The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

STEAMBOATS. RAILROADS. rtfUa. WfivlttTirl Wail. Etc.

BY TELEGRAPH. Vor Wetprt, BetWjSs OFFICE LOUISVILLE COURIER, Monday Evksisq, Dec. 13. FLOUR AND GRAIN Sale reported Saturday of 300 bbls Henry Clay flour was at $4 75, not $4 20 as stated. Only sale reported was 100 bushels oats from Store at 75 PROVISIONS There have been no sales except on orders.

Holders would sell mess pork frcoly at $18, but refuse lower rates. Lard held firm at lie. Sales 500 pes bacon hams at S00 pieces bacon shoulders fit 7c, and 300 pieces bulk shoulders at 6)tjC, all loose. POTATOES-r-Salea of 100 bbls Neahanocks at $2 25 MM. WHISKY Sales of 1G5 bbls rectified at 223c.

GROCERIES Sales 87 hhds sugar at 6i to 7c; 20 bbls molasses afr3435c; 3 half bbls do at 39c; 20 bbls refined sugar at lO10Xc. TOBACCO Sales at warehouses Monday of 10 hhds, viz: 1 at 33 05, 1 at $3 90,1 1 at $4 75, 1-at $4 SO, 1 at $4 85,1 at 5 15, 1 75, 1 at 30, ljat $7 40. Manufactured' Leaf 16 boxes ut 21c, and 20 "boxes at 20c. HEMP The market is rather dull, and manufacturers are about ta suspend operations for this winter, yet we hear of a demand for choice rotted at $90 to 5100 ton. India bagging in Boston was dull at lle and aeinng-at 12XC ha New Orleans.

TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Cincinnati, December 13, M. Flour firm and unchanged. Whisky, advanced to 2Sc. Hops dull and lower and prices so irregular that accurate quotations cannot be given; $G6 25 are the nominal rates for those averaghv: 200 lbs.

Hogs 12,500 i ead received since Saturday. Weather unfavorable. Mess pork declined 50c bbl a ales cf 5G0bblsat $17. Oiher articles nominal. Molasses dull and declined to Sugar dull at 0Tc receipt large.

Coffee arm; S00 bags sold at New Vop.k, December 13, P. M. Cotton lieavv; sales 2,000 bales. Flour firm; sales bbis at 25(4 50. Wheat very dull.

Corn heavy; 19,1100 bushels mixed at 76gw7, old yellow SofifcSC. Pork heavy; sales of old mess at $17 5017 05. Whisky steady at 25.25. Molasses advanced lc; sales at Hides firmer. Tobacco advanced 4c; sales at 24c.

Tallow firm at 10. Cisciss.viT, December 13, P. M. Flour firm, good local and eome export demand at $4 G05 25 for good superfiae to extra. Whisky advanced; sales 1,200 bbls at ittc.

Molasses dull at 2132 v.dtii a coatinued downward tendency. Sugar dull at 0 '7c. 'Coffee sales bOU bags at 1 Hogs dull and-irregiilar, buyers did not offer much over SO for lots averaging 200, whilst $0 406 50 were the ask-inif rates, did not exceed 1,400. A lot averaging 2uU sold at $6 00; prices at the close nominal. Receipts lanre, beyonh expectations.

Mess pork declined to and offered freely at this rate. Larjre qu antity in the market for future delivery from the country; no buyers. meats declined to for February delivery and closed nominal at the decline; no buyers. Lard sold at 10Xi being a decline of jc, closing dull at 7c, and Hhoulders and sides nominal. regu ar Packet N.

EMMa ly repaired 'OfS5h! icpnueu irom stem to bu.l to pnul house, has resumed ilaj ai Louisville for the above tea? Thursuay and Saturday, at 1 oWcS" 5W For freighfor passatre. tions, apply on ho: 'a or to ur no uu FltANK CAHTEit A PACKETS WEEltt i BETWEEN LOOISVILLE AND JIEiIPllia tSLouiayiilc every MondayS te.7 ling leaves Memphis c1ery Thursday atfiv 'Mont. SOUTHERN KR, Geo. W. Trimett V' Louisville every Wednesday -V leave.

Memphis every Saturday at 8 ti in" elnriilng ALVIN ADAMS, Win, IV, i.t., ville every Friday at p. every Monday at o. m. 1 leavs For or passage apply on hoard or to JL SjWm.aPe,, ISAlLTiMOllfJ ANS OMloTrV-ir- and iSw i ork. ''eipaia i Steamer EUNICE, J.

M'Lane, Master; JD0 Steamer J. 11. ''TOr'i. One of tiie above steamers will ieav UESDAY tot Parkersburg and vSttISfulSrj. For freight and passage apply 0n im u'i 1 dm wr to rAUKETl! inespientlid steamer vm.

and TEMPKKT flArtlm leave for the ho i uu Mtnmm on opeiiuij. ol i or freight or passage njijdy on hoard or it ilm-MA11SI1ALL HALKERX Cq iistrett. Vor Olarksvillo and MafciS REGULAR THURSUAY PASSEx'GSIt steamers JOHN j. ffi? saMEaES master, itcd er, iiiUl'BST, 1. O.

Parr, luaelL-r" ie clerk; iea Louisville as above sitertmteiy emvS' day at oV-Jock IV i. tlJ 't-. PassentrtTs r.mi shinv-ers mnv rf-U- n- ingpunerually as ad iertilS.5 1 the Ohio river at the Packet teiw for further parlienljtrs 3' Ia'r' street. OR BAKING VV a TiOll ti.e tiulck raising oi tread, csm, i. Sl This is the y'ie? and heaitluest prenaratien erer ORIGINAL, GKNl'IKK an! 0XLY Themanufacinrir assure the and t-WKST article enter, it3 used aeeontiaK to the oirections, willnjt tve perfect Put up in neatpaeitas, with aireciious on esch PREPARED AMD SOLD BY TX-IOS.

STKUiBS's rVSAHQUv LOUISVILLE. KY 5 ggr-For sale by all Groeerj. niL 's sr wis iFf YV St Louis, Doc. by the overland mrti state that so great was the rush tor seats Sklthe applicants adopted the ournri tending bv lot who should take passage. There veie upwards of 100 applicatious made for this tup, aud Is hi'h as 100 Sollars premium was oflered for The Gila river mines are yielding largely Emigrants are flocking in from all qure.

I he ex-xitement along the route is intense. So lo Indians were seen. Previous rumors ot depreda-tions are denied. Mr. Farmer, he expressman having charge of tiie President's meesage, was imet four miles this side of Fayetteville Arkansas about twelve hours ahead ot.time.

part of the whole route. He will abandon the coach at Fayettevilte, and proceed by day-ai-ht on horseback, until physically exhausted, hvhen some employee of the company will take documents, and. push onward with all posi- arv and Col. Butterlield and family ihave arrived! the former en route 'or kansas to assume the Governorship of that lemtory; the latter proceeds to Fort Smith, with the design of putting the Memphis branch of the overland mail route into effective operation; also, to inspect portions of line, with a view to facilitate aud 'regulate the transmission of mails and passengers. It is reported that he contemplates changing the present service to tri-weekly.

i "Washington. Washington-, Dee. 13. The reporter of the Associated Press is enabled to state with confidence, ithal Lord Napier has been transferred to the Mis-Uion at the Hague. He will not leave Washington iuutil the arrival of his successor, which is expected in about two mouths.

This change involves no of Lord Napier's conduct, nor any alteration of policy on the part of Her Majesty Mr. Bernhisel, the delegate from Utah, has, re-ceiveil from Governor Gumming, and other Federal officials of that Territory, certificates that the public libran- and court records are in a good jstate of preservation, which is contrary to tne (newspaper reports sa often repented. The President has culled upon Congress to expend to him the provisions of the act of ISIS, now in operation in China and Turkey, conferring on 'American Ministers and Consuls certain judicial Wvvers to be exercised in cases where our countrymen are involved. The treaty with Siam Ten-Vlers such an enactment necessary. From Washington.

1 WAsrn.vui'ox, Dec. 13. The recent intelligence from Nicaragua lias produced much excitement in (political circles. While the boarding of the sleain-slup Washington hr British officers is discredited some gentlemen 'in high official position, olh-iei-s believe it, regarding it as a revival of the right of search, threatening the most serious "complaints. Tha President will send io the Senate this week tor confirmation, the appointments of eertainper-sons whose cases were investigated by the Naval Courts of Enquiry.

Mr. English svill shortly introduce in the House a bill providiug for the luturc admission of States into the Cniou. Commodore Mcintosh 1ms been examined by a board, and ordered home ou account of sickness. Mr. Steadman lias written his resignation as printer, but withholds sending it in for present.

