too long to find a job because opportunity is all over. I just chose the one I'm comfortable with.

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A. R.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (13)Why did I choose this school: I chose the school because I heard they have a high passing rate in the CPA board exam. They have strict rules on who will be qualified to enter the next year level by doing qualifying exams every school year. My parents approved of my decision so, I went to FSUU.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (14)About FSUU: The school was nice. I liked it because there is a church inside the campus. I think it's unique because It's the only school I saw with a church. It's expected because it is a Catholic School.

The professors are approachable and friendly but some are strict. Being strict is good but too much of it will make your students hate you, and they don't want to go to the class because of you. I experienced it just once, in my Marketing subject.

There are almost complete facilities in the school but it was rarely used, like air-conditioner. It is only present in IT computer Lab and not in other rooms. Libraries and study areas are fine. It's quiet and disciplined. Who would dare to make any noise if the librarian is like a witch and glare at you. Sshh

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (15)My current job: I am now a teller in One Network Bank.
I am responsible in the counter transactions of the bank.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (16)How long did it take to find a job: It took me less than one month after I graduated to find a job.
VCDU Realty Corporation was hiring at that time and my boyfriend is also in that company. So I was hired in the main office in Villanueva St, Butuan City. I resigned after almost half a year because their rate was too low and there was another opportunity came to me. So I grabbed that opportunity and here I am in this bank.

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K. S.

◈ Studied BS in Information Technology
◈ Graduated 2014

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (17)Why did I choose this school: Actually, I don't even have a choice. Father Saturnino Urios University is the only well-known university in our place because of it's good reputation. The rest has bad history and rumors about the way they handle their students, and giving bribes just to have good grades.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (18)About FSUU: The atmosphere is noisy. There's a lot of students and almost all of them are not disciplined. It's a shame that they all came from a catholic school and they act like that. The only good thing Is the surroundings are clean and in order. The maintenance crew is always smiling and it cheers me up.

With regards to the instructors, I can't say that they were all good. There are some that are unfair and give low grades on the students that they don't know. They can only notice a student that always showing off in the class, even they spout no sense at all. But there are also instructors that are so professional, even if they are close to their students they always keep boundaries between them.

In terms of facilities, the school really lacks modern technology. Some computers are old, they are using old software and they did not even bother to update it. They only try the very basic and did update to the trends in the modern world. I only know it by reading on the internet.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (19)My current job: As of now, I work online as a part-time freelancer and I also work in a private sector as a Data Analyst (I'm still in the probationary period since I'm still new)

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (20)How long did it take to find a job: I already worked online before I graduate and I get the other job just within 1 month.

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M. J.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (21)Why did I choose this school: I choose this school because FSUU is the nearest University from where I live. My father also suggested the school because the tuition is not so high and It's known in our City of it's good reputation. Accounting course was 18k-20k per sem back then, it depends in the units taken unlike other bigger Universities.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (22)About FSUU: FSUU, at my time, was in disorder. Specially, when it comes to the students. Students were coming out at the same time and they are all talking and shouting, sometimes. The thing that surprise me, when I'm still new at the school, even they are noisy they will be silent when the 12 noon and 3 o'clock prayer starts.

The professors were friendly. I heard some rumors that some instructors are unfair and biased. I can't judge because I wasn't under with those kind of instructors. As for me, I was under by good instructors.

The facilities, at my time, were insufficient. There were air-conditioned rooms but they were not turned on. For Nursing and IT facilities were not complete. It all needs improvements. The study area was good, noisy people were not allowed same as the socializing area - Shed (As what we called it).

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (23)My current job: I am now an office clerk in a Cooperative in Magallanes, Agusan del Norte.
I do clerical works and basic accounting. I record, sort, file documents just like what accounting clerk does.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (24)How long did it take to find a job: It did not took me too long because I have a connection in that Institution, so it's easy for me to get inside it.

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H. U.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (25)Why did I choose this school: I chose this school because of it's convenient location. With just 25 minutes away from the town I live in or just a 25-peso ride from my town, I can enjoy a world class education in a competitive and economic friendly university not just in the region but also in the country and the world as well.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (26)About FSUU: The blue and white color of the school made it catchy in the eyes and also there are huge and tall trees, sheds and gardens that renders the school to have a fresh and cool environment best for studying and also for meditation. The professors are very professional on how they teach their students in a way that while they learn, they enjoy and have fun with the complete and functional facilities like the gymnasium where special events were held, the school library where the students expand their knowledge and vocabulary, the internet laboratory helping them to gather more information and current events and many more of what you would expect from once 14th Top Universities of the Philippines.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (27)My current job: I am an Administrative Assistant of the Public Attorney's Office and my task is to make Affidavits and whatever the lawyer assigns me to do so.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (28)How long did it take to find a job: It took me 6 months of finding this job. Quite long but rewarding.

