The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

24 jgESYDNEY MORNING HERALD, SATURDAY, APRIL IS, 1913, tOST AND FOUND. H0BSE3, VmCIE3, UVE STOCK. H0ESE3, YEHJCIE3, LIVE STOCK. FOE SALE. rOULISY, DOGS, A VOW, Tu uiaiit' iiiiio OHIUGF.T (or BROWN), HERBERT ot JJ- JionUon, lttBt heuxd a Insurance Cnvaer iu Mt-IUOuriw and Sydney, ja to conuuunicate with th undtrwi iu ierpct of a legacy under a Will.

J. W.H.Luatt. Solkjjor, JOHprintf-rt, Syuney. COLIN UOLLAN, please cominun.cato with J. J.

Oarroll, Sydney. thU should meet tl 9 MlchaeL Janica, Wary, and Ellen CunalnKhaiD, cniWn. of Patrick Cunningham, hear louieiiung to JitaJfcJlruuiiui, Oxfdtit P.O., bydney iOWUKN, A(JNia, lie of AvouSCTiMkT! tidi inunodwu'ly or tend udaiuu 10 W. RUDY, Boom 16. Klkubeth-bt.

I mttorunt. yuuauAN YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIAL Oin to true Christians oidy. out any deoomiua-lion. -Write to Hon. jjecretarv.

Bruce-ttret-t, Gordon, iuaiillh W1LUAH COX, Builder, hat beard of iinu-Mreti, ueiooume, or any relation UT-bur will hear aouelhuii to their idmuse. A.i- IJh.j.Aoriuumuci Uind-avenue, Su-unore. CUiLKS lying undelivered at Pacific Cable Station, 40 iuiiUtr-t''eet: Blcken.laffc, G.P.O., from Blackpool; Davey, Tboniaa, care Pusl-office, from Uallagliader-leen; Utrgreavca, George, Australoaia Bank, from Liverpool; Harrington, E. from Bston; Lyon, from ipwruutmpion; sauna, iianit of Australia, Irom Itorwoou-kill; Miller, Prank, from Waico-Cal. TONG1XEER would like to corrwpoiid with young lady.

XJ view to matrimony, limit be good dancer. Engineer, TCI.Dt-.RLY Widow own honv, Income 3 like t. none, r.v., rtewtown. do uot knowthe P.O. P.O.

A. Was last Add. for Me; not qua. wjre. PJr-uHp mil v.

TCRANK CLARKE, please call for acknow- G1 ENTLEMA N. QovL desf'roiu nf m(tliifiJaitv. rnewarrlv)il, vicw Matriniouy. W.A., uU'be P.O. h.

BintiAiit, or anyone knowing ma addree, kindly Bond same to M.I... Newtown P.O. (23), good oppeancp, lare income, wUhca ijriwjiuiiu una, view juntrimony. Mundooran P.O. reliable tnconte, wiMua meet Kenial, doinea.

ounce Lady, r. Mat. CJivo proper addrea. H. O.

a. Herald Office. rUTTON (JAMES and PETEU). Information urfently wanted, JA1CE9 and PETER BUTTON, natirea of Bolarirth, Dollar, Scotland. Writ juiih uui jTJH, hi bnjuingum, Aiioa, ocoiiana.

js. w. ana 1 so anxious to near 01 you. writ us. care Aan.

WILL meet train due Ho. ii.6, Saturday. B. W. TP thia should met the eye of Mr.

ALEXANDER a. McuUnAL please write Miison 1-1. r.u. Aiea. TP this Bhouldmeet the eye of JOILN JKKFORD, or a.

anyone Knowinsr auircs3, pieaec write 10 E. W. JKKFOKU, O.P.O., Sydney. J. K.

Come buck ut onocT eVfrj thiDjr within control. V. TAMES DOYLE, late with Smith and Timms, South Australia. riease communicate at once wun it. u.

WATKIXa and 107 ltent -street, Sydney. Important. ADY Teacher, Binple, 4, preposseasitifC, dumcsti-J Mitfd hricht will corrcsti. country aasured v. mat, opn wedt.

netlncment. C.l'.Ot I AJJI 11KO IO RlCCt Willi lltraiw, matrimony. Add. iu, r.u. ediic, wiHhlnR travel, inv.

correi, means, 80-35, oflerinjr marriage, ADY, havinis few eocial opporuinltiea. like to meet tall, Uinstian urnneman, view juauimony, 45 reffl- exdian.fL- NITA. P.O.. K.S. H0BSE3, VEHICLES, LIVE STOCK.

Tr you are wanting a TLTtNOUT or any part thereof, it ii worth your wjiile to read every detail ot uua and we guarantoe our goods, and cau suit ZZr uai fcort yoirrequire, tl itr.UE.-M' opp. Mortuary. A few Quotations 200 Double foW Lorry, 2 brakea, perl, order, 24; Single Lorry, 20; Hooded Drag, seat 24 peroiii; 40; But-a -Cm nl- lot 1S; Slotted Pan. Stds Van. tu.h I biH.

1. 3 oT rt 1 rony, new 191 tq. TT" 7 juia-c, 101 new Hone, 12; Dble. Seated Buggy, 12; Abbott Uooied Hawker'a Pair-iiorse Waimon, hE 8Uit Ktatich Horse, hS. A-W; Siilky Turnout, complete, lot 14; Hub.

-tyred, Hooded. Leather-trim. Hul-i uHth hruLr it rilC P'Sf "onte, 24 with 19111 horbel lllld ponlc. bigli, 14: Hooded irnt-nnHor kies; Hooded Tray bulky, with UaaJ? H.7. Iai via Uub.

-tyred Brougham Cab. 10. Vit DELIVKk All P.nnnu -rr day. nn Letler, and Cm i nrli -7. T.i"L "-i''-ed.

Country Accnts wiuiled. Send' fnr STOCK (OiUEAP HORSE and COW BUGS. AMIMM; nrt. J.E.-J?. fUZ.

TAltPAUUNS. yards ELLIOTT'S, 41tt Georce-street. onn. Crvrtal Palar. yE GUARANTEE OUR VEHICLES.

OOACHBiriLnERS' n.RAnivrp s.t.i? 150 NEW. v-kiiwi 0i cfTo 11 i'ditjo Kidmg, Pack Saddles, ti of our Cliampion Long Tray ..1., imii, rouy, uuuucr-iyreu, icustic, Vlllaze. (lOvertit-sii i'nrta G''I5 'SSnllydu Park,'r, Com- -aueBA, 1A110, ourn) ura ucuvcrr ag- Rons, carry 2 tuns; Lorry, carry 3 to 10 tons; 0 Milk, Grocers, Butchers' Carts. Pony Vans, Ice Cream, Scissor Carts, Buggies. Special Driving Lamps for 1U.

ELLIOTTS, 498 GEORGE-STREET OPPOSITE CRYSTAL alack. FACTORY, CRESCENT. ANN AND ALE, TWENTY Draught Mares and Ponies, suit any from 6: SineOa and Double lrri. tr td Vtl. htge Cart Turnout, 14; Sulky Turnout, 12; Dealer's 4iuuuuL, Mi; i-roauce iwnouu, 4K20; iiawKcrs and Cov.

Waggons; Phaetons, Soca, Drags, suit Order, Carta, beat builders; Butchers', Bakers', Spring, Bent Shafts, Long Trays, and Rub. Tyres, suit borsea w. t-wun, -tv new opnng, arm, ana no uaru, Dest 25; best and largest assortment of Vehicles, wu uuum me Diaie, to suit every wwy. GLEBE SALEYARDS, No. 1 Glebe-itreet, Glebe, oil ajcu-w proB.

oati uieoe. AND OOUPAMS SAr.KVAinm inn IO Haymarket, opposite Crescent Coffee Palace. 20 Horses and Mares, suit all kinds of work, from -au; upntigcart iumout, 10; tillage Cart. Pony, 12; Hooded Waggons, new Drays; Straight, Bent Shaft Sulkies, fr. 10; uuiuiicn.

uuiter, uaKers cans, 10: new Farm. Tin. Snrini- nrai-a- chUH'. an.i Mourning Coaches comiied; also Ucanc and Mourning Coaches: Drags, suit town anil mnni-v ih.on- Ponies, suit ladies or children; second-hand Sulkies, i oiiigie una uouuie ijarncai. C1ASH OR TERMS.

20 Horses and Mares, Light and ueav Tip Dray, new, Horse. Harness. UHIM1I.UU uorae, riarness, tiz; Hooded Sumy, Horse, Harness, 18; Village Cart, Horse, Harness, 12; Spring Dray, Horse, Harness. 10: Butcher's Cut ting Oart, Horse, Harness, 14; Pagnel Cart Turnout, rT 1' oprmg, uuiter, Buicners-Barkers' Carts, from 10; Sulkies, 6. NATIONAL FLOURMILLS.

Goulbura-street, city, opp. Tradeg HalL GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS AWARDED, from 1WM tn 101.1 Continued snccesa of Smith's famous Gold and Silver Medal SULKIES. Again this year they were awarded the highest honour of the R.A.S. for the best Sulkies Call and inspect our collection of Bent, Straight, Tray, -shaft, Brake and Trotting Sulkies for road "awi. ajjuiu LUC UUiUB Ul llltj ieTieVfc 4, 5, and fl Newtown-road, Darlington.

SULKIES. SOCIABLES. FflAETOSS. CARRYALLS- CARTS, EXPRESS AND SURVEYORS' WAGGONS, HARNESS and SADDLERY, best quality only, new nuir Ht-cuuu-Danu, lowest possioie prices ai aukusiA- aiAKA nnzaar, lot uastiereagn-streei. Kether or scnarate.

also good Pew Van and Har ness, nearly new, sunaay. 45 inoraiey-stTcet, iacn-hardt, off Renwick-street. JERSEY COW, 3rd prize Royal Shaw, wjth beifev calf, by Claribelle, Maitland, cheap, no room, together or separate. Apply Groom, CoUlngwood, Ab- DorarorQ-rtL, iiomeousn. iei am nomeousn.

TTXCEPnONALLY" nood famil COW (arade Jereev) J-J for Sole, heavy and rich milker, just price 12. Vi. a. tait, iiyona-roao, irummoync. leiepnone, aa ummmoyne.

