The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


J. D. CLEVELAND, Amociate Editor. CLEVELAND: THURSDAY JULY 17, 1856. Word to the Wise.n LET The CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER has a LARGER CIRCULATION than any other PO.


THURSDAY EVENING, 17th, at balf-past 7 o'clock. Addresses will be made by Speakers at bome and abroad. The ridiculous position the Abolitionists, and the true character of the Kansas Question will be explained. Turn Out Democrats, and Enjoy a Good Time! The Galled Jades Wince. The Fusion papers are terribly exercised at the.

peep given into pedigree by a Richmond paper. The Lea ler asks, man responsible for the acts of his The files of the Leader for the last three years will fully answer its own question. It has been the anti-Catholic Know Nothing organ of the Black Republicans, and openly espoused the doctrine that no foreigner, especially of the Catholic faith, should be trusted with offices or honors in this county. The editor and proprietor of that paper both belong to an order which holds that a man tainted with foreign blood or Catholic faith, should be proscribed. And now this sheet has the pudence to ask such a question.

Again it says, Aristocrats and fools talk about 'royal and 'gentle but among people of good sense and Democratic notions, thin talk is thought to be pretty much all flapdoodle." Flapdoodle," eh! How long since you wat seized with the flapdoodle's? You have been in midnight lodges inquiring into Catholic pedigrees for the laat three years, and now you are of opinion it is all "flapdoodle." We thought so all the time and think so still, but you have no business to think so. But the Leader goes on We would commend to the the consideration following of the editor of the Plain Dealer, paragraph from the Pennsylvanian, which, though an earnest Buchanan sheet, has too much honor to deecend to the warfare of many of its cotemperaries: 46 4 Ig Col. a We do not know, bor haro wo any right to inquire, so far as his qualifications for public office are concerned. Democracy recognizes religious testa, no subscription to a particu lar creed, as a pre-requisite for a political pref. erinent.

Neither does it aak where a candidate was born, or who his father and mother were It only asks, is he capable, is he honest, ie he the friend of the Union and the Ab, ba! It is no matter, la it, whether Col. is a Catholic or not, or whether be was born in this country, or who his father has become of all your Know Nothing rituals, signa, and oaths? Your terrible alarm about Popery, That is all "flapdoodle is it? You will find your candidate dap. doodle" before you get through with him. Gentlemen, this attempt to indignantly frown. down all inquiries into the family history of your candidate, wont win! You threw by all your men of known character, ability, and statesmanship, for a man of straw, with which you have undertaken to gull the people.

You have pretended until now that it was a matter of some consequence where a man was born," even it he only aspired to a town Constableship. If his father or mother were found to be a foreigner or a catholic, the decree went forth from the Know Nothing Lodges that he was a dangerous man to the community, and must be proscribed. How much more important then is it that the candidate for a President of these United States. who has no political record whereby the people can judge of his fitness, should have his pedi. gree, his paternal as well as political surround.

ings fairly looked into Mr. sought this nomination, and with it its perils as well as its honors. Old Tom Benton knew enough of the pedigree of this man not to like him, and forbid him the hospitalities of his house. The mere fact of nominating him for this high effice does not invest him or his re lations, whether living or dead, with such eacredness of character as to forbid inquiries of this sort. His total want of antecedente in all other respects, necessarily provokes such investigation.

The people are not yet prepared to go it blind" on 8 presidential candidate, it these fusionists are. Watch and pray. California in Commotion. We have received our full files of California papers per steamer. The city of San Francisco is still under Martial Law, and the whole State is in a ferment.

The Vigilance Commit tee, 80 called, is now six thousand strong, well armed and disciplined. The Governor and all Judicial officers under bim are ignored as of no account. He has issued his Proclamation for the Rebels to disperse, but it dont take. He called on Gen. Wool for Governmeut Troops to disperse them, but he did not get them.

has telegraphed to the President for Troops. We shall see what we shall see. The Alta Californian of June 21st, says: The Vigilance Committee have proceeded steadily in the performance of the task of purging this community of its pests. The Governor, after exhausting every effort to raise a force tu oppose the people, after being refused by Gen Wool the use of the United States arms, has pretty much confeared his hut does not possess the wisdom to withdraw his prochmation, which places us under the ban of the law. The army of the Committee numbers now something over pix thou: and men, all well equip ped and appointed, and drilled.

The "Law and Order" torces do not amount to as many hundred; and they are mostly without arms. Besides which, at the great public ing beld on Saturday, June 14th, it was plainly demonstrated that the people were with the Committee almost unanimously. A number of the most noted of the villains that bave infested our State, have been warner away. These, with two exceprione, bave agrero to go; but J. W.

Bagley and Cusick are contumacious. To-day is the last of grace with them, and some little a anxiety is felt, lest their obatinacy may lead to trouble. Little room is left for apprehension, bowever. They will have to succomb; and we think yet, that their better judgment will convince them that it is useless to attempt to stem the popular current which sets agaiast them. The Vigilance Rooms on Sacramento street, present quite a formidable appearance.

Gunt have been mounted on room, to bear upon every approach. The doors have been fortired with a breastwork of eand bage, from whieb or every side protrude the muzzles of heavy can non. A large bell is hung on the top of the house and soldiers guard the premises night and day. THE SPIRITS OF THE of the Tribune's 'Kansa manufacturers, is getting diecouraged, for the want of material. Speaking of a Kansas company on the road, the 1 writer aln ost hope to hear that some of their lives have been sacrificed for it -sems if nothing but (hut would rouse the Eastern Slates to DEMOCRATIC MEETING! There will be meeting of the Democracy at the the OLD COURT HOUSE, on Withering Reply to the Leader.

EDITORS OF PLAIN DEALER: If bombast, poor logic, bad grammar, and miserable rant can, by their combined action, the Republican party, then may they rest'satistied with their prospects so long as the Morning Leader has existence To those readers of the Plain Dealer who only see the Leader by accident, it might not be a little interesting to furnish them, through jour columns, choice specimens of logic and tit-bits of fancy, as they are dished up by the Sophom*oric editor of the Leader. Had we not missed his production, "The gathering of the Elements," we might have culled a few of the mud gems which sparkle in its profound depths, ere this but even now they cannot fail to interest the curious reader. 6 While in every contest heretoiore the North have allowed themselves to be dirided thousand differeut queationa. But in this campaign there are glorious indications that the North are coming together." We can only justify the apparent indifference of the writer to the rules of punctuation, by the supposition that he must necessarily disregard minor points in fighting the Republican battle, and consequently leave many of his propositions as clear as mud. "Never commenced a Presidential struggle with more favorable omens the Right.