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M. F.

◈ Studied AB in Political Science
◈ Graduated 2010

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (29)Why did I choose this school: I believed in their mission and vision and thought that they are the right vehicle for me to reach my potential.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (30)About FSUU: For me it's not a school, it's a home far away from home, my instructors are my second parents and up until now I really value and incorporate their teachings in my life. The school I've attended made a great impact to me since it honed my ability to socialize with other people regardless of their status. Whenever I don't understand something and I wanted to be alone, I went to our mini chapel and pray in silence, sometimes library help me sooth my loneliness and confusion.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (31)My current job: I'm a training officer at Seaoil Philippines inc., a fuel industry.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (32)How long did it take to find a job: Immediately after I graduate I was hired by the same school I've studied, as a part time instructor for 3 years.

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A. J.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (33)Why did I choose this school: I chose this school because of it's known standards in our city and also to help my parents to lessen financial cost in my education by studying in my home city.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (34)About FSUU: Father Saturnino Urios University in terms of atmosphere is a friendly environment, promoting christian values at all cost. As for the professors in our department, they got legit teachers with honorable and top rating CPA title. Though mostly are new and less than a year in teaching experience. And lastly as for the facilities, is not that impressive and it is hard to access like booking a certain room because of it's process that's kind of annoying with all the request and signing a lot of people.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (35)My current job: Currently I am a lead researcher online in Angels Data and also one of the partners and head Audit in our own clothing line business the Artlane Tees.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (36)How long did it take to find a job: It took me a year to find a job after graduation because I just took a lot of vacation traveling in Leyte, Cebu, CDO, Iligan etc..

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A. A.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (37)Why did I choose this school: Mainly because of my parents and the popularity in our place, sometimes popular colleges give the best education, so I thought. I really wanted to study far away from my hometown for independence, but my parents were scared that I might not survive in the world so I was forced.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (38)About FSUU: The surroundings are okay, neat and clean nothing to argue about that.

In terms of professors, some of them implement a Filipino value namely "favoritism", they are too close to the students that their judgement are sometimes clouded by friendship and other factors that affect their decision. some of the instructors are fresh graduates, they have difficulty in expressing the topics, they want us to read and read then exam and exam then read, they don't care if some of us don't understand the topic as long as the other "some" understands. One of our head in FSUU accounting department has given a job to a certain person because it's his wife! she is a master of public administration but it is unfair that the both of them would be assign to the same department.

In the field of facilities, if I were to grade it from 1-10 10 being the highest praise, I would say 6.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (39)My current job: Data encode (collections)

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (40)How long did it take to find a job: 1 year

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G. J.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (41)Why did I choose this school: Aside from it's reputation as the top performing university in the region, I have loved to be in FSUU because of my personal attachment to it. Most of my family members went to this institution. Though the tuition fees are high I've decided to go there because I would no longer sacrifice myself to go into state universities where they are located a hundred miles away from home. Furthermore, the cost of living might be higher if I would live in a dormitory.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (42)About FSUU: My school was roughly oriented as an institution where inter-cultural relationships were highly encouraged. Though FSUU is a Catholic university founded by Spanish Jesuits a lot of students who belong to other sects tend to like the atmosphere because of the institution's core values. Students from different colleges tend to be co-mingled and befriended with each other. The professors in FSUU are highly competent individuals who gained knowledge both from studies and actual practice. Professors are simultaneously reviewed and assessed as to their teaching methods and approaches. You can never have disappointment with the institution's state-of-the-art structures and facilities. Each year buildings are continually improved or even replaced by better ones. These approach of the administration has a significant impact to the studies of the students as they tend to know that their high tuition fees are being allocated properly.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (43)My current job: For now I'm not yet into employment as I am preparing myself for the CPA boards. Though I already graduated and took my degree in BS-Accounting Technology, I'm not yet into looking a job as I pursued the Accountancy course. Hopefully, if I pass this October I will be a licensed accountant.

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A. L.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2014

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (44)Why did I choose this school: I chose this school because it has a quality education, good facilities and has new way of teachings. It is also near school from our house and it offered me a scholarship by way of making me a Student Assistant.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (45)About FSUU: It has a religious atmosphere since it's a Catholic school and clean surroundings.
The professors are very cheerful and tends to be friendly to all students but at the same values as a teacher-student relationship. The facilities are not complete but there are another way of how to give ideas to the students in lecturing.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (46)My current job: I am now an online bookkeeper and a part time cashier in a convenience store but I planned to find another job in the government because it has many benefits and high salary level.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (47)How long did it take to find a job: It just took me almost 1 months to find that job.

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K. J.

