Shamokin Wrestlers Attending Clinic Regional student-athletes, in cluding enrolees from Shamokin BaitetfDivision1 Hikes Production In Sunburv Plant at the Bar- rett: Division's insulating board OFFICE PHONE: Atlantic 6-5671. .3 GEORGE BROWN. Reporter- 259 Third Street Home Phone GR 3-8883 and McClure, are attending the 28th annual BUlg Stesvtov wrest- Cadet Cechman Takes Hollenbach-Reichner Committee VVorks SUNBURY DAILY ITEM," SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, August 7, 1363 ling clinic in the Lehigh University gymnasium this week, Angels Capture 14 Part In Army Drills- Cabin Outing Scene Regional boys learning the in- An outing -was enjoyed by-a CAMP On Junior Miss miB Sunbury Jias been stepped up, although employment at the Council Forwards Petitions For NCI Cadet John BCechman, number of area folks Sunday at the Hollenbach-Reichner cabin, 18, son of and Mrs. John I. tricacies of the mat sport include David E.
Wray, McClure, Jere L. Engle, Thomas L. Clark, Harry F. Weinhofer, William A. Welker, and Ronald W.
Weiler, Shamokin. plant has remained constant. Soring and summer months are alonezthe norths branch of the Cechman, 463 King Street North Crown For Year Pageant Program Water ServicefTakes Half Of Tax the busiest production months of umberland, is engaged in field Susquehanna River, several miles east of Northumberland. Executive committee of the Sus training at Camp Buckner. N.Y, Gerald G.
Leeman, veteran Le- Methodist Angels, with their 6-2 licitor, will write to the water Act ion "to take one half of the quehanna Valley Junior MissPag Cadet -Cechman is- a member of The1 picnicouting wasJheld in mgh u. wrestling coach and a company requesting that tfle com the year at Barrett, and during the past weeks the plant has operated on a 13 days out of 1.4 production schedule, with the one per cent earned income iax victory over the Jayeees Tuesday night at the F. Merrion Gross Memorial Field, have nailed down former Olympic champion, Is pany report back to the council the Class of 1966 at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. honor, of Mr.
and Walter of Florida, who are here now levied toy tne Nonnumuei-land Rnmueh Board of Educa clinical director. Boys from ten states and theT)istrict of Golum- after it has completed the study ithacts-anoV-igureson-such on-SMnsK, During the-summer-rrtraaung the Teener League championship. 14th-day)eing--used lor general maintenance work in the plant. eant sponsored by the Northumberland Junior Chamber of CommercemetTuesday evening in the Moose home to discuss and plan further the third annual pageant scheduled to be held this Others who were on the outing The Angels have one more. game, an undertaking.
session, the cadets receive first hand knowledge pf infantry skills bia are participating in the late summer event. were: Mr. and Mrs. George Plant spokesman said that there a make-up game, to play. This tion, for" the Taxing program of the Northumberland Borough Council was one of the features Tuesday night at a meeting of the hnroueh council held in chambers.
Hilltop dwellers, in petitioning Shipe. Mrand Gene Bro- was the final regular season game needed for future military leader the council hope not only to get is no plan for kicreased employment at the-plant," the stepped- year on October 12 sious-and-son- and for-the-Jayeee-team ship domestic water Dut water tor nre Randy Arbogast, general chair Cadet Cechman is a 1962 gradu Phil Hopewell pitched for the Mrs. Elmer Willet, Mr. and Mrs. Edward -Reichner, Mr.
and Mrs protection. Also at this meeting petitions siened bv hilltop property owners man, for the pageant, conducted ate of Northumberland High Angels. He allowed three hits. On It has estimated that it up production schedule will continue over the next several weeks. Increased production Js aimed at building up inventory of the meeting.