Nev. er were signs of the "reigning dynasty" more palpably, or more enormous." Will the Leader explain the two sentences above. With all due respect to the he intelligence of its readers, we will hazard the assertion that they can attach no meaning to them. They are as ten-tenths of the Leader's arguments appear, meaningless. Our divisions heretofore have been our defeat.

hare been The elements disjointed, of the disorganized, gathering and Potter waning upon each other -for the reason that ef. point has presented itself for a combined fort, for a practical blow. Leaders have run hither and thither. Little parties have scouted out upon their own hook." Captains and Generals bave scaled bills and plunged through morasses in pursuit of the enemy. Every man was nerved -every man's pluck was up, and he has been waiting for a chance for a united blow at the enemy." Without stopping to inquire what this profound editor means by the elements of this gathering power being disjointed, disorganized, and often waning upon each other, we would simply take cognizance of the admissions which, 88 the exponent of Republican principles, he sees fit to make.

He acknowledges that the strug. gling parties (now joined together and nized as the Republican party) had not aim or object. They had no platform upon which to stand--no place where to lay their heads. But now, through a special interposition of some unknown power, they are furnished a dwelling place, where, with their usual harmony, they can eat their Fusion meals together. The dicrous position in which he places the LeadErg" of these little scouting parties, is truly laughable.

Fancy to yourself, dear reader, the scene so vividly pictured out by the artistio writer of the above paragraph. Captains and Generals sealing hills and plunging into morasses in pursuit of an enemy, whose wierd shape found existence only in their own minds, according to the unqualified admission of the Leader, for he says that no point had presented itself for a combined effort, for a practionl blow." Space will not permit more lengthy extracta, but we cannot refrain from introducing the fol. lowing plece of high-falutin, which is a fair specimen The ring of the blast comes down from the mountains of New England; peals. through the rallies of New York and Pennsylvania; and from prairie to prairie. Put your ear to the earth, and you will alrcady beur their mustering tread." Wonder if the editor of the Leader can put his ear to the earth and bear the mustering tread of the ring of the blast M--S.

Clay for Buchanan. Some of the Opposition journals are charging that Mr. Buchanan echoed the cry of of 1824-5 against Mr. Clay. Is it not probable that Mr.

C. ought to know something about this matter himself? At a dinner given to him on retiring from the State departmont, he referred to Mr. Buchanan's letter on the subject in this language: said nothing which cast the slightest shade upon my honor and integrity. What he lid say was the reverse of any implication of Between the two great Statesmen, though differing widely politically, there always subsisted the kindest relations. M.

York 0. k. The general committees of the two sections of the democratic party in New York state are henceforth united in one body. The union was effected on Wednesday evening last, in a manper highly honorable to both sections and committees. The joiut general committee will of one hundred and twenty -eight membere, half softs and half bards.

There is now every prospect that the democracy of the state of New York will nominate and support one and the same ticket for presidential electors, which will give it a good chance of success. that Bull. The telegraph announces a great Fusion meeting at Pittsburg, and says: "The meeting was addressed by Governor Wood of Gov. Wood, of Ohio, was all that time at his own bome, Evergreen Place, Rockport, Ohio, one bundred and fifty miles from Pittsburg, raking bay and shouting for Buchanan: The Herald wonders why wo dout take all these fusion telegraphs for truth. ALL GAMMON.

-The republican horror of ligary is all gurmon; that party has already married and intermarried ad often, the wisest among them can not say for certain who or what was the father of the present. party. The Whigs claim the paternity, Fo do the abolitionista, so also the Freesoiler8, and to wind up, Th the spiritualists woman's rights men each put in a claim. JUEGE -The Cincivati Enquirer Fays it is reported that Judge M. Lean repudiatex Fremont, and is in favor of Fillmore for the Presidency.

A REPRISENTATIVE is to be elected in this County, this fall, to All the unexpired term of Leverett Johuson, deceased. More Camels for Texas, lying at the Navy Yard, is to be seut again in a The United Stater steamship Surprise, nOW lew weeks for a reiuforcement to the stock of camels brought in by her on her last trip, and land in Texas for the United States meut usea. It bas been tound that the experiunent succeeds admirably, and ior the trans. ter of the United States etorer aurors the plaz LA of Texas the camel is perfectly fitted, and with. glands the soil and climate of the country out any difficulty.

Thus far only thirty-fire have been brougbt. It is intended in the next trip to bring fifty. EXPELLED. -The N. York Express announces that at a meeting of the American Council, on Monday erening last, in the 21st ward of that city, George Law was unsuimously expelled, and with bim Mr.

Mott Mott, of that ward -who receutly attended the Fremont Courention. It is said that at the celebration of the Fourth of July in Biogbanton, the Hon. Daniel S. Dickinsou, the President of the day, jutroduced the following toast Women of the Revolution- Mothers of men and patriota. Tbe women of -Hoop Boop! Boop! 4.

Correspondence of the Cleveland Piala Dealer. Fillmore ism in New York walg. Business in Buffalo July 14th, 1856. MIAPLACIDUS. Love, Desertion and Despair.

EDITORS PLAIN DEALER, It must be generally admitted, that while the dog-star rages, a trip on old Erie is very refresbing. Such a trip must necessarily be considered delightful, upon such a craft as the Crescent City, so long as she floats under the guidance of her noble Commander PEASE. If there is one man more than another fully capable of making a voyage pleasant, it is Capt. Pease. Mia very demeanor is almost a postive assurance of safety, and no man can' meet him on his favorite deck, without feeling that be is truly deserving the high position occupies in the estimation of the tr.

velling public. Leaving the Crescent City with no little refriends in the Queen City. Business is dull in gret, we soon find ourselves among numerous almost every department of trade here, and if it were not for the spasmodic demonstrations of and the hot fire kept up by the admirers of Fillmore, the monotony of the present would be intolerable. The democracy have not fairly opened their batteries upon their opponente, but the roar of their artillery will soon carry dismay and death into the undisciplined ranks of both Fillmore and of this we are assured by men familiar with the silent but postive workings of the democratic party in this place. From out the numerous republican speeches to which we have carefully listened, we have been unable to trace a single good argument to justify the support offered to the choice of the Philadelphia Convention.

Deny the sterotyped proposition that it is alavery on the one hand and freedom on the other -reject those falsely assumed premises, and the struggle between bad logic and consist ncy becomes laughable in extreme. It is certainly true that whenever the elements of the Kansas Nebraska bill are fully understood, there invariably are found men who unqualifiedly endorse the Cincinnati platform.Remove the idea that popular sovereignty is a grim, ghastly shape, drinking up the life-blood of civil liberty -satisfy the people that it is simply th right of individual states to frame their own laws, sul ject to the Constitution of the United aud you annihilate the last lingering the Republicau party. A trip to the Fulls a few days since proved very pleasant, but in the face and eyes of all the poetry that has ever been inscribed to the old cataract, we dare not go into raptures. The wheat and corn crops in Niagara and adjoining counties are very poor, in fact there is but little wheat sown -the confidence of the farmers hav. ing been almost wholly destroyed, through the terrible effects of the weevil.

Among the prominent inpritutions in this city is the Mercantile College of BRYANT STRATION. The attendance at this place is very large, and speaks well for the management of the proprietors. It is geuerally by business men here, that the system of ins ruction followed out by Messr4. Bryant Stratton is not ourpassed in the United States. Mr.