FOR Sale, a high-class Rubber-tyred Sulky Turnout, one of tho best in State, together or separate. 141 Kose-st, uarungton. 'I'none, 01 k. FOR Sale, 14 hds. Bay Pony Mare, 4yrs, by Globe King, reliable and quiet.

J. Beaumont, Mnmngo, 7 King-Btrcct. Ashfleld. "XTI5W Villairn Cart, nlso new rubber and cold Har- i-N nets, and chestnut Mare, sell 20; owner going away. Fruiterer, cor.

i-arK-avenue, urununovue. CI ALE. naJr-horse Commercial Buinrr and Double Har- rnvi-reil Wniiirc-n! Cart, suit anv and 3 Vans, cheap. LLOYD. i King-street, iscwiqi FOR SALE, splendid Dark Ponies, 13, 13.2, and 14.3, bands, taicksct, young, and quiet; day trial.

OLD Gent, has for Sale good Sulky, gou Horse, and Harness. 10 10s lot. any txiaL in good or der. 40 uiarenoon-roao, aiaamore. TjOR Sale, young Horse, 4 years' old.

suit sulkv or f- iniiK can, cucap. W. BROWNE, fruiterer, George- Btrect, uaDtcruury. SNAP. Butchers L-lpiS urt-sr uui, ouy W.ncbertj.flAlfiTd:atorth Sydney.

TeL, 556. TTARNESS, suit cab order, cheap. Syd. jl. J- iiacttjon.

ji-eeiuuii-st. LIGHT Horse and new set Harriets, any trial, cheap. Harris, Wcllington-st, Croydon. NEW TIPDRAY for Sale, cheap. 20 Hanovcr-at, mWO VAN HOUSES, one 4 years, trial, Sunday.

82 r.lUtaueT.u-st, warcrmw. TONY, well bred, fast, exch. for thickset rony, wun -L caon. A. ft.

A. aamiiiu st" MARE for Sale, 8, any trial. Alter 12 o' clock. uourt, 1 i.amrmg.u. tTTYLlSH Sulkv Turnout, yg.

almost IO new, bargain, Hart, Yasmar-st, Habcrfleld. PET Jersey, eilv. grey. 2nd calf at loot, enoicel butter Cpw, Buit farniJyKia-orjrasrnar: dealers, 'sir Oeorgoreyltejayjrt.lebe. thickset, worth no iur.

use. lieauman'B, layetjwi-tut uu. reaa. offer refused. 26 Pinc-at, off Qcorge-st West, TJTOR Sale, gd.

vb i-iimmit. irinl. eheon. owner 10 llalniora-si, o.nina. OUND, reliable ync.

Cab or Vaji Horse, quiet, good trial. 11. j. f-mnum-. (j cheap.

45 Thornlcyjejardjffnwuikjst SALE, good Horse, ataucn in biker, o' milltinan. 7 Calcdonia-st. Paddington. TTtOR Sale, 3-3pring Sumy ana set uam. 6 lot.

Aficr 1 o'clock, MJllll-st, Lcicliliardt. BAIJi, good strong SWUy sna Harness, 63 joon-su'". lONY. Mb, fat, quiet, 10; set narness, 3 10s. 141 St.

Peters, nr. station. 70R Cart, Uarnesa, any trial, seen Sat- urfluy or Xi aw trW." tm. 132 nORD'S HEAL cmeU worms and ImnarM niees aii -S, in 21b Is.

71b 2s 6d. Prod.i itorej. SUALLillagTCart, Sulky, Harness, and hSvv CM Horse, any T7I0R ALB, good r- iru MI1ILS1L and liarneiis, II yrs. oiu, any trial, no lilrthor use, Jj" amea-st. Lclcnnarat.

CITYL1S11 l.l hd. bUCK 1'Oliy, eai.ay, auu bv Cliedol trial, weoiier, iioiiino.i,LM-. R0UG11AM DAB lor SALE, elieap, pence v.uc. Ann 118 ALE, MARE, suit inn, trial, it. loo, near Wcilington-st.

1 I.J OnlW Tipcart, good Horse, and Harness, with work, G' OOD 14. lf.Tlloo Annanrist P. J.OU SALE, Set Van Harness, good order, cneap. i Trafalgar-st. Annandale.

ITtOR SALE, Ucensed Van Turnout, cheap, extra horse, trial. 153 GponteJtoRcrn. TTANDSOMl XnDSOME nuegcty Pony, quiet sao. or XX trial, iONY. very quiet, sad.

or any trial, must 120 Trafalgar-st, Annanuaie. RELIABLE Horse, suit comm. or iruiii iui, -v, trial, 0 10s. 120 Trafalgar-st, Annandalg; TOR Sale, good Sulky, or excimnge ior row. wj.

Swann. CbnaryiJ)blcjon. "VEW Sulky Hamcsa for sate, cneap. oo St. Peters.

CfALErby' Pony Stallion, no reasonable offer refusod. Applv MayjIcyjJ SEUTjvcap, stylish 14-hd. Sport. Sulky, Mt new. R- ELIABLE BliyMARB, Village Cart, Unrncss, any Etilott'a, Ceorge-st, opp.

Crystal PaI iR Sale, bay nuggety Ponj ltl or 14.2, suit Dr. or 'a A.m.. TliPlnia. 09 Gr.ilton-st, Woollahra. tnvTV nnii llnrne.4.4.

reliable, cheap. After Honest u. ueiaiim, wuuu, 2t Tratnlgar-Bt. Annand.ilc. HONEST HOUSE, suit grocer or mtlkruan, any trial.

40 Clarendon-rd, Stanraora. 13.3 Black Gelding, fas mover, lor Sale, 1 I rr.Inn 1 It-il-rifl; tHIlli i-tiit' iinhf fJnorrl Hail Van: also Milage L'art. to Coa'chbuilder. 2 Moore-st, Leichhardt, L'tleld tram. L'tieiu tram.

TaOR Sale. 2 stylish Pomea, bu ity, now, i oo n-J; heater. Talt. Smailholm, Malakoff-st. Mrkvlle.

gOOOD Cow, third calf, with twin heifers at loot, VT 0 the lot. P. tiannon, union-st, icmpe. miYO flrst-clasa Family cows, very quiet, iini miiK. 1 will sell ehean-E.

Fogarty. 12S Cathcdral-st, Syd. HEAVY Set Van Harness for Sale, 7is; also 20 Col-J'1 rs. A. Wiseman.

HO William-gt I OOD Springcart, gooil iiorsc, aim Harness, jl lot. 40Wclls-8l, AnnandulCa PONY and" TRAP. F. bavTw, Broad- stair-sl. Bnlmiiin.

rpWb reliable Pony Mures, 11 and 12 hands, any trial rhe.ip. 41 City-nl. D.irlington. tvw UnlUv. laiiiiiH.

relinhle Potiv. 0 vearn. ni JN new, any trial, lot. 1 Darlington. JlNdLE-HORSE Lorry Turnout, ton trfal, 30 lot, mtist sell, cneap.

i vuy-rn. mriKigton. TH'CART, reliable Horse, set new llarnew, ton trial, i-20 loLJcrma, rheap. 41Cit.v-rd, Durlington. SINGLE "Lorrv, 20: "Double, 20, in good order; also Jliirnesy eheap.

41 City-rd, Darlington. mHREE-Sl'ltlMI CART, rcHili'te Hovso, set Hiirness, any tdLir lot, chp. 41 Newtown-rd, Durl'ton. Waggon, reliable Horse, an llnniew, any trihCgOJol, tirg. 4JNvtown-ril, liail'ton.

AND Ponv Mare, fl year, Sulky, and neVrlnow. 41 ity-rd, D.irl'ton. MI ST Sell. Square Van, stnnch Horne set any trial, 23 lot) cheap. 11 Ncwtown-rd, Darlington.

i rOE SALE. (Contluued fruui i'ageS). SALU. X. TAl.lil.SU ttACUUitti, ItLtOUUS.

ilituhoo. NtW REOOROS. UUU. lutu tjtit 12m 3H tuoUULli 6tiU4r. JUST LUiOED, UOUULE-SIUEU IU.

and ULLUUua E.Ut UttKlUjj lt TUe; bVDNEY PUB UU. nii-K uijAjmjs a Mil ksuWN TUitOLiiH. OUT THE WORLD. 1UE BEKA MKtSTEit 12in RECORDS ARE ALL aiAi, HuG ULALlir'UL IN RU'ltOUCCl'lON, and the 'lifLha AKE iUE ttufl', AND UEliLM- UNL WliitULlUU TlitV wii i V.iU UiLl WILL DLLjtjltT tuU. READY FOR SALE NEXT WEEK.


OILSKIN'S, OILSKINS, OILSKINS. Latest London Slvlc. guaranteed sound, cent 22 ch. ouiv 7 each: also Patent Enalibh Leather-bound nouLiie ciotn, ior wanting or name, oiacit or yellow, ota cacn, oniy to, counu-y Clients add ireignt. or money returned.

Uarirain. IL ISAACS. 20 Jauvieson-strect, basem*nt, 2 door-: irom Sydney. DOf GLAS BATH-HEATERS for Gas and Fuel. Over iu Uio.

The Faatest, Salerst, and Best, them in operation belore aclectitig any other. Also as -saver MUb will cook dinner for 10 neraons at a cost of tbree-tartbiriRH. j. 1IU.AUUUUA-, fi iiimter-srxeet. A TIILETE, having become very tJiort, will dispose ui s.o.

uumona tu-u ior pawnca N.S.W. Mont de Pie.te for 59, cost 100 at Gaunt's, ATHLETE, Herald, Uunter-ctrett. Baths. SinU. Lamra.

Bath-hcatere. Gaa ntdnai. Scales, Pumps, Bone-cutters, Cam-crackers, Vycea, Uthes, Portable Forges, Uanuncrs. Wheels, Axles, Cor. iron, Doors, Sashes, Timber, Ladders, Hods, Counters, Whwlbarrowa.

A. MACAULAY, 830 Pitt-street. YE OLDE CHINA StiOPPB. Outwardly uninviting, yet bousing many artistic treasures. Antique Furniture, China, BrasKware, Glass, Bronx, Colour Prinu.

EugTvgs. J. Bigga, 122 Phiilip-st. cor. SOUP Uct Gold Keyless WalUuun Lever, pawned N.S.W.