School. the lull for the Jayeees was Heinz will run well over $200,000 to, in A report was heard on the ap Leonard Kistner, Mrs. Margaret Reichley, Miss Hannah Hinkle, Mr. and Mrs. -Lawrence Corbin, Pflug who gave up six hits.
requesting steps be taken to get municipal water in those areas received and accepted, by Herndon Council Studies Possible Sewer System Possibilities of a sewage sys pearance of Miss Joan Habig, last stall the system in- this area which will include the placement The Angels tallied two runs in and exterior building ma tor year's Susquehanna Valley Junior Deliver each of the-fourth and fifth in terials, including insulation, thp be" for Rufus Deibler, and Mr. and Mrs. William Hollenbach, of another standpipe and an esti nings and one each in the second warded to the Northumberland mated three miles of additional sheathingprceiling tiles and otheff items. ir- Water Company. and sixth- frames.
The Jayeees scored one run in the second and pipe. For Pen Tower Francis. L. Burk, president of tern for the borough were present sixth Miss at the Community-Hospital Fair along with the state Junior Miss. Miss Habig, it was reported interviewed a number of senior girls from the area who are interested in the pageant this year.
The most were interviewed Friday night of the Hospital Demolition of the I southeast Point Township Board Reviews Dairy Hite hit a pair of doubles Should this be undertaken it is anticipated that water rates throughout the community would be increased to help pay for this ed to Herndon Borough Council at its meeting in municipal headquarters Monday evening by for. the church team and Jerry Parsonage Renovations Finished' At St. John's the council, presided at the meeting attended by- eight other twin cilmen. Take Half Of Wage Tax tower of the Federal Penitentiary at Lewisburg has been completed and the framework for the new Bright slapped out two singles. Mike McDowell," Phil Hopewell extension.
Charles H. Kleder, Reading, as The Consistory of St. "John's kower will be placed this week, and Gene Haas all hit doubles for sistant regiohaisandtary engin Council ordered the purchase of Projects the Methodist. four sections of hose for the Nor eer. a Samuel Heitzenrater Both Junior Misses were guests at -a luncheon at the Hotel Edison United Church cf Christ of Milton held a meeting Tuesday eve Council took action to take one; half of the earned income tax at this time thus serving notice to the school directors that this -will Rich Mazzatasta and Dennis Huff from the county: health center in Report on the road work now thumberland Hook and Ladder Company, and four red lanterns and a co*ke Party last Friday at Warden O.
G. Blackwell reported today. The deUvervftof three steel frames for the-tower superstruc Sunbury. The matter will be' fur singled, for the Jayeees and Len Pakoskey hit a double, ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry C. Schell, River Road. underway in Point Township was given Tuesday night at the regu tended by officials cf Sunbury and Northumberland, club members, for the police and street depart ther explored at future meet be figured in the 1964 budget of the council which will be set up Tonight game will be between ture has been made- and carpen- ings. lar ess cn rf the board ments. Action to buy the lights WasJbrought-by thedangerous area chambers of commerce and September.
15 was set for the the Ruch Jtamhlers.naihel.ion!S early next Robert Inch preswed-Bills were 6f-upemsors-tf-Point-Townshiphiospjtartairff icials. try- and roof tag has been-com-pleted on each frame. he report annual harvest h-me services. There will be a make-up game paid as presented and reports re It was reported by Mr. Arbo nem ac cne nome oi n.
n. uauiscn. Presently the entire one per cent wage tax goes to the school It was reported that the reno Saturday at 1:30 p.m.' between ceived from the siireets commit ed. Northumberland RD 1. At the situation faced by Patrolman W.
F. Reichenbach directing traffic at King and Water Streets when the power was off for nine hours the Lionsand the-Methodist An-I which-announced completion The pre cast concrete plank same time the supervisors adopted gast that, Bowman's Department; Store has offered to furnish the! sports wear for the finalists for gels. district taxing purposesrr For the 1962-63 year ending in July there was a total of $44,577.27 collected of all streets projects as schedul vating at the parsonage, on Broad way, has been completed. The pulpit chairs also have been re- upholstered. Repairs are to be floor has been installed on tower and its walls made ready for a resolution prohibiting the removal of large sections of top soil, ed, and from the water commit the contest this year in this program.
the steel framework, tee, reporting that fire hydrants shale, sand, from areas two weeks ago. Drainage Problem Alan Hyde, resident of Sunny-hill, and David Broscious, of were flushed in July. The pageant this year will include Columbia County in addition to Northumberland, Snyder.i Un- made to the pavement at nie. parish house, 65 Broadway. Ches near highways in the township.