Judge Douglas in New Orleans. OuniAXS, Dec. 12. Senator Douglas left morning, ou the steamer Klack Warrior, for 'New York, en route for Washington. Ho was escorted to the steamer bv the Mayor and a con-i course of citizens.

A salute of 100 guns was fired, 'aud great enthusiasm was manifested by the people. Pacific Telegraph Line. St. Louis, Dec. 13.

The Pacilic Telegraph liue iwas this dav completed to Lexington, Missouri, miles west of St. Louis. It will be extended in operation to Kansas City this week. Tariff lioc and liiic from St. Louis to Lexington.

Escaped. HociiKSTEit, N. Dec. 13 Fifteen prisoners cs- from iail lust niirht. bv sawma hvc iron ibars with a saw made of a wa'tch spring, and low Wing themselves into the Genesee river.

River and Weather. Pittsuurgii, Dee. 13, P. M. lliver 0 feet 11 inches by pier, wet all dav.

and Weather damp and Arrived Potomac, Arizonia, and Empire City. No departures. Cincinnati, Dec. 13, P. M.

The weather con tinues damp and cloudy. C. O. GREEN WII.I.IA.MA. co*ckE NEW AUCTION HOUSE.

liave tormed a onartnerstiin un- Sl iter the name and style or C. C. (1UEEN 4 for tne pjrnose of doing a COMMISSION AND AUCTION business, and have taken the find coin in)diou3 storehouse fourth street, below Main, for- mt-rly oeoupled by J. llaiily. We will attend to out-door sales oi Estate, Ne groes, block or l-'urnituro, in city or county, or any of tlie a liacent counties.

Consignments solicited. din C. 0. GREEN CO. SSV C.

C. CO. lltaudies, Wines, Liquors, Casks, Cigars, Cards to bo sold to change business. OS tijursi: wo trill sell THURSDAY, Dn-ombei- at 10 o'clock A. II, at ite lUorehouse on Fourtti street, be- lin anil Wafer, a lot of Whisky, Ituut, Wines, Cards, Ci.e now on hand and in store and belonging to J.

J. Ilailty. Change of business is the sole object of tills sale. '(W Attend and get bargains. Terras cash.

C. C. GREEN A- dl-1 Auctioneers. BY O. O.

GBEEN 0. chance for investment in some of the best Property ever ottered at Public Sale in Louis-j WE will sell at public auction, on FRIDAY, December 17th, ar, 3 o'clock P. on the premises, six ElVE AOitE LOTS, at the junction of Prcslon and Fifth Streets, adjoining the toll Kate, one mile and a quarter from the court, house. These lata a.rc very desirable, and wilt positively be sold to the highest bidder. This is certainly the greatest chance for a profitable investment ever ottered in thia portion of the city.

The land lies beautiful, and is rich, and in full view or the city. One of tbe lots lias a two-story BKICK HOUSE and otner improvemeits thereon, all ready for a tenant. One-third cash; balance in 3, 2, and 3 years, With interest from date, aud lien retained to secure deferred payments. dl-1 C. C.

GREEN ft CO Auctioneers. BV C. C. SPJEHVCBK. Candles, Soap, Cheese, Vinegar, Liquors, Glass- ware, Tobacco, and Cutlery at Auction.

rHillia MOltSINtl, (Tuesday,) Dec. at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at Auction-rooms, No. frit) Main street, 21) noxes Mould Candle3, It) boxes Soap, 61) boxes Cheese, Virginia aud Kentucky Tobacco, Glassware, iUarlon County nd bourbon Whisky, French Jlrandy, and cun.dries. Also, fjr whom it may concern, a lot of Pocket Ac. and Country Dealers will find it to their interest to attend this sale, which will be positive Terms cash.

C. C. SPENCER, dU Auctioneer. BV C. C.

SrENCEK. Lease of Main street Store and Bauk Vault and Fixtures at Auction. THIS AFTERNOON (Tuesday), Dec. 14, at precisely o'clock, wilt be sold, on the premises, the unexpired I.euse of the Store lately occupied by Messrs. White Young as a Banking House, on Main street, near the Corner of Fourth.

After which will be sold, the entire Fixtures, including Vault, Safe, Desks, Counters, Sale positive. Terms cash. O. C. SPENCER, Auctioneer.

BV C. C. SPBNOEia. Valuable Jefferson County Farm ou long credits, At Auction. ON WEDNESDAY, December 29th, at 11 o'clock, will be peremptorily sold on the premises, ai auction, to the highuat bidder, a tract of land containing acres ironliog on the Ohio river, about 13 miles below the city, and running back nearly to the Ut river turnpike, and adjoining the farm of Charles Nourse, Esq.

There are 100 acres cleared and in cultivation, the balance heavily timbered, a part of which is deadened and nearly reatly for cleanup. There is on the premises a good twe-3tory House containing five rooms and hall, with a two-story kitcheo and servants' rooms, stable, corn crib, and a well of excellent water. Possession inven immediately. SSiyThis property "is contiguous to the city, and is immensely valuable; the land is rich and fertile, and the neighborhood unsurpassed. The tract will be positively and unreservedly sold to thehighest bidder.

Te.ims One-fourth cash; balance in 1, 2, and 8 years, with interest and lien. For further particulars, enquire of the undersigned, Or of Messrs. Kenning Speed. Any one wishing to examine the Farm will call on Mr. J.

F. Moone, residing on the premises, who wilt take pleamre in showiny it BEN. i. (JAWTHON. till dl4in8-51 O.


choice stock of Winter Dry G-oods, and 150 dozen lirst class STew York City Manufactured Shirts. AS above we will. Bell, commencing at 10 o'clock, a large and very general assortment of Seasonable Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' very superior Winter Drawers and Undershirts, Umbrellas, Silk and Plush Caps, and Variety Goods. In the lot will be found a large line of Heavy Oaesimeres, Satinets-Black and fancy Cloth Doeskin Oassimeres. At 11 o'cloek precisely, SSr-And to which we call the very special attention of Clothing and Furnishing Merchants 150 dozen super New York city made Shirts! In the will be found-Very fine and extra size Linen Bosom Shirts- super wutte Aiareailles do Fancy Linen Bosom and Marsailles do-Superfine Buff and Hickory Stripe do-' All-wool Twill Flannel Shirts and "We, with confidence, call the attention of the traue to this splendid line of ShirU.

We guarantee them to be equal if not superior to any lot we have ever offered for sale. Sale positive for cash. tU8 S. S. HEN'RY Auctioneers.

BY THOMAS AfTOEjRSON CO. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, ON THURSDAY MORNING, December 10th, commencing at 10 o'clock, will be offered, a large as-sortment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hosiery, Gtloves, Underwear, xc. assortment of Philadelphia made lloihino, together with a desirable stock of Small wares. Boots and Shoes. At half past 1 o'clock, P.

will be offered, 75 cases Boots, Shoes, and Brogans, embracing many desirable styles of Men's and 'Women's -wear. Terms cash. THOS. ANDERSON 4 dls Auctioneers, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE TbKoTA and Wheeling, pTrkersburg, on the West; at which places it unites wit!) Railroad, ft'eatners, 'for anil from all po.nts in the West, SoutUwcst and Northwest.

TWO TRAINS Leave Wheeling dally, 12:30, V- and 10:20 P.M. Directcohhectiona are made by these Trains ITOK All THE 35ASTKRN CITIES. This is the only route to Washington City. Passengers by Hits route can visit Ualtunore, Philadelphia, New Yuri; and boston, at the cost of a ticket to Boston 'alone, by other lines. IHme an yuidc and faro as low as via any ottier inquire for Tickets via the BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIUiOAD, at any of tiie principal Railroad Offices in the West.

B. F. FObbli'K, General Western Aj-ent. L. M.

COLE, General Ticket Agent. V. P. Smitii, Master Transportation. d4 dtf Winter Amusem*nts, JEFFEBSOfilVlLfi RAi CHANiiE OF TIfflI3.

OS and after THDHSDAY, December 2, 1SS8, Trains will leave (opposite Louisville) as 1st Indianapolis and Cincinnati Express, at 6:80, A. 51. 2d St. Louis and Indianapolis Express, at 11:00, A.M. 3d Bt.

Louis and Cincinnati Express, at r. II. ESJ-Tliis is the only direct and reliable Route forming close connection's with other roads to all the principal cities in the al, llesi, Xorth and one change or cars between Louisville and Cincinnati, Louis, or Chicago. St. Louis.

Kansas, and Nebraska Two 'trams, A aud 11 A. via Indianapolis and Terre Uaulc; and two Trains, at 11 A. and 11 HO P. via Seymour and Die Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. Chicago, Kprinitneld, and Decatur Two Trains, at A.