Mont de Picie for 0, cost owner lfl IDs At Stewart Dawson's, will sacrillce ticket for SO), IMPEltATlVE, ucraia, luag-WJeeu f- KTinpiira lew really Rood HUIDS (or Sale, young and matured. Apply Manager, OSTRICH kail Itnto via AiiekliiniL LARGE Single-stone Diamond RING, pawned Mont de Plete for 20, cannot redeem, will sell Ticket for 60s, cost W. Lrxri i 1 1, 111-'. 4 iVi'-6 -Jvivt. X7iRELESS PLANT lor Saic, looit-couplcd uansfor-VV mer, (U.

tuner, detectors, 2000 Ohm. 'Phones, gas engine, generator, cou. ncy, jjeyuuH otuo, wir- STATIC. P.O. Boa 241.

rACROW'S Engiicment, Wedding, Dress iliiias. at-. 1, larne assortment Jewellery, unequalled tor quality. imidual B2 Pitt -street, city. Write.

WANTED to ScU, handsome Dble. Bedrm. Huitc, nr. new. Chisbolin.

Glen Khoda. L. l-orth-st. W'iahra. C'CHOOLROOM Tables, Forms, lor bajui- iO secoud-lund.

9 West-si, North bydney. mn 1 1 t' a Cncfn- Hnt KN Kntmntr new, Lessons given. 40 Church-st. St. Peters.

rt nitiPHOXE and Itccords. 0 large aruso uj VJT Melba, 2 McCormack. best offer. Box G.P.O, ICE-CREAM TURNOUT, good order, twit peas, pica, hood, horse. Aitchison, Rosylin-s Mascot.

QUEENSLAND MOLASSES CO. MOLASSES, LIQUID AND DRY. Lowest Prices. Get Winter StocJta now. INGLE Bedstead and Spring m'J MattreBS.

Apply li awiw, DRESSMAKER'S MODELS irom js. waist, Mid hip measurements. Walls, 88 -near Circular Quay. CHEAP, over 2O00lt Films, unuseo, spoois, a generators. 6 Coultoir-rtreet, BoadL liMI'TY sUghtly damaged Cast-iron Porcelain t111 X1 SINKS, ull sii-es, any price to clear.

J. TKuN and 103A Caatlereagh-street. G1 RAMOPHONE and Records for Sale, oargam, M. Fern, HasUngt-st, al ckviile, or nng -ity v-' TTOR SALE, ROLLER SKATES. X' To Wholesale Dealers, Rink Proprietors, and 'Xae Trade.

1013 Winslow's New Production Ball-Naring "Dmible Bar'' Extension Skates. These are an mccluuiic-al success. Absolutely rigid tnrongho i X-tra extension to a degree never heiore attained, -'an be adjusted to Ot child or adult. Steel or Fibre 'oils. uuri'iNUJNU and FOR App SALE, ouantiti- clean Newsnancrs.

about ion. Apply Slieldon Drug lb O'Conneli-st. ELECTRIC Fan, 20s; Haidrcrscr's Fan. eq. new; Barbers' Chairs, Urns, Scats.

Brooribb. Hymkt. HALF -PLATE Caitrera and Fixtures, comp." cheap; D'maker's, Tailor'a Mirror. 772 Hyrnkt. 1EM.

Linoleum (100', for room, nail, utairs, inl, red. 4, 40 yd. 772 Geon leas ueorgc-st. VERY goo) Bedroom Suite, consisting Wardrobe Duch. Table.

M. W'stand, 21. 772 AK Bedroom Suite, 27 10s; Wal. Bedrm. Suite, Un-tO-dnte.

low nripo. Rroftrihr. nnvmiPa CJJ-XL 2 good Bikes, 5 Pram, 10s; or Exchange for Pony or jiseful article. J. Herald Office.

i.ivjiv, o-spcen gear, oil-ouUi, new, 4i uquevue-st. Norrfi Sydney. QPTlCiAN'S TRIAL CASE. real beauty, real bargain. A IAR, cost take 25s: al Canarieo.

cJieao. Oorart, nibber tyred, cost 2 15s, scli 20s. Satur-uay or Sunday. 28 Queens-stroet, Ashfield. VOU ARE NOT ASKED TO PAY THE SHOP-X KEEPEll FA Wv Pn ihttj 1 1 5 FACTORY SHOWROOMS; vo-ir FUR-MI is MADE and SOLD on the SPOT at Manufactured Cost.

Tremendous Stock displayed in our how-rooms, all marked in Plain Figures. Solid Oak pinfng-room Suites, from elsewhere 7. Superb Bedsteads, in Oak, Maple, Nickel, and Brass. FVnSrIJBT3 MADB.T0 OUDER iTtOM ANY OATA- I'''-N 1,1 PM- FRIDAYS. COUNTRY ORDERS PACKED FREE.

ELLIOTT'S FACTORY-and" SHOWROOM, foreseen! Amiamlalo, nr. Tramshods, Balmain tram doM. iHltT TjTOR SALE. GO'caRT, clean, (rood order. Miphobd nibber tyres.

Montrose. TOll SALE, a SIDEfiOARD, 3ft only 2 10s. Aonlv Allw- tt parade, Campsie. MAGNIFICENT Jiig. Oak Bookcase, taxe 8ft Oin, in TMiESSMAjiEita and Milliners, very largo BrfiisbT.

Gima Mirror in gilt fr. Lovell, 27S N'UTUJR Roll-top and FIat-to( Pedesial DesksTiJ: Ei-Tcs. J. c. JJvellaiid 27S Gcorge-st.

VERY Handaome Burr Walnut Bedroom Suite (Oft wardrobe), Cliev. Toilets. J. Lnwll. nLKJir Curved Oak Furniture.

J. C. Loveiliin'd i-a. 28 George-st. OFFICE I-Mrniture and Fittings of every description.

J. C. Lovell and 278 flmrcVri TYESIGHT TESTED FREE. Sneet.arli-. rc Rim.

lets. 7n nI. M)i All Stock latBt and im In date. TOOSE. 84 V.

I71OR SALE, 1 (-o-cart, almost new, 1 Genu's Bike. A. Ellis, Micif-nt. HurlAone Park, after 1 o'clock. A BICYCLE, Mangle, and E.P.

6 string Banjo, BILLIARD Table, 0 4ft On, flrst-clasa order. 8.R., Herald Office. pAWNED, 3 2s 6d, M.D.P. 8-stone Dia. Ring, 3 very Que G.

Brooches, set with stones, Dia, and Ruby Ring, and Fancy Gold Trinket, cost 14. Sell tickets, 1. To Widow, Enmorc P.O. PLEDGED Gent's Heavy Gold Albert, for 2 at cannot redeem, sell ticket, 10s. R.W., TN PLEDGE, 2, M.D.P., Gent's Single Stone Dia-X motul Ring, pure white stone, sell ticket 10s.

a. wu son. ued lern. PLEDGED, for 5, M.D.P. Gent's Beautiful Siimlc Stone Diamond Rinsr.

cost owner 12. nell icket 15s. G.S.R., P.O., Randwick. IJAWNED, 5, ll.D.P., 2 very Handsome Wide Gold Bangles, nearly new, cost 13, sell ticket, 12s M. Mrs.

E. Goddnrd. Glebe P. O. IN PAWN, for 1 fOf, Lady's Gold Chain Bangle, set with Diamonds, cost 8, sell ticket, 12s Gd.

Mrs, Ro'lirers, Kensintrton P.O. SEWING, Deale, White, Simrer, Dropheads, 4, appliances, guarnntee. 610 opp. Colonial Th'tre. OLDER.

lOOfllh, Dd; Conner. Cimmeul. 7d. I buy id nell Metals. Newland.

I George-st W. FOR SALE, Adams ut a Watchmaker's Lithe, cheap. il "-'il Harris-st. eitv. T.

J. laree Blacksmith's Portable FORGE, cheap. T. .1, Adams. 7M narris-wt.


A.N.A. Where Improvement Seemed IMPOSSIBLE. A.N. A. or write 10-imy mr iree hook.

WARD BROS. A.N.A. SiKWWU MAUUlMsi 510 Oorge-m, between llaLliumt and Liverpool sts. ttAMERA, 4-plntc, triple extciwioii, an latest lm-J proveinenLH, It. and front case, 8DD slides, cloth, tripod, complete outfit, almost new.

HAYWOOD, New tJaniermiry-roan, reirrsnsm. DOUBLE lo, ul in Ton-action, llannnprlem Breech- cheap. l.U Miig-st, pwnown. MIALI- 2 lined and cheap, to tc taken awav. I'ooic, uarruiner a unve.

jiuff.i rARBLE COUNTERS, (ilasseascs, Mirrors, Bhafting, dtrrora, a CHEAP. iX lklting, Pullc-s, iiaugcrs, etc. Klng-st. Newtown. TA LEIGH GAS STOVE, small size, nearly new, cneap.

Xtw Wailiora, tMUl SALE. TiEMINGTON V1S1IILE TYPEWRITER, Kllimairs Cabinet IH'PLICATOU; both i No. ft; alse L-oml oitlir. yjtnrdiiv evening. 128 Albion-st, An'dalc.

1OR SALE, lot tat. and ancy uoour, enougn 10 siock nliop. 4 lot. No. 1 Wuratah-st, L'hardt.

Mvat lUrs, Marhle Slab-, Counters, Ut- etc. Mn.vnu"a11T Lverpool-st, city. iTmn "iiTltiiiis." stock. 4 "elect. liRlit, StOKeii, city, BARGAIN.

Adjustable Punrhing Hail Stand for Sail-. Apply ib Gi-omo-st. St. Peters. URGENT, C'iticinatoKiaph, ftoOOIt films, new llmelicrbt oniiit, 4 frts conrs, sheet, all accessories, tent by 00.

40 foldliin; uiatrs; must sen lot, ma or outr. A. Federal! Mull, IMrrnmuUfl-rofld, Auburn. JIANO and FURNITURE from Paris, handsome, pi hull1 mI, llovdon-ft, Mo'ian. i 1 ASM KEGIS'i ER (National), vhoup, any oUcr.

Mount opn, tieaervoir, I'liddinvton. rpI'MRKH, lien, mid Netting, of 2 largo tollhouses rpi.MUKU, lien, mid Netting, of iiin Hirrin-ft, city. DOt'BLK WiirdrolH1, mirror doors, Inc. dnwer, libit-. tl, new.