Eventually, each of the eight guard towers cf the penitentiary Giants Win, Move To Second Spot An ordinance permitting the re This tax was first levied in July of 1962 a few months after council and school directors met joint Work on the black topping of surfacing of South Main Street by lancLUpper Dauphin will be revamped by theontrac- Lahr Road in the west section ter Lr Alexander conducted meeting. Fifteen members were present. The September 3 meet Broscious Lumber-Company presented a plan to council for the installation of a storm water Counties ly to discuss this possibility since the city of anbury was to levy Joseph Epler reported receiving tor, Cbernak Bredbenner Construction of Randal lstown, Md. as part of a $105,000 program the township has -about a half day's work remaining. This work came to a stop Monday when a the State Highway Department was passed and enacted.
The road to be Tesurfaced extends from a point near Phillips Garage to the Giants moved into second place in the Acorn League standings drainage in thewesside of Sun- ing is to be held at the Turbot-ville Rod and Gun, Club cabin west of Elimsport. replies from a number oareaj high schools relative to setting up appointment times to discuss the nyhill which is badly washed to revamp the tower guard fac piece of equipment broke down. Tuesday night by defeating the one per cent on non-residents working in Sunbury. At that time council said it did not need the tax but said that if the school did each time there is a rain. ilities.
borough line at the lower end ot The Callenberger firm is expect Herndon. This plan calls for the installa ed to have the equipment back Junior Miss pageant with its senior girls. The work is part of a public works program passed by congress last year and is being Phillies bcott and Bob Hoffman pitched the game for the Giants allowing four hits, all singles, struck out three players and issued four walks. not levy the tax council would to save local taxpayers from paying tion a storm water drainage system in this The pipe HIRONIMUS REUNION The Hironimus reunion will be Don Hetrick reported that work operation in a day or so. One half of the road has the finish coat on and over half way on the Naval Reserve Unit into another district.
Council Minted out at that time that mill- has been started on the program booklet and expressed need for held Saturday at Hironimus Com accomplished by outside labor in an effort to help relieve em Seeks Area Members other lane. Harold Mausteller started for munity Center at WeikerL will be installed by Broscious Lumber Company. Council was requested to install "two catch basins. age would be dropped if it had help in this matter. After the topcoating is set the ployment conditions a depres High School juniors and seniors taken the tax.
sed area. r- A- financial secretary for the pageant will be named to take the Phillies. Ron Scholvin came on in the fourth inning. They recorded no strike outs and gave "Apparent Teason for the action berms will be placed. Township workmen then plan to patch holes A $355,000 dormitory program HOME FROM HOSPITAL Edward Brill, 14-year-old son to take one half of the wage tax care of Daeeant bills and receipts.
this fall will have an opportunity to get an early start on their military requirements through the Naval Reserve. is underway at- the AUenwood throughout the township and fix up three walks and a total of 14 is for council taxing program. Individual budgets for each of the of Mr. and Mrs. George BrihV farm facilities of the institution hits.
committees will be set up With this tax, council, it is an other township roads which were washed from-heavy rains, usdng a modified stone. 1207 Line Street, Sunbury, return where two new dormitories are The Giants eot off to a hie In addition, there's an opportun The next meeting of the execu will cut its real estate Council asked that the plan be developed fully after which time further consideration will be made. A new type of "do not enter" sign at the entrance of Front and King Streets, will be constructed which will drop the sign lower so as to eliminate the traffic haz ed home about 11 a.m. today from tive committee will be August 27 ity to earn while learning, ad millage considerably. Just how being erected by contractor S.