M. an 1 11 A. via Indianapolis and Terre Haute, or via Indianapolis and Lafayette. Cincinnuli Three Trains, at, A. A.

and 11:15 V. via Seymour and the Ohio and Mit-sissi))pi Railroad, Cairo, Memphis, ami New Orleans Two 1 rains, at C'3l' a. M. and 11 A. via Indianapolis and Terre Haute: ami wo Trains, at 11 a.

m. and 11:40 r. via Seymour and the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. Indianapolis, Detroit, Terre Haule, and Lafayette-Two Trains; at 6:80 A. M.

and 11 A. -M. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and llallimore Three Trains, at A. Ji. and 1 1 a.

and 11:46 v. vitt Cinctnnitti or Indianapolis, tint Wheeling, PiLls-bui-Kh, Dunkirk, or IJullalo. "This is the only Route running Trains from Louisville to the Kast, West, and Xorth. 28 Miles short-: than any other Route to Chicago and the Northwest. Less change of cars than hy other routes.

Connections made with other Roads by ca- running into same Depot. Fare an low and Time as Quick by any other Route. "Through Tickets and further information can be had by calling at the regular established Office, No. 5a7 southeast corner Main and Third streets, Louisville, or at the Depc in Jefiersonville. S.

J. LITTLE, Agent, A. S. CltOTlIHUS, Stip't. It.

J. Foiisttii, Oen'l Freight AgenU d4dtl AND LEXINGTON AND AN KFOB'S (33 ON and after October ISth, Trains leave Louisville daily (Sunday a excepted), as follows; i'lltST TRAIN 5.r0 A. stopping 15 fui jieiikfast ut, tuul at all stations wlu-n sioept I'liir Grouuii, and cfn-leyiing at Kniuierice with i stages 1'ur Cafctlo; ut Frankfort for Lawrencebur, liarrodybur and Danville: at Midway fur Vertailte, at L'ayDe'u Stiaitm for (Jt-oi town: and at LexinHm via railror.ti and stage lor Nieiiola.sville, Danville, Lancaster, Crab Orchard, torn Uichmonti, MP. Stennjir, and all interior loirns. SKCON1) TRAIN 2:30 I', f.l., at.

all Stall oaa when Ua'yed, exceL Fair Groumb, Point, Vvasu-burn's, Ormaby'tj, lirownnboro, and Iluckner's; con- nee tin by staae at Eniincuee fi Sbelbyvilte and Castle; at Midway for Versailles; aud at I'ayne'a foi Georgetown. TiiliiD TRAlNAcouMMOBATio Leaves at 4 f. stopping all Stations; and returning, will leave La errantre at 7:25 A. stopping at all Stations, and ut rive at Louiavil'e at 8:55 a. ruu'dt Tickets for Danville, Harrodsbarg: Grab Orchard, Somerset, 'ersailles, Georgetown and Shelbwille, and all further informaiion, can be had at- the Depot ha Louisville, corner of JelTeraon and Brook streets.

SAMULL (jlLL, tfuD't, (HI and P. Hj LOCJISVILLS AN NASHVILLK ANB RAIL Rp ADS. AN and after THUKSDAV, the 7th October, Trains wiii run as follows: NASUVILLK KXPRKSS leaves the Depot dailv at Louidvilie at () A. stopping at Sbepherdiiville, June tion, Lhzabethtown, and all other regular Stations when signaled with a Ilsiir arrivirig at Daeon Creek a. t.

leave iicon Creek at I', i stopping at the same places; arriving at Louisville at P. AI. Lebanon ronnects daily (Sundays excepted), at auction with Nashville press 7:50 A. stopping at New Haven and all rt gular btat ions when hag; arriving at Lebanon A. M.

lie'tunilng, leaves Leba' non at 1:00 P. stopping at the same places, arrivin at Junction ami connecting the Naf-liviile Express Irani to Louisvdle at ovlJ, V. 31., arriving in i.ouirivule by the last named Train at 1:55 P. M. Nashville Pfissengpr and Freight Train No.

1, leaves Louisville daily (Sundays excepted), at '-b P. M. ato ping at Shepbenisville, Junction, Elizabetown, and other Station3 (except Strawberry, Coral Hidge, and Anderson's,) when signaled by Hag; arriving at Uaeon Creel; at 7:46 P. M. Returning, leave Uiiton A.

stop ping at the same Stations; arriving at Louisville at 11:5 A. Lebanon Pnssenger and Freight Train conaecis daily (Sundays excepted, at Junction with Nashville Freight and Passenger Train, leaving Junction at P- stopping at New Haven and ail regular Stations when flagged; arriving at. Lebanon P. M. Koturuing, leave Lebanon at- A.

M. stopping as above arriving at and connecting at Junction n'ith the Nashville Passenger and freight Train to Louisville at and arriving on the last named Train in Louisville at 1 1:135 A. M. Passengers by the A. M.

Train, stop at the Junction Z0 minutes lor P.reaklast, and connect at iiacon (Jreek with Stages lor Mammoth Cave, Rowling Green, bear Wallow, Giarigow, Scotiaville, Gallatin, Franklin, Russell ville, lktou, Uopkinsville, Olarksvillc, Princeton, and connecting willi Stage Lines to Kentucky City, on the Mississippi river, and Nashville; and by Leoanon Express Train they connect at Haven with Stag03 fjr Rardstown; at Lebanon, with Stages for Danville. Perry ville, liarrodsburg, Crab Orchard, Somerset, Camniielisviiie, Greensburg. Columbia, Rurksvilie. Ac. Wearing ajiparel alono constitutes baggage, of winch each passenger will be miovrcti bu pounds ireeoi cnarge An extra charge will be made for extra baggage, which must be paid to the Railroad Company.

Other articles than baggage carried in the baggage cars will be charged express freight, and must be paid to the Express Com pany. ot 524 dtf JAS. P. GAMBLE, Su'l, MlSOBIIiAKEOnS. WO'JTMJE.

WK would re spectfully call the attention of lithe public gen rally that an; sLifl engaged the id all kinds of Wagons for this and the Southern country. Our Wagons are made with iron axletrees of Piled iron the best quality, water hammered with boxes cast on chills. Having a Foundry of our own, we are manufacturing our several kinds of Center Draft Plows with improved patterns, hoih with wrought and cast sluues. Wu are also nicking the entire Steel Plow of supe'ttoT-tjuality, which we warrant to any made in the country. Our Waguns and Plows are all made of Saluda Oak of two years seasoning.

We would respectfully return our sincere thanks for the patronage we have received from the South am1, ffest tor the last 5 years. Persons wishing anything in our line, will please give us a call at tiie same old stand, corner of Main and Hans co*ck, Louisville, Ky. olS HAYS A COOPER. TfK, GATES has the ploauura JL-' of announcing. to the public erly occupied by Rr.

KING, ano permanently located in Louisville, Ky. where he would call the at. tsntion of all those afRLcted with diseases of a private or nature, to the new method of treatment as practiced in the English and French hospitals. Havinp for severs! yean made this class of diseases a aprcciALirr. with the knowledge he has of them, warrants him in eay-Ingthat there ia no form of symptoms widch they as-ame that Is without a quick and permanent cure.

Dr. mode of treating thene diseases is entirelv new. hav ing never been aaopted by any other Phyacianln this sountry. YOUNG MEN Who, bv Indaiffini? in aoiitar? hablLn. have contracted that mlnA-harrowing and body-destroying diSL-iise, seminal veakiiess, which 1ead3 to the alarming and fatal conaequencea, should apply immcdiate-1t.

either iu nerson or bv letter, and havf- a cnrR RfTwt pn by his new scientitlc mode of treating thi3 disease. Muitu itevei ui eueuung a quiea anu ratlical dire. xu xafi iiAJJifcS- Dr. is airent for M. La OrnnT't french Preventive Powders, by which those who, fron; any cause, deem it necessary to avoid conception, cac do so, without incurring danger to health or coustitutioxr price 82.

Also, acent for Madame Mouthly Pilla, aeafe and effectual remedy for Irregularities, Obstructions, price $1. Oautios 1 These Pills ahould not be taken during Pregnancy, as they are sure to produceiaiscarriage. The Pille aud Powders sent hj mail to finypart of the eountry. Persons at a distance may be cured hom*o by addressing a letter, otating caae; symptoms, length or time the disefvje haa continued, and have medicino forwarded free from damage or curkisity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions for use. Letters asking advices, also orders for pills or pOTfdert-ranst contain a postage stamp.