Burlnn-Pt. Cm Mown. OR SALE, owner feoving for Encland, nirnltiire, no treasonable olTer ret. 7 Rcnnic-st, Padd'ton, Tur4Uolse Earring, beiween Foy's, Civil "grnw, and Mrtsman. Kew.

Phonejl? Mosman. tram or Imperial itink, G7eeDirine JnjyleTjtttwd.MJg Horton, OST, a MAGPIE, a 8 Mcholst. 1 OSl, CHEQUE, value 1, drawn on Com'wealth Bk. ol Australia, Sydney, by Fracci Power, dated April 6, 1813. Payment Mopped.

Pleas return ivi Aiircd street, Milson'i Point. 09T Gold Brooch, bet. Jenkins-it and ltidge st. North Hjdney. Revvard.

Athloue, Jcnkinat, N. Sydney, "i.iv. Hewiuu J. p. Bran, ttirkham, Allinon-rd.

Handwick. OST, Gold Brooch, bet. Paham P.O. and John-it, hnmcn-c-id. or Add'n-rd rew.

31 John-st. OST, Gold Mizpah Brooch. bet. Newtown and Jj' r. crown, ftortnwooa-st.

OST, April 10, Fox-terrier Dog. Reward on return-1 IEJ O.Excelsior-st. Leiehliardt; OST one BAY GELDING, branded on near shoulder1 1 reward. AWy Oeorar-street. Camnerffown.

LOST, March 7th, smjli Gold LOCKET, with red btOne. Reward 1. Kdnihurul IWnnhir.t. Chatswood. OST, two Bay llortes.

white hind feet, streak face, one lame; Crey Pony Mare. AGH; Creamy Hoisc. wall eyea, like CL over 77 thigh. Creamy been near nidsor. Howard.

BERVSDOUKK. Belmore. LOST, Goid Brooch, two amethysth, one hanging on email chain. 11. Animndaje and Rozelle.

Finder rerdwlJHJiKSnAK.JJarlmg- Row-He. LOST, a Single-none Diamond RING, Gipsy setting, between Castlereagh-st and Kensington, Good KiJ-ward, S. SOLOMONS. Kcnsinrton. OST, bet.

C'ity-rd and Purse, containing Hanwr-U, Camdn, I OST, Deeds for Land, name of A. M. Rurgett. 518 Marriekville-H, Dulwich mil. OST, Black Koamef Bag.

between South Head" luuii au unimmoyiie, lU'Wara, Sirs. HlKilihS. Anorley. New South Head-road. Double in William-st, wnall Ring of Keys.

Reward Vii WiHiani-st. city. mt in Ncwtown-rd tram (12.20 a.oi.), 11th, Purse, con, money; please return purse. 41 Cleveland-su OST, pair Gold-rimmed SPECTACLES, tn case, last ptiiy mn. u.

r. tutu, ityae. oi uyae. OST, Urge White Corclla PARROT. 1 reward.

Ue- mrn to iTuro. corner Haglan -Queen its. Mosman. OST, Gold Brooch, last Saturday, Croydon, Circular yuj. iitwim.

wynona, aum. u. OST, a Bunch of KEYS, between Eraldnerille and Kooawooa. newara iteturn, a Amy-st, Erskvie. OST.

Showground. Gnliflnla TVaroom flnlH Raiivtf. wiubhc an. jus rew. airs, rnomas, nemuera, AuDurn Ei-T.

in Abbotsford tram. bet. 10 and 10.: J- small CARRYALL. Reward. Woniora, Stanton- naoerneia.

leiepnone. Ml Aentieid PERSON Been picking up Udy's Umbrella, 7.35 train, Homebush. Thura nh-ht rt Rnihnn SOI nA "pERSON known found Knigcr Shilling Brooch kindly ILL! r. iruuo. iua rew.

uev snire-sc REWARD. Lost, 14ft Fishing Boat, painted white, stone inside. A. Ireland, Double Bay. "OEWARD.

LOST, Irish Terrier DOO. Apply R. a Hucnie, jicctive, icnoison-st, nurwooa. REWAHi) 3. -Strayed from Thrums, Manly, March IS.

Silver-haired Yorkshire TV n-or Anwnn Wm inine. diq Reward information for detaining. EE WARD LOST, Feb. 22nd, Rough-haired Irish TERRIER, very tat, white Btripe on -breast, ana- wem to iap. 14 uieoc I'oint.

TJEWARD 3. LOST, beginning March, at Summer uui, box Terrier uuu, DiacK oacK, wnifs leRS, black and ton head, short tail. Apply RUTLBDCE, cure 01 uacon ana restate Agents, to ict-street. TsEWARD. Etiralla Bolmore-rd.

Lost. Coocee Beach. -Ev Friday afternoon, lady's itandbag (money, SPECTACLES T)ST. National Coffee Palace, Cco sc. newara it return ea.

QTRAYED into my yard, black COW, branded near rump, mil King uevenoaKS, Aaeiatac-st, uyae. QTRAYED or stolen, Bay Gelding, off hind fetlock wmte, branded 2 near snouider, agca, 144 nanus. uet. pros, a. swift.

Lansnowne via uamey vaie. CS TRA YiED from 27 Gerrad-streeU Neutral Bay. 3 Smooth-haired Black Retriever DOG, old. four white feet and chest, answers to the name of Darkey. Reward, JAMES Mcr AKLAK.

S' TRAYED from Canterbury, Tuea. Brown Mare, sa nr. snrar; ai rwo. iveraon, uantcroury. TTG.

man seen pick up St. Jamea'-rd, 4th, a. ret. at once, woous, ua sioroneaq-st, iwoiern. TSHFfELD "POUND.

Dark Jersey Cow, blotched brands off, rump. jXOUND at Dulwich HiU on Priday, 4th April, a Gold j- UKUUUH. owner may nave ume uy penses. Apply Mr. A.

WOODWARD, at. umer, lom-au-geu, muuwuc IOUND, Lady's Watcb, WooUahra, near Bond! gaturuay. im uenison-at, CTOUND, Gold BROOCH, near Post Office. Apply S. 1L V2.0.

IOUND, Bay Gelding, Pony, branded 6 off shoulder, halter and- fly-net. 23 Lackey-st, St. Peters. rURSTVTLLE Pound, Red and White Heifer, Ljjght Jersey Cow, brd. like DN near side, AStOT Pound.

Bay Draught Gelding, bald face, on heel wmte; rco un um. STRAYED into yard, Bay GELDING, one white hind foot, unbroken, brand like R. Owner have same by paying expenses. 11 Robert-street. Ashnrld fiSTHAYED into yard, BAY PONY GELDING, brand hJ indistinct, near snouiocr.

ir unciaunra hkj-s 11 wrKIVnVH. KtnnluniT. I Catherine-street, i'eichhardt BUILDING MATERIALS. (Coptinuod from Pago 9)j ART IS ASF1TTLN GS. Call and inspect onr large orlrooo- .1 TRAIN ami UUlfJia.

ilUfcC 103A Castlcrcagh-strect. are uumiui.viu., and can make to your own defip-ia. not only gnsflttings, but all descnptiona 01 Drasivfora. uui riKht because in buying direct from us, the th mlrt.lleman'K nrofit. Give1 inau icieiiiiuuc, M-v- BufTalo and Couch Turf for Sale, del anywhere.

1 uu i u-irilli. TeL. 1049 Pet. EST BufTalo and Couch Turf for Sale. Garden Soil Smotteiesa, ana ouuuiurio, i.

Idnal. IJBERTV, 847 Ocorgt. BKICK3. 200,000. PCC1I ond EDQAIt, tSoB SALE, SiOO S.IL nnona, oiu vwv.

Apply (friST- SLATES. JTSt 131uc Frcncli. rurpie au sizes. u' or country from U. LOKiME-K ana bu.i, SlateTa and Slate Merchant.

11 Short-st, Leichnardt. Telephone, no IPIRAL lnm 60It, flisUJasa order, lor Sale. Sntral. McralQ. mVRRl COTTA VrSlTlLATOnS.

10.000, to doicn, rrvtBKA wi ia caonlnir lind Crm- iW, 25iShinS Tito, a thousand. NEWLAMD. 6S -1-wt. 511 DM. OEILINQB.

TJSDEBHOH "Bow not, or Bhonld not be, tte first Question when bnyijn CelUnira. The SStion durability, beeutr, and Si I be thoroughly answered before the cost is considered. WCNDEHLIcn CETLINOS mtinly ww to thSe questions in the most way, ff thev are, on oecount of their muterfal-the hit British Sheet Steel-perleetly durable. Stl will not oraelt, warp, nor jhr Ink; an S3 0' they arc on battens, the Ccilinns will Scwr The first cost the last. Our designs comprise styles from the most artistic periods.

There Is no scheme of fur-5inc that we have not designs to harmonise -S besides which, heinB thorouirhly primed on both sides with coat of best oil paint, the sheets form aojdeal ground for the decorator. Fill In the attached coupon, nd copy of onr niustrated Art Otalosuc, showinB photo-pMc reproductions of WUKDEItLICH manu-facture, will be sent post free. NAME ADDRESS WUNDEni.lCH, LnnTED, prrr-STBEET, Sydney. Larire tocki on hand of the orlBlnal Wrnidcrllch Marseilles Red Rooiini! Hies. ANTED, cood ll'wood Slrinirer, 12 63 ett ions, it for klol.

J'rlee, iANTERBURY PARK RACES. TO-PAT. MISCEIXAKE0TT8. ADAM EKPllAv, Psyehir, back again, Royal Arc. jn tirtvul Arcade, uortalrs i vim rni, nun .1 1 ISstTI LK CertiDed Psychic, irom i 10 4 bv appointment.

30 HtornLnmorejram. js to iu p.m..wjiv7"a.'- "I------ i JOriKPiUNE ate wuxworiisj, nwy DougitoJLiM.i!UP;.M.Pjt ADAME FERGUSON (law jwmj, RS, SULLIVAN may be coii-suUcii dailyt 270 Pitt m-stair. sine c'AI' Tt TW El ET REE, certlfted Pchic, Magnetic norer nrV T.TAOAHK VEAL-X, Fancy Knlttlm. lVL near and luhc. AIR 11AN1.0N-, M'-el.

GOOD HOME ollcrctl to oMM Irom mnn, sir, pre-ferrnl. A.O.C., llcsnian Bay P.O. pi OOI) HOME wanted for Baby Olrl, r. inontbsi 1 VS Rcom tor motnrr. it-iu -(IIILDRKN-S Prep.