Evertt of Bloomsburg, start scorisg four runs in the first inning and five more in the sec The black top road in the west at 9 D.m. in the Moose home much is not known at this time. Also council will use the money vance in receive other military benefits while still hi section is the sixth hard top road the Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, where he underwent dental surgery. Young Brill was ond inning. After that time there a meeting each week until after the the supervisors have put in since Mark Beckman hit three singles high school.
for local improvement programs which come up each year and 1960. In that length of time six admitted to the hospital Monday. POA Unir Gets Letter From State President in three trips to the plate. He bat pageant. There is a growing tendency ard now caused by the sign there other roads have been taken over other municipal expenses.
among high school juniors and PAST GRANDS MEETING ted in three runs. Bob Seebold and Steve Haas each had two hits for by the supervisors for mainte- A meeting of Milton camp of which blocks the view of motorists going west on Front Street. seniors to complete their military obligations before entering col nance. Members of Lodge 196, Inde- It is not known just when the council can begin io collect the tax. However, it is thought that the Giants.
tne f. u. of A. was held Tues and those traveling north across Resolution adopted by the super Dendent Order of Odd Fellows day evening and a letter was Jim Morgan and Dave Bucher lege. The Naval Reserve presents Front Street on King Street.
visors states in part that it is un read from the state president were the umpires. who are planning to attend the August session of the Past Grands DORIS: What do you think of FRYE'S Convenient Pay Plan' JEAN: I think it's Ideal. I'm buying all of my children's back to school needs through it. the opportunity to begin that particular hitch while completing lawful for persons, contractors and A discussion was held on the will not go into effect for the council's taxing program until next July, after the school's fiscal Mrs. Virginia L.
Simmons, of Tonight game will be between possibility of considering paving high school studies the Reds and the Red Sox. corporations to remove large parts of top soil, shale and thus Tobyhanna. Articles also were read from Penn Echoes. The rermastone Drive next summer. For the junior and senior plan Association of Northumberland, Snyder and Union Counties Thursday night at Elysburg should be at the lodge hall by 7:15 o'clock.
This will be studied by council books were audited by Mrs. Mar ning college, the Naval Reserve year closes. This will mean a juggling of the borough school budget and taxing program come 1961 To Erect Building creating a pit or quarry within 400 feet of a highway or 200 feet of any dwelling the limits tha Fox, Mrs. Emma Satteson tor possible action for next year's Williams Readies offers extra pay and the oppor street improvement. and Mrs.
Helen Billmever, tunity to gain a commission. VISITING IN TOWN After the lodge session, a so of the township. Seek Weed Clean-Up Also, many students use their Officials of the Northumberland McDevitt Band Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John cial period was enjoyed at the This resolution sets up a fine Council ordered R.
S. Whitmer. Naval Reserve checks to pay for Hook and Ladder Company were nome ot the-president. Mrs. Mir or penalties in the amount of $50 S.
Pych and family at 530 Water borough secretary, to send let numerous fees that are part of Bishop McDevitt High School for each and every offense. This1 iam Berkheimer, 222 High Street, ters to a property owner on Kins high school years such as year Street, are Mrs. Robert Mac-Adams of Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. Wil at MUton. resolution goes into effect at once Street, just off Priestley Ave Marching Band, under the direction of Russell H.
Williams. Har- books, caps and gowns and other Received from David Bird, jus nue to clean up weeds and other incidentals. liam Quest and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gitski and son Joseph of SPEEDER ARRESTED risburg, formerly of Northumber tice of the peace, was $75 and from Charles Heim, justice of the Members of the Naval Reserve trash on a lot there and also to the owner of the lot at the corner Vaughn K.
Klinger. 1295 Market land will participate in the Dan Allentown. are paid every three months for ville Centennial Parade on August peace, $70. Collected and turned of Queen and Priestley Avenue. present at the council meeting.