◈ Studied BS in Nursing
◈ Graduated 2006

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (48)About FSUU: Father Saturnino Urios University, formerly known as Urios College located in JC Aquino Avenue Butuan City is one of the top caliber schools in Caraga Region. It is a Roman Catholic University run by Diocese of Butuan. FSUU as what it is called has two campuses, the main campus is located in Butuan City proper and the other campus which is high school and grade school building is in Libertad, Butuan City. The said university is conducive to learning and professors here are friendly and are good motivators. They see to it that their students will graduate with apt knowledge in their chosen course and can work after. The campus has library, computer room so as the students can do research and will utilize their time in studying, playing inside the computer room is prohibited even browsing p*rnographic web engines. It has guidance office that can assist and assess students with their problems and questions. Chapel can also be found inside for those students who would want to pray and hear mass. It has convention hall for different functions and big meetings and audio-visual rooms.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (49)My current job: I am working as a licensed nurse in a hospital.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (50)How long did it take to find a job: Right after graduation, I enrolled in a review center and took up board exam. I was one of the fortunate students that time to pass the board examination once. After oath taking I applied in one of the tertiary hospitals in our area and was hired.

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A. E.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (51)Why did I choose this school: I chose to study in Father Saturnino Urios University it’s because of it’s a known school and there’s no other quality school in Surigao. My parents also wanted me to go to this school. Even if it’s far from home, I still wented to go to this school hoping to have a good future.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (52)About FSUU: The students of the school were very noisy. Unlike in our place, there’s many students but not as loud as the students in FSUU. Eventually, I got used to it and become noisy myself. It’s funny how I was discouraged by it when still in first year.

My instructors were very friendly. Some of them became my close friends even after I graduate. But they don’t tolerate students to use the friendship they built to have an advantage to other students. I liked my instructors, even they are strict and terror sometimes.

The facilities were good. I always went to the internet lab and study area to study and research. Social Media Websites are not allowed but few only know how to use proxies to open those including me. Libraries are also good. There were many books to choose from and computerized data to easily search these books. All books have number codes and all of the codes were encoded in the computer. If we want to search for a book, we only type the keywords and then poof, it will show all the books that have that keyword. The school called it OPAC.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (53)My current job: I currently work in a government office. I’m in a lowest officer position. I only do clerical works.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (54)How long did it take to find a job: After I graduated, It took me only two months to have a descent job. It’s hard to apply in a government but I was very fortunate to get in sooner.

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J. P.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting for Management
◈ Graduated 1999

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (55)Why did I choose this school: Because this is the only school accredited by St. Joseph Cathedral Parish where I was working while studying.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (56)About FSUU: The atmosphere is great as it is a religious school.
As regards the professors, most of them were good though there are some but only few whom I find not so good in teaching.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (57)My current job: I am an Associate Admin Officer. I am handling consultancy contracts (free lancer and firm). Also handling local subsidy. Daily work would be on checking invoices from suppliers if it is arithmetically correct. I do sometimes issue check payments to suppliers/service providers

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (58)How long did it take to find a job: Actually, months before my graduation, I was hired as junior bookkeeper in one of the famous hotels here in Butuan City. After which, I transferred to another job/employer and never had the chance to stop working since then.

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B. J.

◈ Studied AB in Guidance and Counseling
◈ Graduated 2004

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (59)About FSUU: I like my school. It's not that big and gloomy looking like some old colleges here in the Philippines. The professors are strict, they are very strict with deadlines but they can be kind. I guess it's just a matter of how you approach them. The school keeps it's facilities up to date but a lot of improvements are needed to keep the school fit and on top of it's league.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (60)My current job: Right now, I'm a home based mother looking for online work.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (61)How long did it take to find a job: Immediately. Around a month after graduation. I was lucky to find work even though I was just a fresh graduate. There is a big shortage in guidance counselors here in my place, that is why I was hired on the spot.

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C. A.

◈ Studied AB in Communication
◈ Graduated 2011

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (62)Why did I choose this school: Because I passed the scholarship.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (63)About FSUU: The atmosphere is refreshing.
The professors are friendly.
The facilities are in good condition.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (64)My current job: As of now, I have a small business with Natasha Direct Selling. I'm working with my mother. I assist her through keeping the records of collectibles, ordering online or directly at the main office, and other admin works in our small boutique.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (65)How long did it take to find a job: It took me 6 months.

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R. N.

◈ Studied BS in Commerce major in Marketing
◈ Graduated 2001

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (66)Why did I choose this school: It is near where I lived.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (67)About FSUU: Atmosphere was good.
I was not really satisfied with some of the professors.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (68)My current job: Recently I was hired as machine processor (data encoder) and field enumerator at PSA Office, Butuan City

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (69)How long did it take to find a job: A year after.

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S. M.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (70)Why did I choose this school: Because it's where my sister studied and it's the only university in Butuan City since I cannot go to other schools outside Butuan.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (71)About FSUU: Professors- not all professors are good in teaching, most of them have favoritism & sometimes unfair.