Consultation may be held from 3 a. m. to 9 p. at Ml northesst corner of Third and Market srteeia. rrivate entrance on Third street, LouIstUIh, Ky.

inviolable Don't forget tqo name scd anmber. All letters should be addressed to II- GATES, M. dlSdtgBlay Lo-jicville, Ky. COAX! COAI! L' MDRPI17 keeps constantly on handalarge snpplyof the best Pittslmrirh and Coal Also the "Hartford Citv Coal." none bettpr fnr steaiii or cooking purposes; used by many families of the city, who pronounce nearly, equal to Pittsburgh and superior to any other now In use for Bteam and family purposes. Ail I ask Is a fair trial of it, and I warrant it will give satisfaction.

Sold wholesale and retail at tbe lowest cash prices. -Office, east side Fourth street, below Main. -rayS dtf EXCHANGE HOTE X. MTHB undersigned begs leave to notify Ms 'friends and the public generally, that he has taken the EXCHANGE HOTEL, on the southeast corner Main and Sixth streets, Louisville, and will open It to the public on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2Dth.

This House has been thoroughly renovated and repaired, and I am determined to give satisfaction to Ml who may stop at the Exchange. The Table will always be supplied with the best the market affords, and the Bar will at all times. be furnished with the best of liquors. a21" JOSEPH COMES. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.

CHANGE OF TIMS! HIAIl J.SNES THatuaineni iDiive for this Line will 5 CINCINNATI EVSIHT ftftOKWlNO tA 11 o'clock, which ensures the making of the .6 o'sioc morning connections by Cincinnati the North and Kst, Forj.fre'iRht or passage tipply onboard or to JOE CAMPION, I g'Oifice Mall Line Wharfboat foot Thlrfl CUKIJSWCOAlZ WJO have discontinued our temporary Coal DeissJ at Carleyville. We are prepared tu furnish siefttn-boats with a superior quality of Coal on tow or stationary boats at the Curlew landing. CUKLKW COAL COMPANY, i Curlew, Nov. 6, nlO rlSm NOTSC2S TO STEAMBOAT OAPTASNS ANSJ WiVIiKS. gpjw; TifE undersigned, h.tvtiifr jws? ritsv nany years experience as lj1y eihOV, respeeifaliy in OSSBma Itr.iiiiboa! captains and owners that he will continue to nilot steamboats, flatboats, barges, over tlio i will meet boats at Jeffersonvil'e at any time or hour that I am telegraphed to be there.

All dispatches of inquiry in relation to the water on the Kr.lls will be promptly answered hy me, and at my expense. Steamers waniinjr orders for COAL at Hawesville, can obtain theui of me, and pay for the cual on the return trip Office corner Fourth and Water streets, at lien Dur-rett's clothing store. PINCKNEY VARBLE, nil) dOrn Falls Pilot, Louisville, Ky. New Orlenns. LOUISVILLKANONSW ORLEANS LIGHTXLN'O LINE f-apo.

The fine and magnificent passenger steam-, IcSjer i'AN'Nl' BULLITT, L. 1. Dunham, mas-wTgcter. will leave for the above and intermediate ports oil Tuesday, tbe 1-tth at p. m.

D. S. BKNEMCT SON, or C. IlASHAM.Agent jpw The fine new passenger steiimer, DIANA, ksSt.ureeon, master, will lor the ahove and all interuietliate ports or. Tuesday, tiie 21st at 4 m.

D. S. BEKEDICT SON, or C. BASIIAM, Agents. dll fpst splendid light-draught, fasc-im- i-'lSl-niiig passenger steamer If.

FA'U-est- oil 1 1 Fawceft, nmster, will leavi as above on Wednesday, 15th lVc at 4 o'clock p. J. HKSKDTCT ,111 or C. BAS11AM, Agsnst The" line "steamer It. J.

WARD, riiias Jfe)JS)V. Miller, roaslOT, leave as above on cgaaffiaSajTuesdity, the 2sth at 4 p. m. ior or uassage aiijdy on board of to C. iUSHAM, Agent.

gWThe plan of the Cabin may be seen Rt Dumesull Wall street, where Stat eroouwnay be secured. SSxyress Iiino for New Orleans Direct, The'splemiid patsenger steamer Captain will leave as fjbSfabovt: arid for all intermediate landings on WrUicsdriy, the Ifttbinttt, at 12 poiitively, from ti.e city whirr. For treight. oE. passage, having supenor tiecomuioda (ions, on board or to N.

S. LONG Agents, Ho Wail street. Viekslmrg- and River. iv The line ligbt-drauglit iiasscuger stam-JjaS3iKer K- DROP, Captain S. II.

Purisot, will leave as above and for intermediate ports on Tuesday, Vlth Dec, at 12 m. For freight or passage applyon hoard or to ,118 CHAS. RASHAM, Agent. Lrltaeians Itiver. The line steamer HICKMAN, Captain USoJSII.

P.HL-lier, will leave this por will this port tr Little SMfeSJ, Vt, Jlnn-u. r-1 Vf.rt Smith, Afkf li- on Wednesday. the 15th at 10 a. m. Vr.v freigbt or Jiassage apply on bourd or to dlti Iw'vSHAM, Acenis.

n'ioti Hy, Citlro, Golnmbnii, Hickmitsi RHGULATl UNITED STATES MAIL PACKKT. The snlendid steamer 1 JjACv-dSi Captain (1. W. Ti-ipl gmmk lot dett, will leave as above at -l p. in.

J-nr irifit or apply on board -r tu dll Suit aceo: LOSO PRO. -At 35 Wall For Cairo and Saint Louis. sre 'Hie splendid, neiv, liht draught sf earner I rSfc-S1 LKBANuN, Captain Williamson, will lesive sffibs above on this day, Hh at 10 a. in. For apply on noara or to N.

S. LONG Aests, iiU 5 Willi street. g-ex Tiie Tine steamer LEUANOlv, Wjiliamson, iSt-feiiKister, willleave as above on this t'ay, 1-lth jgftt 10 a. m. Fur t'reiglic or passage appiv on board or to 0.U MOOUIIKAD Ajjent.

hr- iifht. nn.ffi ct uti i nit-r uJfcGOOPY PIUE.N'DS, Sehumaiiinftster, will sleave as above on this day, 14th, ut tU For freight or passage app'von hoard or to MOOIU1EAD Sc Agents. Clarltsvislc aad Na.siivlllc, 3 The splendid stuitnier TEMPEST, Ptrr, IrvrvBSmnjitc-r, will leave far the above and sjl ports on T.hursday, the Uhtor passage, having fine board or to K. H.LONG ft Agents, 35Wall street. The" "She steamer TEMPEST, Parr, master, will leave as above on Thursday, the IGtli at -i n.

in. tor passage apply ''n board or to MOOHHKAD Azwts. Vastport) TttscamMa and Klorenve REGULAR PASSKXOKU PACKET. The fine steamer R. M.

PATTOX, N'o. -I0SS Captain Ed. Bernard, will leave as above on jSrfatlns day, the 1-lth, at 4 p. from city wharf. Por freight or passage npply on board or to N.

S. LONG Agents. 85 Wnll street. (J The" "fine regular packeUlTYfrpATTON', ffBai'nard, master, will ieave for the above xsvSsMgsan-1 interuiediate ports on Tuesday, the 1 4 1 i at p. from city wharf.

freight or apjdy on board or to 113 C. I1ASHAM, Agent. ESvansville sleuI Bowling- Green. REGULAR PASSENGER PACKET. The line steamer HARRISON BRIDGES, tjJjjS Captain Everhart, and will leave as above tfaifron Wedoe-'dav, the 15th at4.m., from the citv wharf.

Por freight or passage apply on board or (o JT. S. LONG Agents. ilK S5 Wjill street. The fine packet HARRISON BRIDGES, verhart, will leavu aa aove on Wednseday, 15th at 4 p.

in. Por freight or passage apply on beard or to MOORUEAD Agents. PaTlccrslu*ta and The splendid lhrht-draught passenger steamer o. tuni), lueuuuougn, innss ter, v.MU leave for the above and in termediate ports on Tuesday, the 14ih, at 4 p. in.

For freight or passage apply on board or to MOORUEAD Agerds. Wliecliny: and Pittsburg, The line ste-mifr GAZEL, Evans, master, LQ leaves as above on Tuesday, 14th lost. For freight or passage apply on loard or to ilIJi MUUKlifcAl) agents The fine steadier i)AY CITV, A. O. i (ifCiJv4 Miller, leave as above tajOda Hie 1-Uli ct 4 p.

in. freight or passage appiv on hoard or to dl4 MOOKUKAD Agents. fffs The regular Pittsburgh and Louisville liaSferiBls passenger packet GAZEL, Evbns, master Bwill leave for the above and alt inlermo ii ate on this day, 14th at 4p, m. For freight or passage appiv on board or to WM. BINGHAM, Agent, did 42 Wali atreef-.