R. D. Hopewell, company -presi--. dent, told council of the plans to erect a new fire hall at a lot on the corner of Fifth Street and Sheetz Avenue. He requested council to consider erecting a structure adjoining the new fire hall planned by the company, to house the hook and ladder truck and other company fire fighting equipment.
every drill attended on the basis over to the supervisors by Lewis Street, Sunbury, was arrested for speeding along North Front Street Tuesday by assistant police chief The council requested all -prop of one full day pay for each drill. There is pay for two weeks of OUT OF HOSPITAL James J. Kerwin, 619 Duke Z4. For the past few years the band had taken part in the. Bucknell Homecoming.
However, due to a E. Hummel, tax collector, was the amount of $537.87, and from the uem Karpinsla. erty owners over the borough to keep their land free of weeds and cleaned up or face a possible fine for failure to do so. Street, was discharged this morn county treasurer for return taxes Klinger will receive a summons active duty for training each year in addition to the opportunity of ing from Comrriunity Hospital, was $285. from Alderman W.
Ray Camp- visiting a port outside the United contract with Villanova University for a half-time show that date they will not be in the Bucknell Sunbury, where he entered Tues Spent out of the township ac oeu. States. count was $101.23 leaving a balan justwnen tne tire company 'building program will get under Hear Reports Deposited to the general ac day for medical treatment. He assumed his duties this morning The local Naval Reserve Trail Homecoming this year. ce of $2,081.73 in that account.
The CAMP BUILDING LOST ing Center at Grove and Sheridan count was $5,934.52 and in the Mr. Williams graduated from way is not altogether completed but is anticipated in the near fu A two story building, owned bv as acting postmaster of the Northumberland post office. Streets, Williamsport, Phone 323- sewer account was $218.40. Northumberland High School and amount spent from the state account was $617.59 -leaving a balance of $2,214.87 in that account. YOU HATE TO MAKE DECISIONS? Make TODAY Your DECISION DAY! Make Up Your Mind to Buy Pasteurized-hom*ogenized MILK FOR 80c a Gal.
In Your Jugs (or buy jugs at Farm) If not TODAY, do it on the very day you return from your SUMMER VACATION! Also SAVE by Buying your Potatoes and Fresh Eggs at the LEON EPLER FARMS tne camp Ground Association, ture 7991 is prepared to offer informa busquehanna University. wietnooist Church organization, was leveled by fire Tuesday after tion on the Naval Reserve Council voted to erect a to house the fire truck and His son Russell a senior will Those present at. the meeting MOTHER, SON HOME Chief of Police B. E. Weirick reported 63 calls answered during the month of July.
Six parking meters were repaired. A total of $73 was collected in met were: Richard isnyder, chairman; noon, ihe Patterson Grove CamD equipment. Mrs. James Trego and son, 79 H. R.
Gautsch, secretary-treasur wounds where the buildine was be serving as a co-captain in charge of the brass section along with Stephen Yednock, a senior in charge of the reed section. 4-H Club To Tackle er and Cloyd Lahr, road foreman. Orange Street, were discharged Tuesday from Community Hospi President Hopewell said that the truck floor- in the present building is in bad shape and that after the new fire hall is built the er fines and $15 in motor fines. located near Berwick, were saved from further damage by firemen Miss Elizabeth Calhoun, bor tal, Sunbury, where the infant was born August 3. Mother and son trom tour communities who re Road Cleanup Project A community project was considered at a meeting of the Potts Tuckahoe Firemen sponded to the call.
ough health officer, reported two cases of hepatitis in July. Four are doing fine. Rudy Pitches Reds To Victory Over Sox Plan Peach Festival grove 4-H Club at the home of complaints were received and abated and two x-ray cards were present structure and parking lot will be up for sale. Accompanying President Hopewell to the meeting were Robert Waltz and Russell Weaver. Get Petitions FALL VICTIM GAINS Plans for a peach festival were Mr.
and Mrs Calvin Mm- Jeff Rudy pitched the Reds to a Cloudy And Humid The condition of Barbara Hoff made at a meeting Tuesday night ton R.D. 1. Robert Rishel is the 13-9 victory over the Red Sox man, 16, daughter of Mr. and issued. Fifteen eating and drinking places were inspected in July.