Bryant, as an accountant, is second to none in the country.Mi-8 Eliza Logan has just concluded a most succe-sful eugagement at the Metropolitan. During her eng gement the Buffaloes were treated 10 a new play, (The Italian Bride) written preesly for ber. The acting of Eliza Logan alone can save it from obscurity. It is a plagiari-m from beginning to epd, and we regret sincerely that it is heralded forth as the duction of an American author. Miller, Onton Mulligan, of New York, have jut issued from their press neat volume of poems from the pen of CUAS.

SaNeSTEk, of Kingston, C. W. The principal poem is enritled he Sc. Lawrence and the Saguenay." Mr. has long been associated with the British Whig, and is warmly admired by a host of friends, ay well for his manly modesty as for his unquestionable genius Let us extend a warm greeting to this, the youngest born of Canadian literature.

About Fix months ago, says the Chicago Bulletin. a well-dressed apd gentlemanly-looking individual arrived ju this city uppn the Cleveland train, and registered his name at one our principal hotels as R. W. FLEMINGTON. After remaining a couple of days, he settled his bill, and remarking that business would probably command his attendance in a neighboring town for a short period, he left without taking his luggage, which consisted of a trunk and portmanteau.

The next day, bowerer, he drove up to the private entrance of the botel, accompanied by lady who he represented as his wife, and who was as such registered. The female, who was in the first tender bloom of womanhood, was but seldom seen during their stay at the hotel, save by those whose avocations enabled them to enjoy this privilege, who pronounced her to be surpassing beauty. Time passed, and a month had been added to the vortex of the past, when one of those sinister billet dour, in the shape of--not a bill of farebut a bill for fare, was presented Mr. FLAMINGTON. Op his promise to settle the matter in or two, another week passed, and his quid pro quo for boarding, lodging and et ceteras was not forthcoming.

The landlord became importunate, and the guest finally told him that he would go to Milwaukie, where he had funds, and returu with the meana to liquidate the debts. took his port-manteau, and after bidding his beautiful companion an affectionate, though apparently short adieu, he departed. The sequel is apop told perer returned and the victini of his treachery 8000 tound that she deserted by him for whom she bad sacrificed the most precious attributes of woman-ber honor and fame; DO longer possible, and the humiliating admission was confessed, that after a short acquaintance in Cleveland with the seducer, she had forsaken the protecting roof of a confiding father, for oue who, under promise of marriage, had destroyed her innocence, and then left her to the cold scorn of an unpitying world. No persuasion, however, could induce her to return to, or even avow, the name of her family. She might have suffered from want of food, had not some compassionate individuals who, discovering that she was well instructed in the art drea-making, procured her employment.

Day after day sped past without casting light ou the whereabouts of her seducer, uutil, at length, the fruit of the fatal error became apparent. She was about to become a mother, which, blessed and holy event of woman's eristence, was to her fraught with terror and disway. No anxious husband would hang with tender solicitude o'er ber couch, or hail with paterne! kise, the advent of' the new-born pledge of love. She was alone- alone--and madness took possession of her soul. On Sunday u'ght, the inmates of a house on State street, where FANNY BENEFIT- for euch WaR the pawe sbe bad assumed were alarmed by the smell of tire, and on bastening to the third floor, they tound that it proceeded from her room.

Bursting upon the dour, a smoke was observed to fill the interior, arising from a quantity of' wearing apparel which Was slowly wouldering, baving been ignited from charcoal furnace, the embers of which were glowipg and their deadly PAr Stretched upon the bed lay the forehep girl in: sensible, and in a short time longer bor broken heart would bave ceased to throb with shame and anguish. Medical aid R'as immediately procured, and ere long the was pronounced out of danger. Since which abc has exbibited a less despairing turn of wind. Poor girl! she bas most bitterly atoned for ber oue solitary aggression. What shall we say of him -treble murderer! the slay.

er of ipnoceppe the murderer of his confiding victim and his own offspring. Where is retributive justice, that such a villain remains puuisbed Yesterday in New York a steamer went on au excursion, having on board a lad named George Smitb, a wild, ne'er-do-we'll of a boy, who, hav. ing no woney to purchase 8 ticket, emuggled himself on board and enjoyed the trip surreptitiously. When out in the bay another boy fell overboard, and the steamer shot ahead, leaving bim drowping ip its wake. Young Swith, ing that no means of rescue were at band, leaped overboard, and by the most heroic exertions succeeded in keeping the boy above the water until the tardy crew had launched a boat to pick bim up.

What renders the incident the more singular in this case of anexampled heroisni is, that this brave lad had played truant from school that day, while it is equally certain that bad he obeyed his parents aud attended to his duty the boy who fell overboard would have been drowned. Here is a nut for moralists to crack. Phil. Journal, A Singular Occurrence. Verily the ways of Providence are inscrutable.

of of of of of of of of of a a a a LATEST FROM CALIFORFIA. Action of the Vigilance Committee IndorsedRefusal of Gen. Wool to deliver Arms to the Governor- More Rogues Banished. The news from California is again of a very interesting character. We have advices by the Dauiel Webster, which arrived New Orleanson the 12th, the George Law at this port yesterday morning, and the Orizaba, which arrived here last night.

Pacitic Mail Steamships steamer, SonorA, sailed from San Francisco, 20, 64 o'clock P. with the United States, mails, passengers and. treasure- $1,701,301 70, for New York; $411,453 10, for England; $20,550 for 80 in all. SUMMARY FOR THE FORTNIGHT. in San Francisco.

From the Alta Californian. THE CITY DECLARED IN A STATE OF INSURRECTION -PROCEEDINGS OR. THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. On the 4th of June Gov. Johnson issued A proclamation declaring the city of San Francisco in a state of insurrection, and calling upon all persona autject to military duty in the third, fourth and fifth military districta, to hold themselves in readiness to do warlike service, under orders of the he and his general: of lesser rank.

This, and the accompanying documents, was received by who the had whole correctly State with estimated the objects, past and future, of the Committee, Gubernational interference seemed uncalled for, especially inasmuch as Gov. Johnson withheld his proclamation until long after there appeared any necessity for its issuance. Some proceeded to enroll themselves as directed, but nearly all such were friends and associates of the wretches punished by the Committee. Many of the organized military companies disbanded, surrendered their arms, and positively refused to engage in any attack on the people. Meanwhile the Committee opened their books for recruits and thousands hurried to join the organization.