(tmenshoTo jEvaiisville asid Henderson. REGULAR MONDAY AND THURSDAY PASSENGER PACKET. flf-IT The splendid steamer SCIOTO No. 2, sggOapt. A.

Ballard, Capt. J. H. Duncan, Clerk, will leave for the abovu ports and all intermediate landings this day, 34tb at 4 p. m.

positively, irum city wharf, for freight or passage apply on board or to N. S. LONG BKO, 35 Wall street. or LEE E. ATHY, Agents.

The fine steamer SCIOTO No. 2, Bal- day, 14th at 4 p. in. 7or freight or passage applyon hoard or to dU MOOR HEAD Agents'. JFranfefort, Woodford, Oregon.

Cogar's ium jurooiuyn. The fine steamer DOVE, Sanders, master, i J-i5will leave as above on Wednesday, loth at 3 p. m. i'orxrelght or passage apply on board or to (H3 MOORUEAD Agents. WITH the intention to sell out our en-tire stock of beautiful CHINA, GLASS and 3 EARTHENWARE, we invite our friends gig was and the public generally, to call on us, examine the most extensive and well assorted stock of this line in the city, and buy their CHRISTMAS GIFTS, and articles necessary in every household, at prices never Detore Known in wis market.

Our stock comprises plain, richly trilded, and neatlv decorated DINNER AND TEA SETS! Splendid Iron Stone and French China, plain, gilded and decorated TOILET SETS! Vases, Motto Cups, and Ornaments generally; Pressed and Cut Glassware in every variety; Silver-Plated and Britania Tea Sets, Forks and Spoons, English and American Cutlery of the most celebrated manufacturers; Lamps, Girandoles, Tin Toilet Sets, Britania and Silver Plated Castors, Also our stock of COMMON AND WHITE GRANITE WARE! Co which we call the particular attention of city-and country, merchants. Let everybody keep in mind'that now Is the time to buy Chinaware at A. JAEGER Nos. Hi) and 121 Fourth street, under aloznrt Hall. PIANOS TUNED! WE are now prepared to attend promptly to all orders for TUNING and iiEPAlRINCf, having secured the services of Mr.

R. 51. Eent, a first-rate Tuner and practical Piano maker, direct from Jfim-ns Clark, New York. Send in your orders. TRIPi CRAGG, 109 Fourth street, a21 dSni between Market and Jefferson.

JUST RECEIVE AT FONIMl'S FAMILY GROCERY, 95 Fourth street, a fresh supply of Penn. Hulled Buckwheat; a fresh lot of Dried Peaches, pealed and nnpealed; and some of the beat York Cream aad Ladies1 Cheese; also a choice lot of Cracknel Biscuit and other Craciter3, and keeps constantly on hand the best Mince Meat iu the city, and am receiving dally by express "Western Reserve and Goshen Butter, la firkins and kegs, for family use. d7 at -l p. far spi'ly dlO 10 BY THE PERSIA. New York, Dec.

13 Per. steamer Persia. JTothinefiatf of the piissiag steamship ludian Kmpire. The rate of insurance had advanced to40 per cent. Lord Napier's recall had not beeu oflicialij- announced, but the Daily News understands that he lis to be appointed, to the mission.

His i successor, Jlr. Lyon, will succeed to the title ot on the decease of his father. Fire 'miles of the shore end of the Atlantic cable bare been succsssfully laid and spliced to the deep sea portion. The Gahvay steamship line, has contracted lor three-new steamers of the lira class, and of great speed: to-be: ready ncxt aunimer. The trial of Moatalembut lasted only a halt a day.

SI. IE Berryer and Dufaure made brilliant and spirited speeches in his defence. The London papers publish the heads of the arguments, but the French press are silent, with the exception ot announcing the result of this trial, which was a conviction. Mbntalcmbut was sentenced to fl raonths'amprisonment aud a fine of 3,000 irancs, and tbe editor of the Correspondente to one ino nth imprisonment aud 1,000 francs line. The result caused a slight depression of funds Paris and London.

The death of Admiral Lyons is announced. Senor Kos Dolano Po his been appointed Captain-General of Cuba. Concha is to remain at Havana till the Mexican dispute is settled. The Prussian elections resulted largely iu favor of the new jiiiuistiy. The Bank of Frankfort lias reduced the rate ot discount to -t per cent.

The Cunard mail steamship company intended to scud the steamer Karan6ck to New York direct, on the -till of December, to carry between New York and Nassau. It was considered certain that the steamship Great Eastern would make her lirst trip to Port land. Mains, about the middle of next summer. The British Board ol Trade returns show it decrease in the esports during the month of October, 1S5T, of 1,717,000. It was stated that one of the vomit; princes oi the royal family of LiiL'land would visit Canada.

Tuk Cable. 11 was regretted by the friends of the-cniei-piise, that the remaining serai wiloa of cable ai Greenwich were not brought to Yateutin, it being evident the result would have been satisfactory, as after passing the spot where the shore end of the cable some of the men, in libeir anxiety to continue their undermining the pmall cablediscovered a kink which left the conducting wire exposed t'j the water. The defective part was cut out. It is probable that other defects would have been discovered had they proceeded. The shore end had not been tested since it was laid down.

Foreign Commercial. Vr renin. Nov. 26. Cotton Sales for the week 411,000 bales, inctu.linK BOO bnles on speculation ami 2,500 1" importers.

Middling qualiliM declined 1-10, interior X- los of tfrhlay 0,000 -bales, of which 1,000 aero on spcculathn anil for export. The market cK-sefl quirt. Orlenns fair mid-dliu-r 7-Mobile tniilulitiM 0.7a; lair 7u middlimr d. Stock iu tort bales, including American. Manchester advices favorable, the market closing steady.

If November -0. New Orleans tres ordinaire lOSf. LrvERrooL, November tS. Breadstuffs Dull. Flour Cull, prices easier, but quotations ancli antrod.

Provisions Have a declining tendency. Lard iirrn at 54c. LONDON HONEY MARKET. London, November 26. Bullion in the Bank of England increased 141,000.

Money market slightly easier. Consols OS. American securities unchanged. Illinois Central Shares L'S to -'(i eent dis. XXXVth.

CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION. Mondays Procetilin-jn. Wasiunhjtox, Dee. 13. Skxats.

The Stand in Co mm it-lues were appointed. Jlr. Clingnmn, of iN. spoke in fnvorof ubro-gating Ulayton-Bulvver treuty. AVliun the Venule met, Mr.

Sewn rd moved to dispense with he rule requiring ballots for the committees, and to take a vote instead. The proposed list being read, the vote as to whether the list be accepted or not, wna as follows Yeas 31. Nays Bell, Cameron, Chaudler, Clarke, Oollamer, Oixoo, DooHttle, Fessenden, Foote, liule, llnmliii, iiarlai King, Seward, Simmons, Trumbull, Wade, Wilson lK Absent Crittenden, houglas, Fit.natrick, Houston, Johnson, Push, Sumner, Thompson, Toombs, Vulee, M'allory. The t'oUowing ai-e changes in committees. Foreign ai! airs unchanged Finance Substitute Hammond for Biggs, Commerce Substitute Chandler for Toombs.

Military Substitute Fessenden for Iverson. Naval Substitute Hum men for Eruns. Judiciary Substitute Clinmun for Toombs. Postoiltce Substitute Hice and Ward for Fitch and Thomji-son. i'nbiie Ijands Substitute Chandler for Broclerick.

Private Land Claims Substitute Folk and Shields for Biggs and Kennedy. Indian Affairs Substitute for Reid. Tensions Unchanged. Revolutionary -Claims Shields, cl*turmau, instead ot ivans; also, suustmue Chandler for Vriison. On Claims Substitute Ward for Polk.

Dist. Columbia Substitute Wilson and Vulee for Bigler and Chandler. Patents Substitute Thompson, N. .1.. and Toombs, tor Fvans anil Vulee.

Public Itnihiings Substitute Kennedy for Bayard. Territories Ureen, chairman, and the present members are Oouglas, Sebastian, FitzpaiT-ick, Jones, Colhnnc-r, and V.rade. Contingent Expenses Wright, chairman, and Dixon. chairman, Cameron and Cliutnan, but ns Clingmnn declines, tbe Vice President will appoint, another in his place. Kn grossed Bids Unchanged.

Fn-rolled JiiJls UneJtauged. library Substitute Fessendeu for Uimter. My. CHngman addressed llse Senate on that portion of the President's message which relates to the nyi on -Bui wer treaty. He said, wljik- we are talking about the doctrine, Great Britain has applied tbe Monroe doctrine to ourselves.

The scope of his remarks was that the Clayton-Bui wer treaty must bo abrogated, arid thus liberate the hands ol this government. The Senate Pacific Railroad bill was called up by a vote ofJiU against Is. "Mr. G-wjn, of California, took the tioor. IIousk.