1 lialv, Nornay, etc, join -lolly Joker Club, Amerka. lornis (10111 ariaarniir.i uy-ru. i-i 'NTFIl' kind Molhcrl.v Laily'to care Baby Olrl, 12 mi.ihst.lw loth.S-.Y.?MP.O., kind moi'hiTly Jurson "to rare llaby llo.v, ol.l, P.O.. Mil.lnry-rd. W'Xvfi'OrroiiTi'il or cood Mmlierly Woman VV to Adopt Child Irom birth, P-irenlfiire.

R. O. crtJownPo.l-ofllce VTSTF.D, kind, motherly iern, Adopt Baby from Vl birth, sood elulhi-i, no premium. Ap. ply ANTED, Kind Pernon to take an aged invalid VV INU' iv.Noirian'" Hoy, ago week l.miv, ierm Povl-ollicv.

"TINTED, a TENNIS CorRT, for private rlub. Full VV iMxYKli. Viiid." I'dr-on to hrallhy n.i.v Gill. Mir, 2 A.H.C., Summer Hill. P.O.

QANTKimtRV i'ARK I.AlW VKrtHELESSj Up-to-date temling and Kceivlng set. Accumulaloia, 4-toit, 40 amps. Cheap. 21 A Slrathneld. BRICKLAYERS' Scaffolding Plank, llotar Board, Padlocks.

2 Ladders. Jago, Waitara, N.S. Line. IilOR SALE, 22 in. Iron, Enamel, Stewing Pans, cheap.

WatUjurne, Sinidniure-kt, off Edgeware-rd, E'iBMue. Tabie' etlt1nd- sJao Broiler, Lot Jotllc. cheap. BjneiAgu, Darling Pomt-rd. itORXELY Machine, for Sale, for Embroidery, prw i tically nevv, cau be seen working.

Sl Omer, Ca-sft- "s-avenue, oa WardeU-rd, Uamckviiie. 17UJRS, Coats, Tuques, Trunmicga- great eat bargains X1 ever oU'd. Sec adt. bk. p.

11. Davis, 112A Eing-at. -rpoR prwlw77h liueniator-raph Camera, all TYIiOPUEAD Sewing Machine, unredeemed pledge. 1 1 3 lu. and 4 17a tkL BELIG'S LOAN OFFICE, 131 KHttreet, Newtowivtone.

876.. TROPHEAD Sewin- Machine, nearly new, 4 10s. 1 1Ut avirtey A TANGLE. 3 roller, per. order, 36s.

Appointments MX by letter. E.L.. co. Pickett, agent, -royaon. niYPEWKiTER, Btandard make, risible, good order, 2 IPs.

Before noun. 201 Parramatta-rd. thmn. WIluP Windows, P.G., 7x0 and 0x4, RoUer Shot- Vi- "it Wn tomaiteTwilh Counter. A7ANTEU to Sell.

Timber and Usciul Material 1 Smla rouutaiu, in got Aonlv font I nun I a I riELEitlONhS. Ericason. LouR-tliitance, complete, neriect Older, cimip. a cwhn. 1 tIASH, extended till, pcricct orutr, i M'Ewan, .140 York-st North.

ITIOr Sale, by gentleman rehnquishlng uousekeepK. Uoutta of Superior Furniture, including piano. niano. nearly new. No dialers, rowis ior m-c Apply 07 1-klgecliff-road.

Wofiliaiira, near Bond! JuncrgiJ. ADY wishes cell part House ruuMiusu- im-H. Xi 25 Ithaca-rd, Kiizaiwtn I.IOR SALE, handaome uv r.uaiAir.u, X' AddIv 8 EdKlcy-tri, on ucvom.ucw fOUK Booma of Solid Oak Furniture ior eaie, XI cost. 110 Sutherland-Bt, Paddinstoru WHITE Lead. 37s Od, 36s Od cwt; B.

and B. Raw oliT aiTsdi botkd 22s ed: DianV7Wt, irwM Calctai 23a 4d case: Rybind' Vwniah, Ua 8d traL AtU for B.P. Paint. Free delivery atj MOUR. New Stores, VfarrikriUe.

TENDEES. from DUfl XSPS SPHALtkrk Price ior abt lUOyda. Repairins a.UK?pn-m---r---t? B1UCTKLAY ERS. Tenders reqd. Brickwork Bouse.

Nwtawn. our 1000. Plans. 82 Uathorst-St. TUiCK Cottage and Shop at Campsie.

Plana to fl to-day, ueo. Anorewa. jLuiuvxiAa--v, nLEOTUIC Liarht Price for hse. nd cott, Aiaer BOU-Bt, W'lOO, Pittman'a. Figures Bros.

TAKNCLNG. Price wanted. llall-Bt, Bondl, near X' Beach. R. OaUagber.

I.OR Chimney and Piers, labour only. Two cottages. X1 c. A. Clarke, union-st lempe.

Planter. Tender for hae. and cott, U-X1 deraon-st. W'loo, nr. Pittman'B.

Figures Bros. TtLOORI-AY ERS. Price for Pair Cottages, trowper stIiandwicK, near iram oriuuui-fc iliZliiGbout 20 panes broken glass, labour only. Rocky Point-rd, Arncliffe. VTEW WATER SERVICE, 8 Cottaces.

labour ana ma- terial. rnu oanu.iao Aiar hcl-bu. iS AIN'T ERS. Price required Painting, I'aper hanging. XT Plans, 73 Australia-st.

Newtown. i k.i uti'uvu'ij anrt Phimbnr'a Price Whitehead's Job. Meymott-st. Ooogee, stop pLUMBER'S Tender, L. required.

Job, Warren a UOTAT10NS wanted for Supplying and Pitting ELECTRIC LIGHTS at Beach-road. Darling TSERSre Invited for RIMODEXLTTCI existing Building and EREG THREE AD OPTIONAL STOREYS, etc, No. 8 Spring-street, for Messrs. David Cohen and Ltd. Plana and rpecifl cations mar be at my office.

TH0S, J. DARLING, Architect, ,12 Spring-street, Sydney. voao uity. mo BUILDERS, Etc. TENUKtiS are umwa iwwe EHEGITUH OI 0 nuu ouw a-i av- ling, Houston-road, Kensington.

Plans, sptwiflcaUon, and full particulars at in.v office. Tenders close on the 19th imrt. EVAN EVANS, Architect. Savings Bank-chambers. Haymarket TO BUILDERS.

TENDERS are invited for the Erection and Completion of new Prrsbytery at Helensburg, N.S.W. Plans and specification on opnlication to BUCHANAN and McKAY, ArchitwrU, TeL, City 740. 375 George-st. city, near King-gt TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection and Completion ot a pair of Shops, St.

Peters Bridge, King- kSTiUw. p. trenchard SMTTH, 12tli rFENDEUaS. -Wanted to Purchase, Electric Crane, 3 or 5 tons, or Steam Crane, 5 to 7 tons. By letter CRANE, H-rald Office.

King-street. PEN ERS are invited for the Erection of 2 COT-X TAGES, At Cfoatswood. IaOUAT. Architect. 303 George-street mENDERS are invited for the Erection of Cottage Residence, Croydon.

Plans, specification, at my office. Tenders close on the 19th inst. Evan fcvans. Architect. Savings' Bank-chambOTBlaymarket riWWitiTfor TUCKPOINTLNG, 4 Houses.

Wfl- Milson'a Joint. fTENDElW. labour and material, Adornon onuo. i.PlaiiB. spec, after 3 Cal-ott.

Bellevue-st, Amc, lab. and mat Plan (W. iiU ltoard), at JBarringliamj JEOfordjnBcx. rllENDERS ior Comiccting Cottage to sewer. Tlan at S.

rTtKNiJERS. laying Floors, Brisbauc-st, off Od1- IiacK luacKamvn a rrVSNDERS lor Gmbbing out and Ctnting up IVccs. a LiviniMtonP- d. Pci riAENDUtS ior Huitft of Fencing. Corner Park and University fits, vanipiu rnENDERS wanteff for iPainting Houfic 36 Bur- wood-st, retciunai ntEADkiu waited for Rubble WaU, about XSi iers 1 D.

Itify bad, of Public P'chool. Waterloo. rPlENDER for SUira, labour F. co*kcr, new job, Orme-st, Pymnic. filliNDERS tor Erection of Bungalow Cott, at I-eura.

JL. l'lan. CtC, A.S.., HOMil, W-tJIB-J, riUSNDEIt wanted, Brickwork, pair houses. Apply Mackoy, Builder, cr. uremorne.

oirua am m.u. TENDERS invited Erection W.B. Cottage. Auburn. Plans and Rncc.

res. Challenirer. Chestnut-rd. Abn. LENDERS fur Brickwork, W.B.

CotWge. Thomp- eon, Long-st, Strathfleld, mENDEKS wanted (or Graining new cottage. Hania- -L rd, Five Dock. Five Dock. 'ANTED, good Hand Crane, lilt ton.

vfuson, von- "TTTANTED, Price. Layinir 50,000 Bricks; also Men for excavation, 8-0, Avoca i nomwn-st. v. ri, VV colt. 'lBt-av.

Campsie. Oil job. H. Fleet, Bldr. V7ANTWD, IcnderB, Repairing Fence at Bllvcricigu, Henrietta-Bt.

Waverlcy. Apply on premifles. BEFORE you Build, see A. Strangc-Mure. Assortment of Modem Plans of Cottages.

Plans and spcciflca-Hons free to suit all. Royal-street Lower Randwick. PLANS and Specifications prepared, modem designs, AodIp Astoria. Wailace-st, West Kogarah. PLANS and SPEC, prepared, prac.

modern designs, 1 Is. Doric, Enmore P.O. BUSINESS ACTOTXKCEMCTTS. SHOPKEEPERS, TOBACCONISTS. AND HAIRDRESSERS, Whenever you want small quantities of the lines you require, order from us, and you'U get LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES.