Large quantities of arms kept coming, until six thousand muskets, thirty pieces of cannon, many small arme, and abundant ammunition and infantry accoutrements were gathered to the rooms of or the committee. A regular system of military discipline was established; strong guards were mounted, and the whole force divided into ten composed of the best men of the city. A strong breastwork sand bags was built in the night time, in front of the Committee rooms a large bell suspended on the roof of their buildings, to give instant alarm on the approach of danger, and several pieces of cannon were planted the adjacent, so as to command each street leading to the fortification. While these formidable preparations were going forward, the Governors otticers and the pub lie journals in favor of annibilating the Comwittee, labored caccasively to obtain warriors, and succeeded in securing a ragged few hundred additional to the fierce desperadoes who around the Coustitution and the cutive" immediately the appearance of his proclamation. The Governor was now made to believe, by his unprincipled advisers, that he could at ODCE suppress Accordingly, be weut to Benicia to obtain arms and the various projectiles of war from the United States al, but Gen.

Wool po-itively refused to odate 'his to bis great annoyance and chagrin. While at Benicia, A committee of gentlemen from Sin Francisco, but not members of the Vigilance Committee, walted on the Governor to endeavor to induce bit to withdraw big proclamation. This be would not do, and in his reception of the committee forgot that gentlemanly deportment is as creditable to the public ofticer as the private citizen. He returned to Sacramento, muob incensed at Gen. Wool, and couvinced of the mysterious fact that a mob" bad possession of six thou.

aud stand of arms and thirty pieces of cannon, which they had obtained without bloodshed, disturbance, or objection on the part of the ownerg. On the 6th it was deemed best, by the Vigilance Committee, to dispose of their stock of captured infamy, consisting of air notorious individuals. Banishment way the sentence, and the culprits were marched to the dock and shipped to other lands. The steamship Sierra Nevada, of the Nicaragua Transit Line, arrived on the 7th bringing important news from Central America, and reported the re-opening of that route, which is understood, will be permanent, safe and speedy On the 9th Vigilance Committee issued an address to the pe ple of the State. Since the first shipment of rogues, the Committee have instructed John Crown, J.

W. Bagley, James Hennessey, William Hamilton, William, alias Jack Maguire, James Cusick, Terrence Kelly, and John Lawler, to leave the State of California, never to return, on or before the 20th of June. They must go: Several additional arrests have been made, and before the work the Committee is completed, the exports of knavery will have far eurpassed imports. At noon on the 15tb, an immense meeting was held of the fripnds of the Vigilance Committee. Able addresses were delivered, and resolutions adopted.

The Vigilance Committee have published their constitution. The Government forces have, as yet, made no hostile movement, though they have gone into camp near this city. Business is dull, and the city wa? never before as quiet aud orderly. Reason and common sense. Our readers may remember we have on several gecasiona spoken in very eulogistic terms of a preparation with Dr.

Seth. S. Nance, 108 Baltimore Baltimore, has discovered for the cure of Epileptic Fits. Now, in doing 80, we have been actuated by the very best motires, viz: the alleviation of human suffering. From circ*mstances which have lately come to our knowledge, we fear there is a certain class of' persous who are not disposed to take this remedy in a common sense manner.

We allude to the fact of selecting a particular case in town where perhaps there are six or eight casee, and trying it on one case. Now, perhaps the case selected might be the only one of the whole number that it would not cure. This is neither doing themselves nor the medicipe Justice. If a doseu persons were striken down with cholera in oue town or neighborhood, would they all send for a physician, or would only one employ him, and wait and see if he cured the first pa tient! That plan ef procedure would be most absurd. So ip the case of Dr.

Hace's remedy, every who has Fits should try it for 8 reasonable length of time. It will not cure in day or week; nothing worth doing can be accomplinhed at ouce. What is easily done, is as egeily undone. The growth of time is enduring. From the angst repectable we Lave examined, we feel assured that by a proper preseverance in this remedy, nine cases of Epilepsy out of' ten may be cured.

Sent to any part of the country by mail, free of postage. Address SETa 8. LANCE, 108 Ba Baltiluore Baltimore Md. Price, one box, $3 two, twelve, $24. da or A PERFUMED What lady or gen tlemap would under the curse of a greeable breath when by using the of Thousand Flowers" as a dentifrice would not only render it sweet, but leave the teetb white as altbaster? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is 89 delicate their friends will neyer meation it.

Pour single drop of the "Balm" on your tooth brusb, and wash the teetb night and morning. A fifty cent bottle will last year. A beautiful complexion may easily be acquired by using the "Balm of a Thousapd Flowers." It will remove tan, pimples spd freckles from the skip, leaving it of a soft and roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drope, and wash the face night and morning. MADE -Wet your shaving brush in either warm or cold water, pour on two or three drops of Balm of Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well, and it will make a beautiful soft lather much facilitating the operation of shaving.

Price New only fifty cents. FETRIDGE Proprietors York. GAYLORD Agents for Cleveland, apleod1 EMBROIDERIES 15th We of uh a expect month, to on latest morrow. 1p. FIVE MUSLIN FRENCH HAND- SETTS, PREACH C.


NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. READ AND RUN. "ALL THE WORLD'S A Bu says and no say We. SOLOMOM, or inion there a KING time ror OF everything, ISRADRY GOODS CHEAP We can assure you that that time has arrived at T. HARNEY'S, where the NUMBER summer demand has commenced, at and under Cost.

164 SUPERIOR STREET, Enormo us elles or Ki.h Silks are be ax dally cut up and closed out at ruinous prices. Ladles, you can buy a Silk Dress here for a mere tride And SHAWLS, you may well exclaim SHAWLS, we Joln you, and procialm to the citizens of Cleveland and the rees of the world, the we have WIs, and that, too, of many kind: and colors of the most beautiful Fabrics and UNDER COST. NO HALLUCINATION -NO DELUSION. The Muslins, Bareges and De Laines, on the nd you may bet 3 our 11 'hey will RUN. A time and that, fast, too, for 6 cel to a yard, providing you come in PARASOLS.

BONNETS RIBBONS, WP w'll elide at any price, alang with MOSILRY, GLOVES, SKIRTS, and a rtment of MAN I LAS. Th's is no ordinarv sale The stock is larze and well felected, and extra Inducements are ps to reduce ft. Jy17 T. MARNEY, 154 Sup. rior-st.

just INSEED receiv and OIL-40 for tale by BBLS, LINSEED OIL July 15 W. J. GORDON STRAW HATS AT COST! UNDER AMERICAN HOTEL, BENTON CO. COAL. THE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS FOR IRON MOUNTAIN COAL co*kE Are now prepared to furnish aud sol cit oruere for that superior article COAL, Which la particular adapted for domestic purposes well as for local steam works and smith use, and obtained, du ing the past winter, as good a reputation as any Bituminous Coal in this market.

Orders for the City or foreign trade are Rol'cited. SCOVILL WHEELER, No. 81 River Pt, and C. Coal Pier Notice to BuilderS. PROPOSALS a brick EOR School House.

BUILDING, 30 feet aquare, ON two aturies high, with stone basem*nt, will he rec u.tfl th 24th inst. by the subac ibers, at the office of 11. P. Hopk'ns. corner of Superior and Mencca which D'ace the pians and specifications can be seen.

I HOPK NS. ('HAS. BREWSTER PELTON jv19c601wd Director of Schoni. No. RE MAN MORSE (IF LIVING) WILL hear of something to his advantage applying to A.