The House has resumed the consideration of the Judge "Wairons impeachment case. John Cochrane, of New York, argued from tbe evidence which lias been elicited in the case to show the complicity of Judge Watrous, while occupying the bench, with hind speculations, and that the House should, make an inquest into his conduct, with a view of further proceedings. Mr. Taylor, of contended that it was the duty of the House to accuse Judge Watrous of high crimes and misdemeanors, aud call upon the Senate to proceed with his trial. Mr.

Maynard, of argued on the other side of the, question, insisting that there wm nothing whatever tojufetifv such proceedings. Mr. Adrian, of N. contended that there was sufficient evidence to tmd a bill of impeachment. Mr.

Houston, of Alabama, said that 'he would endeavor to obtain a vote on the pending subject to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, offered a resolution, which was adopted, requesting the President, if it be nut inconsistent with the public interests, to communicate to the House all tbe information he may have, or which may shortly come into his possession, regarding the recent reported boarding, by British naval officers, of American vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. Adjourned. Later from.

California. New York, Dec. 13. The steamship City ol Washington has arrived after a tedious passage of 1R days. The steamship Moses Taylor arrived at New York about noon yesterday with the mails and treasure that left San Francisco on the 20 th ult.

The prominent points of the California intelligence have been received by the prior arrival of the Quaker City at New Orleans. She brings S50 passengers and nearly $1,00.000 in treasure. The overland mail, of October arrived at Sun Francisco, Nov. 10th. It had no passengers, and the news from the Atlantic States had been anticipated by the mail via the Tehauntepec route.

European news, of the lufn of October, had beeu received ut San Francisco by the Tehauntepec mail, on the 14th ot November. 09,000 of California State warrants have been issued, which are not recorded on the hooks. The San Francisco markets have been unsettled, but signs of improvement began to appear at tbe close of the fortnight Money was unchang-' ed and abundant. The receipts of gold are just about a3 usual at the season. The accounts from the mines are encouraging.

An unusual number of diggers are employed at higher wages. 140 of the passengers who went out in the Washington, had, up the 4th instant, succeeded in getting passage on board the steamer Sonora at Panama, bound to San Francisco. The Panama Hei aid says that the action of the British officers, in boarding the steamship Washington, had been remonstrated against by Commander Mcintosh, of the American squadron, who stated that he would not permit any such visits. A Supposed Slaver. Savannah, Declo.

The Republican of this morning says that the sloop Wanderer positively lauded a cargo of Africans near Brunswick. Joseph District Attorney, arrested three men on Saturday, who are thought to heimplicat-ed. They are named Juan B. Rajesta, N. A.

Browu. Miguel Aguroier Rajuel. Mr. Ganahl refused to admission of the prisoners to bail, as the charge was piracy, and they were committed to jail. The District Attorney is using every exertion to obtain evidence, aud sent to Brnnswick to elicit information.

The examination was fixed for Thursday. A tug boat was dispatched to Brunswick to tow the Wanderer io Savannah, but the shipmaster on board refused to ive her up. It is reported that the collector at Danen states that the Wanderer had no appearance of having had dares on board. The Republican savs that it is rumored i-W a were landed on Island tf7i(0nl! which left-Savannah took J50 on board and conveyed them past Savannah to the river plantations, whence they were scattered through the SJ'tiw0 opposed to have consisted of -Jou. The YV anderer bads from St.

Helena, and live officials, wunout seals. Lottory Dealers in Trr.nhio. York, Dec. arranfs were issued on Saturday tor the arrest of all parlies connected with bw-an Georgia Lotteries-also against the proprietors ei half a dozen Sunday and weekly newspapers, for publishing Swan's advertisem*nts" Many arrests have been made, but the priaciDals are stdl at large. A requisition will be sent to Augusta, for the arrest of Mr.


8. Hildrelh, Cin. BAY CITY, Milter, Pitts. GOODY FRIEND, Shuinan, St. Louis.

SCIOTO, No. li Ballard, Henderson. R. M. ATT ON No.

2, Demand, Henderson. LEBANON, Williamson, St. Louis. G-A'ZEL, -Evans, Pitts; FANNY BULLITT, Dunham, N. 0.

DEW DROP, Parisot, Yazoo liver. FORD, McCullocb, Pittsburg. DEAN, Vineyard, Carrollton. The River was still falling yesterday, but fall-inff verr little, two inches at the bead ot the falls in 2 bours.Vith six feet seron iucf-es water on the falls for steamboats. Ia the cnnal there-were 9jfoet water the mark, which is fallYlOJ-feet water.

The weather continues remarkably warm for the season, with a hear raio and thunder storm Saturday night and early yesterday morning. The rains were pretty general, and pe anticipate another rise, und water enough on the falls for ascending boats. There were fully 4)- feet in the middle yesterday fur ascending boats, and 'enouglrdown'the Indiana side for' ascending boats, though hardly enough for heavy flutbout coalboats. The Peter Tellon, Baltic, McLellau, and others, descended: the falls last evening, in charge, of course, of falls pilots. "We learn that tbe rains Saturday niht extended to the Kentucky river, which was rising at Frankfort, and Benson creek, a tnhuiiry, was rushing out a pefect torrent of water yesterday morning.

That favors a good rise from the Kentucky. Wedged Ix. The Eoltan had steam uj last evening already to back out from the wharf for Owensboro. The lines were "let go," and the engines reversed to "back her," but she wouldn't go, and couldn't go. She had been completely wedged in between the Fanny Bullitt and Fatten, by a pair of heavy coal boats' bearing down on the former, pressing her against the other boats so hard that she couldn't squeeze out.

The coal boats had been dropped down to enter the canal, but swung in against the steamers und couldn't be got out. The C'oalboat AcCiDExr. Yesterday morning we stated thai a pair of coalboats, destined for the South, had sunk on the falls the evening previous. They belonged to no. Watson cc and did not sink, but 'ran aground on the right hand reef of the chute, just opposite the lhne kiln.

They were looking badly, and if the river should suddenly rise thov will undoubtedly be iost. One of the pair, also belonging to Watson, struck while going over the fails the same even-ingSaiiday, and were landed at the New Albany wharf, Where the coal can be very readily saved. Two other boats were also damaged in descending the fails, and were swamped at points below. The one belonging to Linker fc Wood war, landed at Gaar't-, just beiow Albany. The other boat belonged to Packer.

Yesterday morning, as the river was failing, a fleet of coatboats were started to go through the canal, but a pair belonging to MeCiusky, of Pittsburgh, drifted too far out from the shore, and lodged on the reef of rocks, just above the mouth of the canal, and had not got oil at dark. One oi' them had sprung a leak, and was in a sinking condition. ggjf The Osceola, which arrived at New Orleans on the 8th, from Jefferson, reports Red rivur falling all the way down, and that the late rains will have little or no effect upon that stream. The Dr. Burlington, from Ouachita river, reports that river falling.

She went us high as Columbia, and reshipped her freight. Fanny Bullitt is the regular Lightning Line packet for New Orleans tim evening. She starts at 4 o'clock, from the dry wharf. The splendid packet, K. if.

Fairchild, is due from New Orleans to-day. She will probably be able to ascend the falls and land ut the city whar. She isthe-Lightmug Line packet for New Orleans to-morrOW; CoAU-r- Considerable sales of Pittsburgh coal, bv I the.barge load, were made yesterday at nine cents per bushel. favorite packet R. II.

Fatten No. 2, in chargjof Capt. Ivi. Barnard, starts to Florence, Teinessee river, this afternoon. 5Er The Tempest, Cfipt.

Parr, was due from Nasbvillo last night. Sim is the regular packei, and returns to that port on Thursday, sure. She found six feet on Harpeth shoals, in the Cumber-, land. She left the James Johnson at Nashville, and the E. A.

Ogdeu at Clarksville, and met the Red Rover, Nashville, Josephine Savage and Kd. Howard in the river, all for Nashville, and boats enough to takeout all the New Orleans freight there was going. gp Martin Good, a deck liand on the Aurora, from New Orleans, fell overboard at Lake Port Bend, cu the -iih, and was drowned. 5T The following are from the Cincinnati Gazette and Commercial of yesterday The A. W.

Quarrier cams in from Kanawha with SOfK-bbls of salt, SOit empty barrel and tyns of niisee'K-ueoaa freight. On her hist, trip to liana she ascended that stream higher any sr earner lias yet reached. She went to within mile, oi' the Talis. Her appearance ia that beniahted country ensued excitement iimorijr inhabitants. Caj't.