Uins up City 0098. Our travellers will call on y0U CRATG AND ATTKEN, 654II GEORGE-STREET, SYDNEY Est, 80 Years. rif! U1 CURED BY Pj ia TPRTPn WITH GREAT SUCCESS IN THE MELBOURNE hom*oEOPATHIC HOSPITAL. What the Chairman of the Melbourne hom*oeopathic HotpiUl said to a "Herald" reporter (iu "Herald" Si)l'O0): "Hearing of this case, which had been mnnmiriPHl outside. 1 admitted the patient.

and determined to test the medicine. in the case under notice, vjieao uia ceruunij cuctt vwv. Jars 4s Od and 2s Od; postage, 4d exua. ANTHONY HORDERN AND SONS. AT KIN AND T0WNSEND, Builders.

make a Epectalty of all House Repairs and Renovations. A(iaressU ucsviiie; ur no in kikl-tuhu, uituc. i WHY PAY EXORBITANT PRICES FOR SPECTACLES when you can have each eye tested separately, and have the very best Lenses in 60 lid Nickel Frames, fis; Solid Gold, 12s 3d: ex, heavy, 17s ftd; Roll. Gold, from 2s 0d; G. Filled, 10s to keep Its colour, will stand the test or nitric acid, ea, with case; uraziiian 2a 6s 6d.

B. BARNETT, Scientific Optician. 349 Pitt-st, 8 dra. below Bd. rMOAL.

Best NEWCASTLE. SOUTHERN, and WEST ERN (JOALS; UAS and fiSlt UUKlia. SYDNEY COAL TeL, City 467. Colliery Agents, 03 Pitt-street. Glebe Deoot: Bridire-road.

next Hudson's. "W'mloo, Forbes andNirholioii SU. Wholesale only. WANTED KNOWN STREET closing his White Ant, co*ckroach, Borer, and Bug Cure Shop. These Certain Cures sold at Lasectteri', George-street, same price.

VOR PAINTING. KALSOMLN1NG. and GENERAL X' HOUSE REPAIRING, cm a Quotation from JAMES McFARLANE, 27 Gerard-street, Neutral Bay, neiore pia cing your oruer eiscwnere. TlY THE NEW PROCESS. EVA BttAHAM'S Permanent Henna Coloiirinff re stores Grey and Faded Hair to its original sable.

si a ueorgc-MTCci, next ro u.r.., p.vnney. Lockamithi, 281 Pitt-st. JAMES II. AUGER. Skio Speclalirt and Hair Cultur-ist.

has REM OVED to 7 Bligh-it, op. Union Club. TACQUES' EASY HAIR TINCTURE, obtainable 11 ritt-si; aifp at vasnington n. aoui. ijAPERHANGE'R.

"Pointer, quick, cheap, good, free. Taylor, 179 St. John's-rdf. Glebe. Urns, Spoons, Cruets, But-Ll ter DUhes.

Ri'pbtcd as new. Y. Wild 64 Park-st SEWING MACHINES" Miiall chargVs, town or country. 260, Herald. TABTONE OIL stops and prevent greyni clirriiistn.

and I'va Rrahani. 371 George-st STOCK, SHARES, AND MONET. (Continued frcm page 16.) ADVANCES on Fum. (without Pro, Notes, etc. X.

Dinrnn. Loawell. Trrry-rt. VOI Sliarci X1 td Stun. -Peter, Starr-Itowkett, 4ill paid.

ii. oiv-, i.tnrrint'-M, i. fiarm. 'rNK 1IENDRED AND TWENTY-PI VE to gfJ LEND on Mnfrgiigr, FREE OF INTEREST, lake nd's pla in Starr-llowkctt Hocirty. Write for CASH, P.O., Glebe.

rpo LEND, at p.p. on flrst-elass sccurlttei. in sums. H. t'ransioii.

Moow-st. ANTERB PARK RACEsT TO-DAY. TO DAY. I I 1 tnoo to eniiiue sgLceu, it i eer.thl i should receive an ample suppiv 0 l. Bj "SINGER'S KGft PUuhn WUAUlKi-UL KtSUL'lS HAVE BFf'S Orrrl USINO THIS SPLENDID IUNIC-jS fona.

at faokctl, and Is Od 'bj p-j BTNGER CO. 1 1 imi i-trffi. ayuj i-H RANTUAM B. P. IJT LOGUE NOW READY.

If you are interested in noultrv tun to be without ihia. It Hrwtihr. UP-to-date POULTRY FAUM it, h. rZZl. telbrfjou abjut our Laying and EihibiUoa SS WriU (or it IT'S FREE.

Addreaa: The Manager, GRANTHAM STtm 9ni ARM, SEVEN HILLS. Telephone. "17 AUWAIb L4JUJ1MJ. MOSSMAN and ELLIS, AucUodeert, Srii'a Ti'ivcV; Of P0U1 i uc-jwa illLljaiJAl. anH l-uip also SUCKERS, CARCASE POKE, VEAlT, L.i.i a arm aa lor ytui turf, and will galu VOUH eontlJence C61 TRY Tttiill.

I SToFHiATivrK will hold Ili'elr Auction Sale ol rniWS' on WEDNESDAV, Win Al'HIL, at 1.30 if POllTt' lUr. sSples. SO I'liM FEES CHARGED. L. D.

IKKSSON, WinnTr of the TeSrjudSSrs Selection, Uawkesbury Collect- 1DI-' prom jou, Strain of Iwn by 31( each; 1st Year Ileus, 2nd Yen 11 SETTINGS booked in rotation from im Xkrtf. 10, 16. SI each. P' KOOSNONO POU1.TRY YaRns Fldden'. Wharf-road s7n- A tMlEAE.

rilUhU i.r..h.. TaZ -Me mow- uMMMy. iLi c. irom rnaiuuseni-r t. tomr, Mrtng ralddlenien', hugeatTlJ" fi mfdj, hTy freight Wctagfl pnee coniphitA one guinea.

SUnTliafSniTSS Minanan'sdnunbera, miA Pitt-nr, yoor rouitry pronuhle. Write for a cod. Si PHce. rule Mnw. 7 i-wo.

nnat aoout yours? ai vlT SL! t0P labVTi tii? gooa position. O. J. TUItNEB snd HO Valentine streets, Haymarket. 'Phone, k-gWAlf'8 BLACK 6RPINOTONS XS i at lIaSikbm i lOsftlf Lea.1rata at TeL.

Ennlnrr iO i-'o. Quay snd Valentine streets, trJTiuTTS. A BOUT -gHgrt XA. dark. IW on it UiTsearlirtt and wiU renioSed'th, 5f salesmen is undoubted.

Our -w. oWuty areas. vi oy oia. PKEMEB COAmE POASD PoM0I Mmridpaly Poultry Markets. Haymnrkri.

VV eremSS THI'l ni) 111 ur.m. able prices. H. THOMAS (i.t,.,... PSUSiJUL" "Wl alio-ThTSereTa 777; Ilea IT Steel Drum), rroof.

la Od S. nSI roono tiin. HITE LEGHORN KOOSTEl.V lBrina- Stniin. (I mnmlie I'uiinii-sirnet, Cabiriti. A Hint i MIu Li'trlioru HHVa i Himm BcauchaniD-stxeel.

iiiitOEj fmnivrja aA iul 'Ti. w. lumcr inclt-bum. AritV1 "itrierDogna OMtlt.1. 80 pain lor Bale, reasonable price, kmi' u.V.

llarkou. eliv 1 YytN'l'UK EOUS EASY. Bl00d' Bs'' SpioJ t.aD ViT tJwcat, uiooo, nose, and Sp has placed inorc Egg. on the market than all othi ia )'NLV 2 Ur' "ane "Puppies lelt, 12 ivtela. buck bitch.

'Phone, ttmdiviek. On vi.i'S lirdilv nnH til-rrTINOS guaranteed, liidiananierw; Bkf hv "ChB- ai.O BlTUS lor t.1. uloucestefroad, lliiirtville. jpEUlOREB Eos Terrier PuU for Sale. Mr.

Dckenlty, 'nort,, bearbom-i Park, bottom ku*msBate-rd. Sun. Snnpi CHJIt Sale, AiiKtralimi Terrier i'lippitTlrt -1- time. TIHlimui i Purd.i-. Itiver-ril.

Bankstown. fogs, all good ivorkvrs. A. TK0OF of Bonaventure Poultry (inality. yii.ig.o-, ocaereis amveil sjfelv, and! am well pleased i-ilh them aott." Any birds order will satisfy jou Just our new lyi.i untalogne.

noiarni. rann. lion Mount Umitt, ff AW. TELPIK PUPS, 0 months old, narenu prist- CATTLE PUPS for Sale. E.

Godfrey, Hia Waterloo. A SPECIAL NOTICE TURIvEYS. FOWLS, WANTED, nighest Prices Guaranteed. SPOT CASH. Carts calling City and Suburbs DAILY.

No Cora-mission Charges or Deduction of anv kind. HAD'tA n. 'rnones, city oi-TJ, t.lenc m. FORD'S SPICE Fowls lay well and do well. Try it, 21b Is.

71b 2s 6d. All stores. Ford. Petcnlua, pOVl for Sale, nlso pair of Ducklings, six Jackson, Boccacio, Croydon-aveuue. Croydati.

XOR SALE, Australian Terrier Pups (female). cotte, New bonth Head-rd. Rose oay. CANARIES wanted, any breed or number, mint bt v- cneap. u.ii.i'..

ueorgc-st west rost-omee. FOR SALE, 10 While Leghorn Hons and Pure-bw Rooster. cheap.48 -tort KINDLE BULL DOG PUPPY for Sale (mile), I months, pedigree. Johnson. 35 Forth-st.

Wlhrt, 'ANTED. Wire-haired Fox-temer Bitch. Bos 1. Wanalda. WO AIREDA1J5S wanted, also Irish TEIUIIEH, i.

F. King. Kundibar. Double iflTH I.KJ1HORN co*ckERELS for Sale. Applf hViitt Khnn Kino1 and Terrv utS.

St. Vettlt. RINDLE Bulldog wanted. State pried and iirui lara, Lynn, ueacn-ra, t-annis i ui-i- iR SALE, Silky Terrier Dog. Apply Somenst, Sch bel-at.

Marncicviiie, near swm. VV 'ANTED lo Purchase, Laying Hens, in ot fi.nrn InlB MU. SiaiUCy-Sl Hull lorner I'liia, tieJi greed stock, 'cheap. 187 Denison-st. JUG Puppies, pure bred, ior wne, uitijii'.

der, Tincr-st, lunowicn, wear im 'lOLUE Dogs and Puppies for Sale, cheap. Toogood-st, KruKincvuie. ED Kelpie Pups, 8 montlis old, by inger. unver, "r-r OUNG Mexicun Parrots, all talking and lausWj B1 TXCK and Tan Kelpie Bitch, 3 months old, 1 nrcttv little Nann Goat, rum MIN'G, 83 Morgan-st, 1' nlinm. REYiiuUND for Sau, tood condition, prw -i WOrt d.