S. SANFORD. of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, 0. Cincinnati Enquirer copy Into Local to amount of $2.00 and charge this offce Jy16c612w DRY GOODS AT COST. CAMBRICS, ALL COLORS-0c.



004 ES WHITE THREA FINE BRO VA COTTONS. 16 T. 8. BECKWITH ARGE STOCK OF CLOTHSJust received -comprising 54. CARE and 18 feet.

at jy16 AT STORE. ARGE STOCK OF LACE CURTAINSollet Quilts, Marseiles Quilta, Table Covers. Cornices. P'ado ('(9 Liven Sheeting Pillow Linens and Cottons, pkins, Towe's alvars on hand. 16 BE 'KWITH'S CARTET STORE IMBALL BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, CLEVELAND, OHIO.

Moe In Ov atta Fxchanze, cor. Lupe lor and River stree's f'rompt attention grven to Coliections Refer to Ainerican Baut, SKIRTS CORD AND WHALEBONErecelved this day, at (3716) PERRY CO. Constable's Sale. BY VIRTUE and OF shall THREE expose for sal at EXECUTIONS, public vendue. on ding to law.

at the Inelre Mile Lock, In INDEPEN. DENCE TOWN- HIP. Onyabog: county, ou idar, the day of July, 1856, batwwen the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P.

of bald day, the vollowing described property to be Ca al Boa. G. MURRAY, '0 the execution in fa or of Ww. 'all and at' ers. N.

SMI H. Conat. Indepunderon, July 14th, 1856 A dar 100 bb's and ancks, "ANCHOR FLOUR--RECEIVED EXTRA FLOUR, THIS reeb ground and for sale hy R.T. LYON. PORK-75 BARRELS HEAVY MESS PORK tor sale by Jy16 R.


3000 SAL KS FINE SALT new pickagea." Jy16 For sale by T. N. BALES N. Y. STATE HOPS.

"Crop 1835." For sale by Jv16 R. T. LTON. CIRCLEVILLE HAMS SHOULDERS. 500 pieces each.

Sraoked ITam3 and Shoulders Sugar Cured. For sale by R. I. LTONr LAMILY FLOUB. 50 BRLS.

MAGNOLIA MILLS FLOUR. For sale by R. T. LYON. TOTICE -Whereas my wife LAURA has left my bed and boand wl' hout just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid all pers; as from harboring and trusting her ou my account, as I will pay no debt of her contracting after this date.


AT JACONFES-A FEW PATTERNS thos beautirul and very cheap Ro Mu-lins TERRY Co. ADIESSUMMER at HATS -A FEW PERRY LET CO. Cleveland Female Seminary. 8AMTEL ST. JOHN.


PR NOPAL. MIS; F. PRINCIPAL INSTITUTION IS PLEASANTLY located in the of Cleveland, in a retired and healthy altuation. The bui ding, wh cai Hew. is to ITO.

date one hundred put la. and 19 surrounded by grounds comprising seven acres. shaded by and native tree, making the sp one of rare Attractions The rooms are large. lighted and ventilated dtted with new and convenient furni ture, and every adapted to the comfors and happiness o1 their orcupants. The design of the school is to furnish, at moderate expense, facilities for the thorough di cipline and symetrical devclop neut of the mental facuities t-articular attention is elv to the imar, and I'd tranch a of study, while 'the best teachers bern cp raged In the 11 her and ornamental departments.

Vocal music la taught unner the air ction of MIRe E. C. BEL CHER, a lady for role time cont eeted with the Spingler Insti tute, New York, and ently fitted for her pro es-ion by per'ence and talent. She will be assisted by I'nor. LoNG, the well known organist and Composer, who will give lustruction Piano, Melodeon and Organ.

teachers in Drawiug,, French, German and Itallau, are provided. TERMS. Board and Tuition in all English Branches, Latin and Greek, $160 00 per annum. Moden ro Languages. $5,00 1 er quarter.

The year wil open, Monday. Sertember eth. Ap. plicants for admits ion may be male to the Prircial by mail, or to C. o.

A to personally, or by adres sing him by mail, care of Cleveland Female Seminary, iv1 A GREAT LUXURY FOR THESE HOT DAYS IS ONE OF THE SPLENDID MARSEILLES COATS MAXCFACTURED BY ISAACS. UNION HALL Is continually bronged with customers. wha v'e't tu's mayn'8. cent emporium of Fashion order to select from one of tho largest sto bs of SUMMER CLOTHING ever 10 We bav. Summer Coats cf every variety comprising I Drills Sea Gram, Rresia Ducka, India Si'ka, a-Sucker Brown, Bus.

ad Whi' L'uens, Crape Laaleg, Drap d'ete Mohair, Italian ('loth, de. Pants of every variet and the m' st superb stock of Vests for be reasou. We Roy's 1 th' of every description. and the largest are of GENTS' f*ckMELING GoDS 'o. bet ate, al of which we amica to tell at the very L.

WEsT PRI IS AL ISAAC9' HALL. Cor. of supert.r ULlon streets. Look out for the Giants. Jv14.

THe PENETRALIO, being answers to important quest on, by A. J. Darts Li lie Serrke, by U. am, win Po tr la and a 15. Railroad Directory 18 conta ning the namse of al the officers or all the 10a to la the Unhed Staten, 25.

us am Esplained, br Joel T' Many, $1 00. ay and Steam Navigation Gnide, 15c. Orp an aters bi Mra. March, 25c. Re rald's hai Map of the Outed wi starteries and portraits of Freemort and Dayton, 25 orate.

The New York L.edger for July 19, with restributions trot A lice Cary, Fanny Fera. and For sa.e by HAWKS BROTHER. P. O. Ha'l.

THE MARSEILLES. WE referred do not to th mean beau the song, but we have SUMMER COATS by that name. A few more left tha' can he bought at a trife above cost. DAVIS, OAK HALL Jy '4 Cor. Superior Water surer.

MARSEILLE, NEN, ALPACA, DRAP DE ETE Coats, can be found at very low Agures at GE A. DAVIS. Jy14 OK aLL. LINEN. A paw arrival this beauritul article, at Jy'4 RETTHERG HAUSMANN.

A ALEXANDER'S from KID our Spring GLOVES Stock about at 200 pals, mostly light colors, to run off a' 48. There Glove: are the same quality we are selling in fresh at KENDALL De WITT. PLUMBING. J. G.

store at KENEDY No. 7 Park Row, Public HAVING I. are now prepar ed to receive orders for Plumbing work of every been engaged in the bu for the pant 15 eura, both bore and in eastern cities they can assure the citizen- of Clove. land and surroupding towns that the work entrusted to their care ahail be done well. and the 'crius renonable.

We keep constantly on baud Lead Pipe, Sheet and Ball Lead, Pumps Basins Bathe Water Closets, Cooking c. Jobbing done with and d'spatch. 1 Fut Row Publi 00. AMUsem*nTS. WANTS AND LOST.