Facilities- what I love in Urios is that they always renovate the facilities for more improvement and for the wellness of students

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (72)My current job: I am an Accounting Staff in a Government agency. My job is to prepare a Sales Reconciliation monthly, journalize entries, process disbursem*nt vouchers, check various reports.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (73)How long did it take to find a job: Just a week.

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M. A.

◈ Studied BS in Accounting Technology
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (74)Why did I choose this school: I am an scholar in this institution.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (75)About FSUU: The Institution I graduated give their best, the facilities improves yearly. And the passers grow more and more. The atmosphere, is peaceful the people are strict if necessary.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (76)My current job: I am an Accounting Processor in a Construction Company, I do the first step in accounting I make Disbursem*nt Voucher so that the needed materials and other expenses will be paid.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (77)How long did it take to find a job: Almost 2 months.

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P. Q.

◈ Studied BS in Computer Science
◈ Graduated 1999

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (78)Why did I choose this school: One of the reasons were near in my house, this school is the #1 in our place, it's a catholic school also and the teachings are good.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (79)My current job: Service Planner of one of the multinational companies in abroad.
Basic tasks like doing scheduling for the customers/clients request through computer system, creates daily analysis reports, updating the oracle system, and etc.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (80)How long did it take to find a job: Not too long because I started working when I was in 3rd yr, 2nd semester... In short I was a working student.

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I. L.

◈ Studied AB in Political Science
◈ Graduated 2013

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (81)Why did I choose this school: Close to home and family

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (82)About FSUU: Adequate educators, good basic facilities however the atmosphere is relatively like high school (don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing).

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (83)My current job: Paralegal at a city hall

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (84)How long did it take to find a job: A year. It's was my choice.

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L. F.

◈ Studied BS in Accountancy
◈ Graduated 1993

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (85)Why did I choose this school: It was practical, a good school

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (86)About FSUU: The ambiance was good. The professors were knowledgeable and helpful

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (87)My current job: Accountant.
I do data entry, posting accounts, bank reconciliation, preparing financial statements

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (88)How long did it take to find a job: Almost a year after, because I decided to do a small retail business after graduation.

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T. Q.

◈ Studied BSBA in Management
◈ Graduated 1994

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (89)Why did I choose this school: It was the best school for the course offered in the city, so I did not move to go somewhere else, and cost wise the expenditure were kept very low.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (90)About FSUU: The atmosphere was well I felt very at home with it since almost everybody knew everybody.

The professors were quite of the old school of teaching and yes they were very competent.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (91)My current job: I do part time work, which is teaching ESL (English as a second language) to Korean children.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (92)How long did it take to find a job: It took me quite very long, considering I was running a small business venture.

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R. T.

◈ Studied BS in Computer Science
◈ Graduated 2000

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (93)Why did I choose this school: Because it's a Roman Catholic school, that's why I chose this school.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (94)About FSUU: Good ambiance, well-discipline, good manners & right conduct.
The professors / Teachers - So far so good, they teach us all the good things, teaching to the students direct to the point.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (95)My current job: Primary: Purchasing
Secondary: Boarding officer

> Doing Logistics
> Communicate and entertain different races like Ships Captain.
> Receiving Emails and calls from Ships Captain
> Ordering Engine Store, Deck Store, Galley Equipment & Stationery Equipment.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (96)How long did it take to find a job: 5 to 6 years

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M. A.

◈ Studied BS in Accountancy
◈ Graduated 1999

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (97)Why did I choose this school: They said it's the Best School in our place and it's where I also graduated high school.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (98)About FSUU: The atmosphere was good since you can also find trees inside the campus.
The professors, I could say not all were competent but you can count more of them are.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (99)My current job: My present job is accounting and administrative since I work alone on the office, all my co-employees are sales representative. I do preparing Sales Invoice, Collection and deposits, and stocks inventory.

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O. J.

◈ Studied BS in Computer Science
◈ Graduated 2003

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (100)Why did I choose this school: Never chose it. Just destiny.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (101)About FSUU: Full of s**t.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (102)My current job: None.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (103)How long did it take to find a job: Just a month, but not related to my course.

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C. A.

◈ Studied BS in Computer Science
◈ Graduated 1998

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (104)Why did I choose this school: Because I loved the teachers and it's only the catholic school in our place.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (105)About FSUU: The Atmosphere it was so nice and and not over crowded school. As they say FSUU is an atmosphere of excellence, innovation & inspiration.

The Professors- they were fun to be with, even some are "terror one" but absolutely the best teachers because they produce students who exile in there own different field of expertise.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (106)My current job: My job is a bit of accounting and clerical job at the same time.

Reviews of FSUU graduates @ (107)How long did it take to find a job: A month after my grad - I had already a job.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 6095

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.