APPiy jtOIl Sale, young to'x Terrier, Apply fL-, 17-' r-rimden-st. Newtown. HITE Ughoru Itoosicr, 10 Pullets, trained worKcr, iwaW toj" thv nafr Nets. Sims. '247 P'nutta-rd.

KM. TAOH Sale Bulldog Puppies. Bnndle and White Dog, also Yorkshires Aniimhwg riers, worth in.p. CheaiJO Forbes-st, loonBOl makes, 80s, birvclc: gr'phoiie. 80s.

M' WANTED TO PURCHASE. tContlnued frdm pageliU srrcT 11.., pi. tiirr: with water tl WT. loo fmntlji-ni. Anrindil', 3TAMPS.

Wanted to Buy. small yoncci joi, 5 Aurtrallan Slanip'. Stale Iltn VVANTED, Dinner Suit for person aWlt cabis thckk or wm Ranted, FOLDis'a kodak, ior nftTK'VACillNli, tf iii Uriel. Herald. r-rS 7TD.

to Buy. a Inverted Gas state ft VV of burners In each and WAKTKD, about HO Sheets ol 7 to bind COnillOATED 1I10S, ali IND03. price nnd address, A. 11., fireomUiand Mile, mate prtM, puft, Wltolirmann, co Bramwrlt., llarruvstiijBl WANTED.

12 Ml. CHEMIST'S SHOW 5-5 tAAXTKD, I'holiojrailh. order, an. Ilrpen.vlh. iliniw-oi, aStTI) to Hov, Singer Siivlngi i,i.n Wit.on-a.

M.iRrnt. rilON Cask or Drum, iil'O topper, wi.ur,., aallnra. Plate e-h l.nri-.'M,. 1 1 TrA NTE 1 -hand F. P.

KODAK I'lMKMA- I ii ft Irbrap. Stat- nrlo., "ii'Jj Sideboiini, irci.l IV r.n.ini. no ilt I I Jk- 'l TiuViSi III' VVf, SAJi.i.lX-1. WANTED, Coilplllc I'll AM, tetnanje 1 .1 1 cart.

53 Cooper-It, lledfern, rhone, 278 N. COACHBUILDER, KING-STREET, NEWTOWN. Est. Take St. Peters tram to AUcc-strcet.

MANUFACTURER OK'ALL CLASSES of BUSINESS AND MUNICIPAL CARTS and WAGGONS. Write or ring up for price. Correspondence promptly attended to. 1HEAPEST BALEYAftli IN OR i-Jlt PAYaliuM', bUALL DEiVblia TAlvE.N. Uorou, Budulc.

uikd suii Cart 'lumuui, tib; Dialer's Van luniout, iiilii- uii. turiiuuL, uiiy llorot'ai, loiauJ. aim Uui irul, irom i4 cuvh; tm.Klo aud Double Lumen, uuiLiikia UUrtL'la tjrOL-tll. Lalti, luiy bou ol UJiutss, nuw gad ei-toiid Uaiid; uiao SaJaic-uod rtougn t.vwriy Lugyicti, Suihits. tU rami Djay.

ueiivured uu rail ur boaL. l- between TuoUi'a Brewery and ble-idy iUii, uke over flrst-clahs iiPIJl(A 'ILitNotl', wiUi pel iiwueiit bjilui-w' wccmj. ouLUiins iree witn Urni. jio. llorM! young and bound, tt'im Urm ytars.

Own triaL Appiy trs. i. llan.aiki-t. WANitl 1'L'KN rcliuolt: Ma.s tu ii.ii 'l ii'Dit a weekly. Ilorse young and touud, aw.

Suiuiug tree Ueorgc-urect, Rtdfern. LJL'LKIES of all dcoeriptioni, wiui or wiiiuut rubbiir IJTej, to uuit oi puniea. Tte cuvapesl and iwu ui eja bcrilUi, ill UUUlUDLA. 0, tOOCU Mtmuwa, iitauo aiiu isrowu btrcew, Aewtuwn. UUiVA'lE hALK, iutih-cLuaii butdt PuAl, U.L wddlc A or haine, trial; Wh POiSi', 3ym, cheap; Piiiblun -t BHWIHJ flUlBKI UlaAl, WilU vu iu.

iiw Aitcu-it, LOUiiiuirut, near Uanu. tOU bale, trUide-seat armshed Tray bulky, new, up to date, also 2 Rubocr-iyred buikie), pretueat in uuueji vucmu, ua Aueicioinuie-tti, ueaiern, opp. Sale, One SINGLE LORRY, good order, will accent reasonable oiler. May be rteen alter 2 Saturday.

Apply Produce Store, 032 Bourke-street, S.H. ZIAbU or Terms, week's trial. 20 Horses, Mares, and romes, crom ti; new and vcnicie, ev, descrip. urccngrocers iiunout, tiu; bumy l'urnout, tld, 535 Giiorge-strcet, opp. Uonlexn's TWO Trotting Men and Others.

For Sale. Trottinz Stul. Uuu liauda iiiiia. last and urit-cUi bugsy horse; holds lite certinciite; cheap. FuU particuiairs apoJy 0.

S. PE'HTT. Brooklyn-strceU Euiicld. IiiOR Vehicles and Repairs of every description try TILE UNION COAGHWORKS, PtUZE LORRY BUDLDEltS, 75 Clcvelajid-otrect, Itediern lUe Stcwiirt's oiu 'Pus -iUaics). No delay.

Uood work. Fricei, right. CjTYLibli Brown elding, 16 iuuda, broken saddle and Harness, trial, cneap; also auiHy, lUb. i-ymeni- ii iicrest-street jneur icmpe ruonc acuooij. FOR SALE, 1 Taffy Mare, 14 bands, good goer, unit-able for sulkv or email butcher' cart.

BRETT, St. Albans, Garncit-st, Dulwich HilL T7K)R Sale. 13.2 Bay Pony, 3yrs, Bent-bhait Sulky, and Harness, U. buturday, Riehviie, Northwood- faircec, uainperuown, near uournuiia. i TTWR Sale, Light Double Lorry, with pole, shafts.

a. and topbourds, in good order, cneap. Appiy i. TAYLOR. Coach builder, Parrauiatta-road, l'eterinam.

A tfrVLlbH Sulky tor Sale, nearly new. suit --i 4-nana norye. Athniild. Beaumont, Lang-street, Croydon. A REAL good Dealer's pantcn Van, Horse, and Har -t-.

ness; anil pair ot van vrnoeis, ior aaie, cneap. 33 Cowper-Btrcet, Waterloo. 70U SALE, Sulky and Lamps, cheap. Apply after j- vi at 'it uorucm-st, ncwiown. HORSE, Spring Van, set Sulky Iriirimings, pair Wheels.

373 Vjctoria-rd, near park, Marrickvi lie. ilOOD SULKY, suit 14-hand pony, cheap. Cliiton, 70 bimmons-Bt, lanmorc SALE, 6 pair second-band Cab Wheels, rubber or iron tjTcs. chp. W.

Filer, Junctioo-st, forest Lodge TIT UST Sell, 1 thickeet Bay rony, 13 nanas, any iX trial, chean. Ua MuUens-st, Biumain. FS. SALE, 14-hand PONY, also set an Harness. Alexander.

TV itozeue. TTMJtSl'-CLASS 12h Rubber-tyre Sulky Turnout, Pony, X1 6 yesrs, quiet. 63 l'ark-rd, oil Cook's Itjver-rd. ADY'S HACK and Buggy Horse, quiet, stylish, good mover, own trial. ii rtiuion-m, aiuwiiiu--.

"Afl'EDlUM DRAUGHT UORaiv, 6 years. Alter 2 pan, JJ-a- 00 Tcrry-st, IOR Sale, full-size St. Shaft Sulky, sliding seat, rubber steps; harn. to match, cnanng-cr. i.

iiw. CJALE, stanch HORSE, ton trial, suit van or oray. hJ 17 Theodore-st. Uulinain, near Waimain town uan 130R Sale Square Van and Harness, 14; brake, gd, W. Hayward, 13u Botauy-st, Waterloo.

X1 order. FOR SALE, a SULKY, suit a 13 or 14 ponj'-803 Parnunattu-rd, Lewishiim. wiuMKiiniAlJ-i -'nv Hire, smart eat Pony 'l'urnout citv, with driver, wk. Ring up 1054 Petsbam. iirst-cL Dealers' Vans and Harness.

1VX FauUuicr, Nclcon Cottage, aiUMAtER. "necks good colmtry, town. Leiier. Experienced, Entnore P.O. T7oit fcilP.

a real cood strong Square Van, M. Flaimgan, 4IK liourkc-st. Surry Hills. .7 Tl i' tflta M. LlnrtiPs.

Sulkv rfiild's scat. n. new. Corriek. l-w old Horse, sound, stanch, reliable, suit van, grocer cart.

RHirc, Delivery Van and Uarness, iu good order. -rTTORTSalc, a 1-FoTe lieiiOrick Lorry, good order. ppiy o3 X' G. teddy, C1AIJ-L Dealer's van S3 out. 18-.

3 light barn. Homes. Hary-st, nat.o. a nun Marc, cneao. inust ek.u QMVO Sets new Sprinccart 'iiarneiis for Sale, cheap.

1 "id Canterburyrd. A STsSgJ? ATS Horse, broken fl. alld 1., sliisie -New Tipcart and A US? trial: rjgL-y-i StSll be rubber-tyred Sullty TiTrvf uiw llnrnesiL X1U1 1'agnei ii0 ik 160 ralmer-Bt, oil' Oxford-BU calf at loot, clicap, JALE, BOOU nJtinovlllc. can.

J. Goolot, Mel- Sale, 1 Black rony, any uw. SNYTlVinds, suit estate quj rosc-at. reliable. nanUS, 00 ienliflH Wilkinson, lieimore.

i iiouc, TAOlt ri-dc 13 h.Tonv Mare, very reliabie, any trial, Ii0" M-Donald-st. n.i,'T Vi bcisTTfor Lady, 5, bar- U. n(n ij'nldfit. Lumcron-st, Rockdale. 5ACK Saddle, Riding "Saddles, prav JT Counters, Van, Buggy 312A Pilt-tit- i.vw sale.