-A GOLD DETACHED The Ruder LEVER will BALLET AND PANTOMIME: WATCH, rewarded NO by 1765, J. the Tobias' samne at make. No. THIS. 97 Garden SIMMONS.

street. MADEMOISELLE CHRISTINA, 1: 12c5 AND THE ABOUT years bind old, lex. dark She brindle, has been around here between two A turned up horns, and ZAVISTOWSKI TROUPE lump on her little rallk. WIll appear soon. in the most the popular place of amusem*nt and The owner can have her by proving property, THUS.

and KYAN, paying Herald 1y three wrens and gives but In City. 12047tr costs to Root Street. Wes: Cleveland, Ohio. CLEVELAND THEATRE. FIRST CLASS COACH MAKER Address FROM BANK STREET, A Pittsburgh, wishes employment.

in M. this clty. Cleveland P. o. G- CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT.

Likeness of a young lady will was be JOHN VINCENT A. ELL LER Managers Proprietor, lost on July 4th. on Ontario street. The finder PRICES OF ADMISSION. Malager, rewarded by leaving it at this office.

RENT, Box ,50 76 Private Boxes, WANTED TO Orchestra 26 2d 6,08 comfortable small dwelling house if with- ren- Family 15 glo orats In private box 1,00 5,00 ted. the in 16 applicant minntes will walk pay of from: the $200 court to House, $300 per for a' num. o'clock. TIME or OPENING open at 6X. Curtain rica at 1x A which, Re er to LYMAN ATWATER.

UST OR Friday evening the Theatre between the hours of 010 and 1, and 2 and 4 Omice o'clock, of Seats and Private Boxes cau be yecured at the Box June 6th, on the contalning valuable Cincir.natti papers and to the owner, No money taken at the door. All visitors will pleas Clevelaud, a large Pocket Book, and certifica r8 of st ck, (no money,) remember this. such The we Ander negotiab will notes receive a iteral reward by returning he to THOMAS No. 18 G. William A Du N.

Y. Last Week of the Dramatic Season 11 (Statesman, Columbus, 17019 82 copy, and send bill to advertiser.) Thursday Evening, July 17th, Will be performed the Comedy of A DOG white ng LOST. Charles -A Spaniel, small ca'led black "BEAU and A LADY AND GENTLEMAN IN A PECULIARLY TY," office of he Auder will be literally GARRETT roward by COWELL, calli at the Felix PERPLEXING PREDICAMENT. 91 Superior door. Vincent Ellater ENGINEER Leduard St.

WANTED AT THE W. To conclude with th THE the FRENCH a of the -PY. Joiners Mre. Gilbert will appear in abree Characters In this plect, Jackson by J. B.

THORP. saturday Eveuirg, Benent of J.NO. ELLSLER. May 8. 1856.

ti wants situation ut Ponk-keeper or 88 assistant, or place on Monday evening. A splendid MIDDLE AGED MAN A GRAND FIREMAN'S FESTIVAL would engage in other respectable business employment greetest TRUMPED number vIlI or be tickets, prese and a GOBLET selling the to the SILVER moderate salary. References given. Address Box 1946. second la' gest-iraking two splendiu prizes worth contending to the dtf for.

TICKETS can be had on application at the Theatre. FOR SALE OR RENT. Stacey's Ice Cream Rooms, THE PREMISES KNOWN Corner of Nuclid Str. and the Public Aquare. FOR the SALE Leland Shingle Factory," consisting of large and A RE NOW OPEN FUR THE SUMMER convenient bull located 'n Division street.

with STEAM of the Season. Ic will Cream be in served all its up in varieties: also all the ENGINE. 15 Hore- power: Machinery for.SAW NG STONE clea seasons the best style. To his AND LUMBER, MAKING PUMP TUBS CUTTING patrons he hopes his end. avors to please will meet with their SHINGLES.

uberal His patronage, as they hare bestowed upon him the past This property, with an unexpired lease of three years, renew. reason. ab P. will be sold very cheap. For terms apply to SPLENDID ROOMS, LYMAN ATWATER.

Will have every comfort and convenience attached, to render FO tor all visits to bia Establisment pleasant and agreeable, especially FOR lel Setter Pupa in -I the have city. two They of are the of Capt. best Mon Span- de LADY CUSTOMERS. Turner's Spanish Setter. ROOT MOTE.

quired The for rooms the Le being lies so to pleasant step in and and reat retired, is Just the place Frankin House, West Side. Summer while aborping warn Dare. TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, ICE HOUSE TO RENT. He will keep on hand re A with basem*nt, on Sheriff No. 8.


TOR SALE. -Dr. HEWITT offers his IA 12-t Parties supplied. House and Lot on the corner of Lake and Seneca Street- JOSIALI STACEY. and a Water Lot near the Toledo Railroad Depot on the oppo.

Fond Also a the Farm east of line ten of tie acres City nated -two on Stores the on Lake Shore Prospect uat. -trret, be- STILL THEY COME site by side of making the a River. small Tine payment (an be down. had upon H. all can be the pre found per.

at TUST RECEIVED -Another invoice of bie old office on Lake Let ween the hours of 12 2 o'clock. Hats, those the beautiful thing for Rocky this warm MOuntasia weather. Silvery Drab Beaver June 18, 1856. tf just J. G.

MACK, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN! 66 Superior a.te Weddell Hous SMALL FARM OF 39 AURES, but practical Furri re wanted Laituate in FARMINGTON, Trumbull County, 0. Farm Furs, None need those apply thoroughly acquainted with manufacturing well linproveu and well cropped. Large frame house, with good stone Cellar, 2 Barna 2 Wells, 2 good Orcharda, a STODART PIANOS. never falling Spring of pure Water location forty miles from further Cleveland, on information the banks apply of to Grand GARRETT River. Tile perfect.

COWELL, For LIGHTE NEWTON BRADBURFS June 11. No. 9l Superlor 21 Hoor, Cleveland, O. PIANO FORTES, EMERSON'S PREMIUM PIANOS, TOR RENT -A TWO STORY HOUSE, A Piano Fortes cash, at the Warerooms of assortinent of these excellent No. 44, corner of Sheriff and Prospect e'egantly fitted subscriber, up.

both inside and outside and is supplied with gas fixtures, and MELODEONS, SUPERIOR STREET. a good well, cistern and barn and one of the most convenient No. houscs 11 in Superior the city. or For of the ru enquire undersigned. at the 11 Crockery RICE.

Store, VIOLINS, GUITARS June 11. ACCORDEONS, SAX HORNS, Ape FOR dence, orchard with SALE- consisting 2 drst of A rate 17 acres beautiful selection of oi land, and fruit, a new valuable house, barn, resi- a 1g4, Polkas, VIOLIN Waltzes. STRINGS Schottie SHEET Aes, MUSIC, ac. House, The above property la within about 3 of the Court Italian, French, BANJO, and Euglish, TAMBORINES, the st assort.ent lu the city. on Kinsman Street.

third houte below Woodland For DRUMS, Ceme try. It is under an pxcellent stare of Improvement and ap26 sale by J. P. HOLBROOK, will in be sold at a bargain. Will take city or country in proper.