Johnson thm a hs.nddnie ion on botirtl the -in Xapolsox, Jj. -fJie ii. H. Tucker at this port to-day, niter a prosperous vyv-Z'-' tv Little Rock. "Mi? Arkanan river is y.

M-t Red Wing, from New Orleans, with troverniui'iit trip for Fort Suilth, yt-aLerdny. Vim Ir-'iie and Arkansas arestitl carrj'in Uii mail to Pice iMurf. the memorandum of the Moses Mc Lei fun, from Memphis, we learn that the floating ice from the upper Mississippi had extended as tar as Hicicman, where it was running rather heavy. The HeLellan. from Memphis, had 409 bales of cotton for the East, which was reshipped on the mail boat.

The Memphis packet, H. R. W. Hill, arrived at Memphis, just as the MeMcLelian left, in a dilapidated and considerably batteivd condition, by an encounter with a snag near Columbia, It knocked down her chimneys and and tore up her guards and decks at a terrible rate. jSrThe Grapeshot, out of Arkansas river, was reshipptug her cotton on the Nebraska, to return to St, Louis, having hauled out of the Arkausas trade.

Yesterday was rather a dull day for boatmen, with but light shipments, and but few passengers traveling in an direction. The Peter Tellon and Baltic started" to New Orleans, iljini light, on a Sort of race to get over tiie falls, and have thy first pick of the freights along the Lower Ohio. The for Memphis, had a very light trip too, but took on one hundred mules and a lot of fat kine at Portland. 2rfThe Fanny Bullitt yesterday engaged drove of 150 mules for the South, at per head. Heavier stock ranges from to 7 per head.

2gr The renowed Telegraph No. is the mail and passenger packet fur the Fast to-day. She starts at noon, in charge of our clever friend, Capt. For Owe.vsboro axd Uestiersox. The sivifi Scioto No.

2, the regular packet, liaviug been unavoidably detained, takes her departure this evening. The clerk, Capt. Duncan, never tires in his attentions to passengers and shippers on the route. The McLellsn, on her trip up, was unable to get the mail at Cairo, as the poat office was burnt, and the postmaster couldn't be found. The Marengo was at Pittsburgh Saturday, with a I ad of notions for New Orleans.

SpTbe Melrose and Bay City left St. Louis on Friday, for Ohio river ports, and the Or. Kane and Lehigh arrived. The Diana, from this port, arrived at New Orleans on Saturday. She is due here again on Sunday, and is advertised to return to New Or-leaus next Tuesday.

learn from the Cairo correspondence of the St. Louis Republican that the mate of the no. J. Roe was stabbed by a deck hand on the boat, above Chester, and is now lying at Cairo, supposed' to be badly injured. aSgTThe floating ice iu the Mississippi cut a big hole in the Flying Cloud, which brdught her tot) at Big Muddy.

gyThe Edward Walsh, on her last trip to New Orleans, was five days aground at Friar's Point, aud had to be lightened off. J. H. Done, from St. Louis, is coming this way, and may be here to-day.

foist of jiOuisyniss, ARRIVALS, December IS. J. B. Ford, Wheeling; Scioto Mo. HemWrtion; W.

J. Maclay, Conewso, St. Superior, Uln; McijCilan, Mem; Port Wayne, Cin; Superior, W.J, St. MeLellan, Mem; Fort Wayne, N. Tempest, Xaaa; DEPARTURES.

Lebanon, St. Eolmn, Owenaboro; Baltic, X. Peter Tellon, X. 0: MjELTIOHAtfBA. The Mosses MeLellan left Memphis Thursday, Dec.

yti(, at 5, P.M. Ilarry HUI just arrived with both chimneys gone, and guard, 'cabin, badly snagged by a snasr just above Greenville. Met Pad tic at Ncv Madrid, Southerner at Island No. 10. Falls City at Cairo, "Ward at Fletcher's Landing, Jno Gauli at CaaeyviUe, Alvin Adams ia Shawneetown Bend; Antelope at Ev-aasvilic, Jss itontgomery at Oweosboro.

Met ice as low donn as Hickman. Pest ofHce and telegraph building at Cairo burntdowu; could getnomaii. RECEIFTS THK RIVKU. AaricLis or iHPoav NEW ORLEANS Per Faany Bullitt 20 hhils sugar. Brady A Davis '20 hhds sugar, 50 bbls uiolaases, Benedict hhd sugar, 1S9 bbls molasses, Atkinson 50 bags coffee, Gardnur A Co 100 bbls molasei, Itawgoc, Good i- Tood T5 plcra fruit, '21 bales mos, consignees CTSCINNATI Per Superior 159 port bbls, I cotton driU(2l boxes oj-aters, 16 boxes mJae, GO boxes tobacco, bbls whisky, SOT bajre varn, cunsiirnees.

WHEELING Per Ford 9S reams paper, Courier pkg3 Muan Co 100 ketr! soda, 12 bbls syrup, 203 tegs nails, Alien 33 Co 10 do, Gaetano 61 do, A do, 0 2a6 kega nails; TO boxes oysters, 162, bags coffee, 35 bbls salt, 63 pks. 107 bags coffee, Curd Co 53 pfcgs, 'ock Wicks Co 100 bble sugar 1 case do, Moore A Co. 31EMPUIS PerMcLelian 100 bates cotton, re-shtp-cient i45 bides, 6 bdh do, 6 do sheep skits, bis beaus. 2 essks fiih, bbls apples, 1 bads tobacco, pkas con-tlgnees. CINCINNATI Per Telegraph 13 empty hhds, Atkinson 5 cases oysters, Eradaa Scholz carboy ArmstrongSo bdla iron, Echuaidi bbls whisky, Schrodt AL pkga furniture, Wharton II pkgs, Bakety -20 drums lish, Rawson Good Todd 10 pkga Hunt co 84 bbls whisky, Wallace Pbpe? i Co 4 do do, nwacr aJT5' Co-100 boxes candles, Gardner A Co-9 bbls, Wallace 11 eases oysters do mill work, 53 pkye guadries, owfirs.

New York. Stock Market. New York, December 13, P. M. Stocks lower.

Chicago and Rock Island 61; minis Central Railroad 72; Michigan Southern 20; New V'ork Central S3; Keading Milwaukic and Mississippi 13; Missouri G's S3; Galena and Chicago Erie 17V; Cleveland and Toledo 31V; Michigan Central 5lK; Lacrosse Land Grants 20; Paaama Uailroad 11X5 Miunesoto Ss 10S'. Rioncy Iflurket. Cincinnati, December 13, P. M. Money market unchanged.

Exchange firm at premium for Eastern, LOUIS VIL LE BAKEU, Sols Lssies. GEORGE UELLTJ3 Acting Msnaifer, JOHN T. LORTON, Stage liana ADMISSION Dress Circle in-J Parqttevte, lbs; Second Tier, 35c; Third Tier, lifer; I'rivate boxes 4D; Oolorealioies, Olio; Colored Caliery, 2So. SS-Iiox otncnopeuciailj-froni 10 A.M., till 1 P. Ircxn 5 to M'.

M-, rfilen seats may Ije s'eeured oit of Ai.lfKKi) N. OIL1JEUT Treaaurei WEEK OF EDWIN ISOOTSl, fT)! Id (Tuesday) EVENING-, December lth, will lie jL the great 8blMrian Tfgly, to ve entitled KINd LKAlt A It 1113 THIIEK DAUGUTKRS Lear (King of Britain), -Mr. liootn; Oordeiia, Adah Isancs Me.ikim Udgar, Mr Keeole; EJrmmd, Wallis; Duke Kent, l.ortor.-; Date of Uioster, Towuaend; Diiie of Alltiiny, Ileda, Aliss Vernon; U-oneril, Mrs. Gilbert; Ohviill, Mr. Scallnn After which the favorite Mu sical Karce or A LOAN OF A LOVER Peter Spyke, Mr.

3eal'mn; Amesfort, Swilt; Swysel, Town-eod; Ercstiue, Miss Scheak; Uertrude, Airs. Dickson, with songs. "rlOTiOB. Deora open at and Overture to mmioe o'clock. 'j Off THE Battle of Hew Orleans! MILITARY AND CIVIC f-i BALI! rsnitK "MAIUON 1UFLES" will give the llrst Sl.

MILITARY and CIVIC BALL, at Masonic Hall, or FKIDAY EVENING, Jan. 1tll, ISSi). SB'S mil will be spared to make this Me Ball of trie ison. i'or particulars, see tuture a. verMsesnent 1 By order ot the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

0 14 dtf iVI A ON IC TEMPLE THURSDAY EVBMKG, Pec. 16, 1858. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO be givenonthe ubove-nained eveniug, assisted VY by the following laaies and gentlemen COLLTERE AND DAUGHTER, MISS SUHIEDLEit, DIt. MASON, E. W.