tresident. Tuesday night at a Jaycee Minor of the Tuckahoe Volunteer Fire1 Company held in the fire hall in Mrs. Robert Hoffman, First St, Three petitions were received Weather Forecast League' game played at the field The young- people oecwea to clean the roads and area adjoin Milton, is much improved today from property owners in the hill the. west second of the township. The next regular council meet at Fifth and Hanover Streets, at ner nome.
fcne was taken to the Kenneth Hoffman, company Forecast calls for cloudy and Bobby Smith was the pitcher top areas -which include: Villa Vista, Strawbridge Road, Sunny ing will be held September 3. Those at the meeting were: ing the roads of any trash, covering those in Pottsgrove section, hospital Tuesday about 1:30 D.m president, was in charge of the for the Red Sox. humid weather today with scattered showers and thundershow- meeting Francis Burkr president; W. E. Games were played before the for treatment of injuries received in a fall and then returned to her The peach festival will be held Mertz, Harry A.
Sees, Don meeting and a social period ers this afternoon tapering off Red Sox out hit the Reds connecting for three home runs by Randy Englehardt, John home. The girl struck the side of August 23 and 24. Paul Geise is win ana Susquehanna Road, requesting council to take steps to get city water to this area. There were about 61 names on the petitions. In a number of ald C.
Fister, Donald F. Sanders, lowed when refreshments were during the night. High tem On The NORTHUMBERLAND DANVILLE HIGHWAY the festival chairman. H. Elwood Stetler, Robert E.
served by Mrs. Stump. her face in the fall and received bad bruises. The girl fell near her and Bobby Smith. Teammates perature range today was in the 70's, with the low temperature to Brown, Fred P.
Zimmerman, and The time and place of the next Danny Mertz hit three for three home on the street. cases both husband and wife George C. Conrad, councilrhen. 34 Members At EUB meeting wall be announced. trips to the plate, Albert Forbes night predicted to be from 58 to signed.
Attorney J. Donald Steele, solici 65 degrees. hit a triple and a single and Den Aid Family Outing nis Hetrick slapped a triple. Hi Thursday will be sunny and less humid after a morning cloudiness Thirty-four members and guests Jeff Rudy went three for three Council made note of receiving the petitions and accepting them. Action was taken to have them forwarded to the Northumberland Water Company for consideration tor; Mayor Donald E.
Roseman, B. E. Weirick, chief of police; W. Reichenbach, patrolman; Joseph W. Peyser, sewer authority; Frank Michael, borough su condition.
High temperature range attended the family picnic of the Ladies Aid of Trinity Evangelical BACK TO SCHOOL for the Reds. Oris Skelly tripled and doubled and Dave Dolan hit Thursday will be from 72 to 80 United Brethren Church, held degrees. a pair- of singles. and study pervisor; and Robert is. Whitmer, Tuesday at the Shikellamy Park.
Attorney Donald Steele, so- i borough secretary River stage at Sunbury was 0.7 feet and stationary, with the river There was a short business Keith Huff of the Reds stole home for a score and on the defensive, side of the ledger Dave 79c 98c DAN RIVER DRIP DRY GINGHAMS CHAMBRAYS SEERSUCKERS AND EMBROIDERIES meeting held in charge of Mrs. stage for Thursday remaining the same. Temperature in Har- Warren Moyer, president. It was announced that the next meeting 69c LAMINATED COATING Special of the aid would be September 3 risburg at noon today was 73 degrees with the relative humidity at 66 per cent. Barometric pressure reading was 30.01 and fall Hile of the Reds played well at second base and Don Fister of the Red Sox made some fine plays at the third sack.
Umpires for the game were Vern Skelly and Dixon Beeler, in the church social room. The hostesses for this meeting! FLANNEL BACK LEATHERETTE COATING will be Mrs. Claude Hoffman and ing with the wind from the south-southwest at six miles per hour. Mrs. Thomas Cropf.