100 Superior -Leet. ty premises. part pay, Terms Ju9b45 easy. Apply to the subacriber TYLER. on the TOR SALE.

-100 bbls. Turk's Island Salt. SALE-10 50 bbla. Calcined Plaster. TOR tons Lake Huron Grind 25000 Gall ns stone Ware.

Atones, superior in quality to any other produced. The dtf 50 Tons Fire Clav, in barrels or bulk, by subscribers are the sole dealers JOHNSON, here for there WILLARD stones, CO. JOHNSON, WILLARD Co. on the dock. jun530d on Dock and 98 River A Street.

TOILE'S MALM OF TOR SALE OR RENT, A VALUABLE near the property Marine an the Mills. river corner of Merwin ORANGE FLOWERS! three story building, suitable for a storage very or large and manufacturing substantial pur. great st luxurles Exquisite of the Toilet preparation is one of the It has an It THIS It may be rented for a term of years or bought ou ted to the public. The that las ever been submitEnquire of C. HICKOX, Merwin Stu, or H.

A. BICK. by actual experience: it clear. propertI-3 the of this Balm is establimbed OX, Superior St. and delicate, at sume skin, rendering it fair soft April 2, '66.

tf Blotches, limples, the and time effectually removing Tau surpassed burn Freckles, and imp an upFOR Lot fa*gle street -Lots 54 and 55 Erie street. FRESHNESS AND BEAUTY, 1.o* Lots 86 447, Kin: 59. man 451, 458, street, 449, 169 Ohio curl Applied and to hava the a Hair, It promotes street. Its growth and causes de Lots 477, 473, 478, 109, 111, 103 Pittsburgh Street. oughly removes Dandruff, softness, and gives By life one applicati it thor.

Lot 449 Miami Street, of the As a 4 nuifrice it 13 un and rigor to the roots Enquire of JUDSON, and detergent propert es remove ensive qualied, for its medicinal Office with Pa'ne Wade. white Teeth: It ala' Brings aster, the and te th. will after a few amplicationa, beauti ully of en el from decayed TO RENT. A fine large room, 40 by 18 the teeth, and at the sanie t'ine prevent perfumes the for nation of Tartar DO floor over Onely Post office. fitted up to Euquire rent for an office or sales First the For beard She and it is superior to any Soap or Cre it softens feet, the breath.

mar10dtf of INCH, For ryi an rasy operati.n, Post Office Bullding. ness and Bathing, cleanliness, and especially preventing for Iniants, it promotes a sweet Detroit River White Fish. skin. eruptions and irritations of the TWO THOUSAND Packages of these PRICE, There 50 is no CENTS Tollet. PER Preparation BOTTLE.

equal to it. chwice aclue caught Fib, AND J. BRYAN sue bels and half bbls nice Lake White Fish; Wholesale Depot 451 Operative Eighth lemnist, Avenue, New Roebester, Proprietor. Yort. ALSO, Sold by all Dru: gists.

cl Imd 300 20 bbls and half bbis Ba Mackinac Trout; Pickerel: all in gne order just FOR SALE OR RENT. The store former8 inspected. 41 For sale at to WAS p.rice. between used Perry and Granger Waldener as Streets. a It bakerv, on Garden Street, GORDON CO.

the terins are reasonable. For 18 a gold locarlou. and FOR SALE. suhaor her, ou tue premises. further information apply to the TWO BOILERS of the Wightman Pa- 2wd L.

WALDONER, 23 feet tent," of long--capable the of following propelling dimensions a Boat :5 of fee 800 6 tons in hes burthen shell. 100. BUSHELS Pinkeye Potatoes, up the sippi River, For inquire of the Pa- Ontario street. JAS. tentee, at the Johnson House, Cleveland.


LEUTKEMEYER DRESS SCHMIDTHUSEN. Make Your Houses Proof against Fire Water reccived TAYLOR. Express. FRINGES AND OTHER TRIMBY USING GRISWOLD CO. Hotf's Patent Compound Roofing Cement.

DU THINGS THAT I SELL PORTHIS TUBING, CELAIN GLASSRETO CRUC'BLES, SAND GLASS Cement is, beyond a doubt, one of TEST TURES, COIN GUM ELASTIC LUBING, the Er At inventions of the age. In view of its low cost, TESTERS for B. NEERS MEReasy application, great durability and exact adaption to c'i- CHANTS MOMETERS, SPIRIT LAMI'S, HYDROMETERS, THERmale by its expansion and contraction through the influence of HORSE great variety of amall SUALES WEIGHTS eat and cold, it will unquestionaoly by far excel any SHOE MAGNETS, Dishos aud for Chem: now 1 ngo, tin and slate not excerted. It can be read. istry and wany other things.

WM. FISKE, Ily applied 'o roofs (f every des ription. either or steel, and my81 Arothecaries Hall. is to be better than anything ever before discovered, tor It Steamboats, mav be Railroad Foundry: LA FARGE HOUSE, NEW YORK, Two eats of put this over Cement old shingles, without removing TO BROADWAY. make it us good as when new.

appried with to leas an old than leaky lair tin the roof expense will THIS NEW AND of The common thingies. MARBLE EDIFICE la just completed BEAUTIFUL and entire. the United subecriber States, is having ready to purchased do roofing from 0.0. Hot right for ly public new a' about magnificently and will be soli rignta Towns, Counties and states on to abort those notice, or to makes it very the drat le of June next. The location of this House epened to wish to engage in a aly prostable buelm as with a small may being in the most central tor part of permanent or transient boarders capital, E.

RUSSELL, ate vicinity of all fashion able places Broadway, famuscment, and in the BAL9LEY BOLSTER, Agents for Oblo. Manlieus, To be N. Y. ver the city-having to the comforts of families any other ilouse in and is bet. the Commercial House from 12 A.M.

to I 3 M. seen at ventillated bed a rooms large au ached, nu-uter Parlors, with large and well of single rooms for Ladies tugether with putte a numEMBROIDERIES This House la to be of the an FIRST CLASS, and second to Sets at in Muslin, RETTBERG SWIM and HAUSMANN. C'ambric ular NONE to American all its appointments, aud 1g be kept Mangant Swiss French Bands, WM. I. plan, and under the personal superintendence of upon the reg.