GCNTEK, THE BROTHERS ZOLLER; together with THE ORPHEUS SOCIETY jy Tickets 01) Cents. dll dtd XVI S5 1" jSl Xj Xji FOE ONE Coikimenclus ISonday, ccember 1 3 th. WAUGH'S ITALIA, A Panoramic Voyage from BOSTON TO KOME, aud home again from APLKS TO NEW YOHK. 'rSHIS FAINTING has splundid views of LIFE IN IT-, ALV, Scenery, Cities, (Ihurched, Illuminations, Volcanic Sports of the Carnival, Siatuftrv, Kxcavations and Curiosities, both natural at artificial, and it is uaiversali3r conceded to be the most elegant, interesting and sublime exhibition ever to the notice of the American people. j2g7A descriptive LKC'TUilK by a geDtieman thor-ouu'iily acquainted with the country Exhibitions every night at 1)4 o'clock.

Wednesrlny and Siitui'dity afternoons at 3 o'clock. Admission, 50 cents Children and aerrants, 25 cents. alldif J. YOUNG, Manager. llFoLLERT HILL Mar3tct Uect, bet, Third and FourtU.

r'S13E proprietor respectfully informs the public JL erally that he h8 leaded and retittetl this spacious iCitl splendid new Scenery and other improvements, and it is now open EVERY EVENING ag PERMANENT CONCERT Miscellaneous Entertainments every Evening by the STAR CONCERT COMPANY. The folloirio Talented will appear Miss Hj.KBlliQTON, Die worJii wide favorite Contralto. Mr. Okas.

Wabrkt, the Louisville favorite ever Baritone. Mr. John Boyd, the greatest Jig Dancer in th country, and unequallec! on the essence of Old Virginny. Mr. Chas, N.

Kkm-i onhia 3Iamuioih Banjo, and Comic Vocalic. Also, Mr, H. Wr. Smith, Mr. W.

West, Mons. Lecompf, And Prof. J. Holmes, PuQGiiAJiMK Sentimental and Comic Songs, Fancj-' and Comical Dances, Overtures, Jigs, Solos, 4c. The Evening's Performance will conclude with a LAUGHABLE Al'TEUPILGE, in which the whole Company will appear in characters.

531? Entire change of Programme every evening. gT Admission only 10 cents. Concert commences at 73 o'clock. d0 JAS. R.

WHEELER, Proprietor. mm: 9 a MR. ASTELL, 5ROM lur Majesty's Theater, London, and manv years Teacher at Wiliis's, respectfully informs the hihab'tants of Louisville that hia Academy Is now open at the ODD FELLOWS' HALL, JEFFERSON STREET. Hours op Tuition On Fridays from 3 to 6, and on Saturdays from 9 to 1 o'clock. Soiree Dansante from 3 to o'clock.

Schools und Families attended. Private Lessona at any hour of the day. Crentiemen's Class on Monday and Thursday evenings, from to 10 o'clock, at Mr. residence, on East trcet, between Green and Walnut. o'20 d8m MISOEIilxANSOUS.

BR. A. J. VANDERSLICE, Late Professor of the 2col6 Gliniqiie de Mediciti Phaitnacie hi Paris-, A Practitioner for Twenty-nine Years Psti ANNOUNCES to his friends and the public that he continues to devote his time to the curing of the fol-lomng Disefii-es, viz: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pita, iropsey, Bvspepsia, Liver Complaint, Piles, Fistula, Gout, Rheumatics, Scrofula, Vhite Swelling, Nervous Af-rettions. Fever and Ague, Billious Complaints, Ac.

Dr. Vandersllce has met with great success by.hia peculiar mode of treatment of diseases, where other very eminent phiaictana have failed to produce a cure. To. as test his his own skill and merit, be will undertake the cure of all patients without charge, excepting the cost of the medicine, requiring no until after the restoration of their health Diseases of a peculiar character he guarantees to remove radi-uilly hi a few days, without offensive or deleterious medicine. He warrants to all, no matter how severe rr long standing the disease, an effectus! cure, or he reqnlresno pay.

Females suffering with irregolari-ties, nervousness, debility, ic, can be permanently re-iieved by Dr. V. Invalids in any section cf the country, by addressing to him (post-paid), and tnciosinga fee, can have advice and medicine promptly sent them. 5s itesidence oa yreen street, third door be'ow eloyd. Office Floyd street, between Mark'etnd Jeiferson.

Office hours from to 12 A. and from 0 io 6 P. 11. au26isf SHOW CASES T.ESETIAN BLINDS, and Blind Trimmings of everr color, alwiya in store and to order by od4w BEN. LO0D, 64 Third itffeet.

I 1 1 i sy'e retail. P. txaxm. I tv 0 I Ej p. a.

Tops nut uu on tne ciionp-t d'idlv GALVANIZING 8 ELECTRICITY. 33. HIOHTBH, Muo wilder, stiveror1, jt-laierA: iJroitzor In all hinds of Metal. 11 1 ff i KY. mui -b M.

1 in 11 us of work in his line with hat caonoi be surnasseo. by di any house il i.lll'S ami silver is mi himself to th eo men I 1 II 1 ontiilence of the puWii nit L-inds ot old sjtv and fpofM, sLU-boar He rand all ot 1 I I 1 9 i'uertl let) 5 1 EC ill side Main street, ne door below Iu Diiy i'roperiy 1'or Siie. A neautiitu r.nuiniig ijfit un i ne eoutn siuc 11 Vt.i-l ivd. eat Floyd street. Tite hit r' ur nn CteX street, extends book a dopth ol -00 to a 20-fect lot.

and one of the and best eisti eisterns ia tiiecitj. ,,..,...,) Ihi The alley and siiie walk wiiole lot so graded by nature an to druiu tiie water ctf in the right direction. It. is one of the vert- fctr and beautiful buihiinir Sots now to bo in a dcSiraMs part of the city. Also, a business Lot on Die south siiieof Main, between Tweiith Thirteenti, This lot lias a fror.tof forty feet on Main street, hy a depth of onehnnereilsriif ninety-tive feet to a thirty foot alley, wiucli is broad enough for a street in tiie rear.

A liareain wiil be piven to the purchaser of cne or both of these lots. Now is the time to hoy. Property I wakini; up, aud will never he as low ajtcin us it bus been anil is r.ow Appiv at tiie Courier eaire. aa28 If Two Tliread, Double lock, 'Sight StUcu SEWING MAOHINii! NEVER BEFORE SOLD IS THE 11-J. Price 30 and $45.

nnniS is no cheap, chain single thread, ripjiins stM JL Machine, but makes in every way the fame ti THREAD. DOUBLE LOCK, TIOBT STUCU, the most popularhi-h-nriceil Its workwiH not Tip throvph thou.h every third be principle is new, the' Machine simple, easily and not likely to get out of order. Sews from too con-inou spool without lucy imc' ill use. every Dirt of which is strong anil durable. tick una.

tlothcr tinve o- niacuiuti -i adapt it lor tation use. It sews tiie finest Muslm, heavy M-Clothing, or Leather, by simply changing tbe die and thread to suit the wart, bamples o. sent by mail. Full prime! intracWii.l!'TMWw(lB Maeliine sent out of town, and personal lustru within our reach. Call at JUWHS viOUM i xA .153 M.rt..

between lourtuatiu Borls4? 029 dly 'FAMILY SEWING A OOOP SEWING MACHINE at I A long been a desideratum, the Nettbiton Uaymondatent. IMS Machine of remarkably simple colistTUoib the same work as the 3100 jet it price of The stitch Is tbe best made by i tht-perior to the best hand sewing- x' ln Vttshutf ol fore not liable to break by attv Every fourthstitch on.ffl iug will still hold. The machine ses from wo spools, and for speed is gg OARRrAG33Si OARKIAGE8 NOW THE TIME TO BUS Of: are noiv A 'ftor irivs, such as fine assortment Oi CAKra-f, SjaU, Coaches, Bretts, Koekaa Sdde Ton and Open Iiugpes, tfc, a- VvTvunon's new liulldlng, opposite the Bo" 1 ZTTrt SHEET AND SHBED A intj PKlMfi AKTICLE.veryexieustveij miflJ. Tahlp and Win JeUu inj Preserves. put in Packages for Family use, is sum glatMi Grocers and Druggists throughout We opEE) xne wireu, ra hy an me n2 d3m 17 BarMugiIii wobs.

nt of Hoots and ahoefo all styles and 'lua'; S'' calling atf that, thev can set suiteu the old established bouse "Jm-lh. 1 standing, No. MarKeo stock. daily making additions to my ah ead latg aud get tne n-ortu oi joFINSs-- per steamer Key Main, betIhlrl at4 9f 7.

The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.