98c 59c 59c Tonight's game will be between 45" SATIN COAT LININGS Reg. 79c Temperature of the Susquehanna the Tigers and the Phillies. BASEBALL STANDINGS Raver water for area swimmers at 10:15 a.m. today was 79 de Teener League 45" WASHABLE TAFFETAS Reg. 79c yd.
30 colors. yd. grees. CONGRATULATIONS 45" ALL NYLON PLISSE WHITE 7Q-UNIF0RM FABRIC yd. And best wishes today to: Mr.
and Mrs. Robert K. Mertz, MEN'S SUMMER WEIGHT Suits-Sport Coats 323 SUITS tit Overlook Couple Marks Silver Anniversary Northumberland RD 1, who are celebrating their 15th wedding yd 69c yd49c 45" GALEY LORD GINGHAMS TARP00NS SHAGBARK SAILCLOTH LEN0, Etc. All at one low price SPRINGMAID FRUIT OF THE LOOM DRIP DRY COTTONS 75 patterns and colors from which to chose. Russell Boughner, Overlook, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Tuesday.
The couple was married August 6, 1938 in Oak Grove Methodist Church by the Rev. William Phillips. anniversary. And on a birthday today to: Mrs. T.
M. Mitchell, Conyng-ham, formerly of Island Park. Ann Marie Gamby, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gam-by, 395 Water Street.
72" NYLON NET 8 colors (including Xmas colors) Reduced Up To WW', Methodiat 9 2 Jayeees 8 4 Sun Valley 7 5 Ruch Ramblers 4 5 Lions 4 5 St. Thomas More 3 8 Kiwanis 2 8 Acorn League Tigers 10 4 Giants 10 5 9 5 Reds 7 7 Red Sox 6 8 Cubs 1 14 Jaycee Minor League Cubs 2 Phillies 7 2 Giants 6 3 Reds 6 Red Sox 2 7 Tigers 2 7 29c 39c 39c 45" DACR0N CURTAIN SCRIM yd. 166 SPORT COATS Mr. Boughner, a son of Clarence and Bella Startzel Boughner, is supervisor of Ralpho Township Board of Supervisors. He is a REMAINS A PATIENT ONE LOT ASSORTED FABRICS (including fall fabrics), Values to $1.49 Russell Hornberger, 660 North Avenue, a patient in Community member of Ralpho Township Fire Company, Elysburg Lodge of Odd Reduced Up To PLASTIC BOBBIN BOX 1 DOZEN tl ff 15 CLASS BOBBINS.
A $2.19 value Hospital, Sunbury, is reported to be in satisfactory condition. He entered the hospital August 1 for Fellows and a member of consistory at Blue Church. tests and medical treatment. REG. 55c RIPPER BUTTONHOLE CUTTER Special 39c 88c INJURED IN FALL 4-PLY ALL WOOL WORSTED KNITTING YARN.
4-oz. skein Robin Kohl, eight, daughter of Mrs. Boughner, a daughter of the late Charles and Olive Bress-ler Hoover, is secretary of Shamokin Women's Bowling Association and leader of Overlook Gki Scout Troop. She is a merrtber of Mary Lincoln Rebekah Lodge, Elysburg. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Kohl, ALL SIZES, BUT. NOT ALL STYLES IN ALL SIZES Open Saturday Til 9 P.M. IV). GUBIfl SON Northumberland Since 1897 PLENTY OF PENNY PARKING Northumberland K.D.
1, was treated Tuesday in the dispensary MARK ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Fleming, 700 Duke Street observed their 32nd wedding anniversary on THE SEWING of Community Hospital, Sunbury An open house was held Tues- Tuesday. Mr.
Fleming is a for- for a laceration of the right wrist sustained when she fell down stair mer justice of the peace. Theiday from 8 to 10 p.m. in Hie social 216 FRONT STREET NORTHUMBERLAND 1 steps and cut herself on an un couple recently returned from aihall of St Peter's' United Church vacation trip to, Canada. of Christ. known object..