Black and White Gympure House in this city, alao of the Franklin Proprietor House in of the Irving and Collars, former twins Muslin for Basques. EDWIN STONE and Philadelphia. variety Our of extensive Lad Bazarr Faps, of Fancy Reticules, Jet and Toys contains every M. BURROUGHS, Cases, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery and Fancy Ornaments, Suapa, Dressing Also, New York, May 20th, 1856. Proprietors the complete assortment of Toya, Dolls, Games, tor 39b48d2m for the sale at instruction the and lowest amu importers reat of children, lately imported and Gent's, Boys' Children's Caps.

junI4 RETTBERG HAUSMANN. THE LARGEST AND MOST FASHDr. B. A. Halliwell, Surgeon Dentist, Blue, Brown IONABLE.

and Drab Fancy of all CLOTH the new CAPS wyles -Black of Black, Velves of Cleveland Medical College, and is Glazed now C'apa for Genta, Boys Childr as just ceive: INFORMS HIS NU. offered JOHN for sale at remarkably low figures, at RESPECTFULLY he is invariably to be found at his 66 G. Superior MACK'S, opposite Fashionaple Weddell Hatter, House. foe, over Talcott'a Jewelry Store, corner Public and On- Of. tario Street, from 8 A.

M. to 6 P. Supdaya THE WANDERER, by the Author of A SINGLE DOLLAR. The Watchman," 00 Please COMPLETE give SE a call. "Advice gratice.

.30 The Ship White rneuter 8 Family, by W. E. S. 25 Jun13 The Scalp by C'apt. Mayne 25.

IVORY HANDLE TABLE CUTLERY- How to get Rich. by by Asher Mayne I. Smith-25. $1 25. ted A and beautiful pollabed steel pattero, Just received, round handle, with pla.

The W. Duke M. of Reyuold-50 Marchmout, or the Ruined Gambler, by CRITTEN 'EN'S. Bon bladeR, Ton, tor Juir-50. MUSLIN CURTAINS -A Leslie's Putnam 8 Gazette Monthly of for Fashion for July-30.

LACE of all new styles, and at very low Just splen- re Housenolu Word. for Ju July-25. -25. ceived R. L.

RUSSELL 16 Superior St. The olfellow tor Imd Vol. Montuly Waverly for July- 25 ADIES cases choice Ballo Ballou's Covers Picwna tor bound, Vol. 00, Hats roteived this worning, and are being sold at reduced New For York Sale Ledges, ci July 5. 5.

very X-76, prices at my16 PERRY CO. Je2 by HAWKS BRO. I'. 4. Hall, Cleveland IMPORTANT NOTICE, I SOLUTION.

The C. Copartnership hereT. bas just HARNEY, received a very 154 SUPERIOR STREET, aud this G. day C. dissolved HAMMOND, by mutual unuer I the consent.

style of GAYLORD, Gaylord C. L. AMES, is be. will oper at prices hitherto unrivalled. Also, H.

GAYLORD SPRING PRESS SILKS, of Gaylord Hammond, and G. will C. HAMMOND, under the style New Dreas Goods and Embroideries, stand. No. 30 superior Street, and ntnue are the authorized to at settle the old all SHAWLS, LINEN GOODS, of all descriptions.

HOSIERY. accounts of the late Arm. surpassed. An which for beauty of style and make cannot be April 1. 1856.

Co. in the Retail Store, Hotma 'a ock, East interest Side of Gaylord Public examination is respectfully solicited, A 0. AMES ha log bought the entire ALread DA Recelver Medina Co. Square, will continue the bualues there in his name. Nutual Fire Insurance Co.

In 0. GAYLORD, VA, Before G. B. TIRBITTE AME-, MARITITA RATE Defendant. Justice of the Peace.

A ment the was instance by G. of B. the Tibbette, Plaintiff a Justice an of the attachof chattels Cleveland. of the Cuvahoya County, Ohio, agal the goods and Peace ty dollars Defendant, Marietta ates, for the sum of Twencounty. Cause and is costa, the defendant being non-ree ident of the adjourned to the 4th of August, 1856.

A M. H. ALFRED DAVIS, Receiver, by OLE PELAND, Jure C. STEVENS, A much TRENCH 'eas 'JACONETS, Robe Patterns, at this ban stores" cost prices, a new lot received morning, at PERRY CO. sortment very cheap, at 76 RUSSELL Superior 193 WINDOW CORNICES a Rich AS.

Clocks! Clocks angle THE one or DESIRABLE STYLES, by ALBERTSON'S Cor Superior Street and Public Square. FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS OF BURGEES, ALL DESCRIPTIONS. on band and ENSIGNS, made to orderi at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Also, AWNINGS, TEN BAGS, A COVERS. Sail BEAUFORT NICHOLS, Cleveland, Makers and Rigger, 111 River Street.


81 MORAIRS, aver Comprising opened in the altogether city. the Jy10 largest stock of Trave line 1. BALD A IN CO. ADIES' HATS at half price, PERRY 4 Juls 1, 1856, GEU. HAMMOND.

I wd U. RICE BURNETT, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN French China, Crockery Glassware, WOULD respectively announce to their their Friends and the 'I rade, that they have removed trot former lucarion to (nearly NO. 11 PUPERIOR STREET. facilities opposite Gaylord Co.) where, wito their increased and style for of go businews, de in they their line, will be able to furnich every variety. who may favor them with their aud will be happy to wait Cleveland, June 14.

patronage. P. W. KICE, Jun17b691md P. R.

BURNETS -particular, for FOR Saddle SALE. -Right in every en uett'a stable on Champlain St, Baggy. Can be soca or Light WARREN, 110 Superior 8t. Husseus SALINE VILLE RETAIL STRAP DEALERS IN VEIN COAL Office ALSO, and Yard NUT COAL FOR SMITHING. Coal Pier, the east side of the Cleve.

Pate. K. R. (foot of Warer street, Cleveland, 0) Jy7c231yd FRINGES Wide AND Black OTHER DRESS TRIMBelt TAYLOR, GRISWOLD CO. BISHOP'S LAWN SILK AND LINEN.

French Mitt long and t-Parasols, C. Jyll TAYLOR. GAISWOLD Cv. NOTICE. THE is this FIRM day OF dissolved by mutual WHEELER, coubout.

Alid bts uue the coucern must he raid to H. WHEELER. CO The business will be by WHEELE WATEKS, at the old grand, No. 76 Ontario Street. Cleve and July 10.

1806. CLOCKS-HOWARD RD DAVIS' R. R. Elation Clocks- low prices at 49 Weddell Hour. COWLES CO,.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Cleveland Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

Why is Cleveland's newspaper called the Plain Dealer? ›

Their choice of name was probably inspired by The Plaindealer, a weekly paper described as Jacksonian or radical, published in New York City by William Leggett from 1836 to either 1837 or 1839.

What is the most circulated newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 30 newspapers in Ohio sorted by circulation
1The Communicator NewsColumbus, OH
2The Toledo BladeToledo, OH
3The Plain DealerBrooklyn, OH
4Catholic TelegraphCincinnati, OH
26 more rows

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is Cleveland Media Market ranked? ›


Over 226,000 business locations • $1.93 billion spent on annual local advertising • 19th-largest DMA market • If the Cleveland area was a single city, we would rank #3 between Los Angeles and Chicago.

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

Can you still get the Plain Dealer delivered? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

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Article information

Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 6788

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.