1 Brick Lorry, Single Dray 3 Horses, and Ii iimiMta with work. 60 Peters mWO stanchT' reliable" Draueht llares, suitable heavy 1 ploughing, yoong, 2Ueaeh.t;llridge.rd,Glehe. dble. teat. Horse, Harness, 20; rony aiare, in foil, chp.

St-olt, TOfi('llT ed. order, cost to to ounu, ilc ilk AVAnderson, Mill-st, Carlton. 322 Kog TLACK PONY, 12.2, quiet, fast, stylish, eyra, Uilbraa. Kogarah Buy, Kogawh. 1GI1T Draught, suit van, tnai given, 32.

Apply XJ this day, alter 1 :13 liulwarra-rd, j'jTniout. rvii! fiiu Oamv Ponv. H.2. any trial. U.

iticnura- ton, next Hallway m.umoi.vii-t", 1jV)R Sale, H.odcd Uent-ahiift Sulky and Harness, In good order. C. Miller. Tabrctt-at, Rockdale, "DUTCHER'S light Orde Uiirt. cedar scat, llltkory wheel: suit Kmalleood 14 U's.

SZ otolie-st, uni TOR SALE, pick of 0 HOUSES, in work. Appiy Alexandria. After 2 o'clock. vnrp. hi tin" PONY.

12 Sulky, and Lady Xl cnidrive. Sell. 13 Mori-head -st, Redfern. IOU SALE, MyUsh mbber-tyrcd Sulky, nearly new. 7 Picton Villa.

Wentwortli-st, Tempo. IOR SALE, nice bay Pony, Sulky, and week's trial. 13. 41HA Pitt-st, Haymarket. 1ASU.

Time Payment, Rent. Horse, Tipdray, Har. the lot. 4I2A Pilt-st. Hayinarket.

AfUST SELL, square guard-iron i as, in good i.J- order, clirap. rwin iri'i i.i.;irj for Hire. "jAmiidci-irt, Forest Lodge. ith or with "out driver. DempFey'sj.

15 LitleYoung-st, LJtedi ICK of light Hatness HORSES; seen working every day. TWO new Sulkies suit 12 and bands. each; must Sell to-day. 132 tTTYLISH 173 Saddle" and Harness Hay PONY, IO sort: Ladv ciin drive. 11 King-Bt, Newtown IjlOR SALE, 'Hon.

Tiinber Dray, and Harness, or neuarate. IS Chuich-tt, bt. Peters. ind "Hanic59 Turnout, with good XX work, 20. ii Kensingtoti-st, off Ceorge-st Weal corge-si eai.

41 KcnEinglou- VTEW Single-horse LORRY, lot 20. i. nt. off Georse-fit West. I JgiTT PI IA Pony, and Harness, lot 30.

i 44 Kcnslnffton-at, off Oeorgc-st WesL TEW Set M'Gmth's Harness and a good Tipdray, -iN lot 20.4ienslKU3n1Bttoll ANTED to Purchase, 12 bands Pony rnd Milii fnifViiitT 'romtOi'if 1. must be fust and stylish; will -view this afternoon from 3 clock; no dealers need apply. 1 Jganjtrect, newiowu. WANTED, sou.nd HORSE, suitable ior uommercuU Traveller's Sulky. LA.nuuu.

ana It ANTED to Hire for few homr uaiiy, rony, aiTtagf-. wiUi nulet tiorse ami tarcim unvtr. lunituwi, INVALID. a kti'O 4.u-hirliH i ron, cut under, and hooi! S. ANTED, Pony and Su'ky Turnout.

13-M WANTED, light SPRING rasctigers. kopiI order. CART, cam- lOcwt, Bos 1326, G.P.O. 7ANTED, good liglit strong covercd-in Waon, udMti. licnil.ijlfilre WMNTED, a POSY ami Tup.

fiilmnt. N'orlh Rvihifv, W. Fergnson, Dawn, 1 "17 ANTED to Buy mi 'a, no (iilcn lijilit Van, about IS ('n'Oii, Mary Ann-sL Ultimo WANTED, iiiri tuirii'tte. il. To-day i i vrni ui.fl.

Siili.v llorc, 1 1 'to lj I must be (us', good. T. EiVv, I4t llne-st. D.irMtigion. i V-civTi-Ti in noiible Tii'drnv with bmUe.

1V .1. 'fl, Ncntinl a- TAiwrrii Light Butcher Cult in Cart, at once, A l'opcI onler. No dr.ilfis. Knjiarali Post-offliT. fSnv'KKV'i and POXlEs; 'wanted to Hire, (or ONKEY3 and POND'S, wanted to Hire, (or APRIL If tilh.

AppIv Vlekery's-fhatnSKTs, Til Piano, value Inr a H.illiy Tuni'iut, nfTer. nr. -lied. Will, liny. Worn-out "liorseB oiwfOows Bonrrht Tel-, I Mai-ot.

irre. Connelly. 121 Mweot. TE give Hiphetit Price for llor-flair. any qimniily, Farm Produce and Export 228 Susiex-it, MEDAL SULKIES.


ARTHUR HORTON, BULKY MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS, S44-S48 Psrnunattm-road, Pctenham. 621 Pet. Leichbardt. HaberBeld. and AhhnWnn.

at door. BEKD FOR CATALOGUES AND PRICES. pfTiiEiLiER, Coicbbuilder and Saddler, L-eorBe-rtrcct, nest. Merchant Coacbtanlders. JWi? 48 101 'o 5.

ut real nice ones at 13 10s; Uumtiei. from 1S 10. to 60; lorely iight Busiiici at Li 10s: Sulky and Bunny Hamm. Iram a la" Bubkcr and Gold Harness a speciality. If you want to cut a da order a s-t ot each m' ae bettr ma(le Saddle, froui 2a uJf stal of workmen, and make erery tuiem.


erected 3ti. 'ho Repair of Motor Can. 6p- ana uoay uuuauur, OUK PriM, It will pay you to net a quote Irom ua. Our GrlT the rear of St. Benedict'.

Church, Qeor(e-itret NEW and Second-hand Vehicles and Harness oTill descriptions, Tray, Straight, Bent, and 1 Shaft Sporting- Sulkies, with and without rubber tyres, suit ponies, horses. Carryalls. Queen'. Pony, Park? and --7 u.cwua, m.nan, uraga. Duck-board and Tray Buggies Hawkers' and Erprea, Wag.

uHH.t5 wiiix, 1, oquarc, ann rony vans Horses always on band. 1 ciu.uia n.w CrHUSTEY, fi67 and 65, narrnraircet. unimot 0 inposlt rowcr-nouac. CHEAPEST YARD Ut SYDNEY, Cash TemaL-20 Horses and Uarea, heavy and light Ponlea, from mi vrwcies, every description; Uubber-tyre Bul-kic and Buggies; Single Lorries, 22i Double, 28; Sriiure Vans, Timber Drays, Oiocera' Carta, Pagnel (5rU' Waggons, 'with or without hobdsl DcalClV Vans. Pnnv Vnn.

apAn on. i. 1 DARLINGTON. StVKTtt kr 1 rtu.nrt. nAi-XAitu.

a) HORSES. Irom Covered and Open SoSffi 2S? fW; from 12; sociables, suit country, from 10; Single and Double Mi rw. iii tlol Order Carts, Sulkies: Ponv l'urnout. 1.11, vu- 20. No.

00 n. 1 Most Central srl fr Ki. jmn IU QJ uue rvmviSt na jnares, from 60 Bi fl every aeacnptlonj 0 Single and Double wua.Ks. av wgm uuses, iu uovered and Onen Waa-gons, from 14; Phaetons, Tipdrays. Sociable, Rand-Home Dogwurt, 16; 20 Sulkies, from Village Carta.

Order Carta. r-B- drays, Dealers' Vans. No. 212 GOULBURN -STREET near RILEY -STREET, SURRY IIILL3 TjlOR Bine Ribbon Line Vehicles, the C. ASHDOWK iuvioo CAMPERDOWN.

lake Leichhardt or Abbotsford Car to Australia-street. IpOR HALE, (SMART Ah US-BUILT Rubber Tyres. FEDERAL LAUNDRY STABLES, -ew. DOUBLE BAT, nvil, on SlU-Aliif r. HORSES and PONTES to suit Tradesmen; Sulkr and Buggy Turnouts; also Lady and Saddle si 1Ur otue or xure, rjy aay or contract.

FOrs STABLES, TeL, 281 Redfern. 4S5 ElilM'thitTMi. MAKE and Filly foaL Spring Cart, and Tipdray; tanner's Plough and Harrow, Scariner Xhaff-cutter, Circular Saw aod Bench. S-horse-power Oil Engine compete. ROBINSON.

Estate AgenU 'pbone Hornsby. "PONIES. Private Owner wishes to Sell rvair w-n. matched Bays, 14 6 and 7 or choice of a 1 asi K-noje or harness. Trial Saturday aftern.

Pasny, Prospect-rd, Hummer H. n. rlv. CJTANCU reliable HORSE, 9, any triaTPiTarneas, Square Van, also neat Ponv Sulkv and Harris encap. 495 Elizabeth-street, pnritST-CLASS quiet PONY, including new Handle, Bridle, for Sale, used saddle or harness, quiet, suitable boy or girl, can be driven by ody.

DORA-DORA. Carr-strpot. fin- rrENTTH, th.p. twin, w. gear, Cowey Bpeedom, WO miles, Endnck decompressors, Lamp, Horn, all spares, complete, practically new, trial.

,..1 r-- i.t, IOR SALE, 2 perfect SADDLE or HARNESS PONIES (sisters), by Don handrome and docile, for lady or children. Mrs. PRITCHARD, P'matta SCS. WcntworthTfllt MUST SELL. Angus-built Hooded SOCIABLE, R.T.

Angua Single Broucham: also Ieather-trrmmcd also Iaeather-trhriTncd Hooded R.T. Anrus Phaeton. Apply 212 Goolburn- street, nenr Riley-Btreet. Surry Hill 11s. PONY, Clift, i Brown, good goer, easy drive, trial; can be eecn Sunday.

x. ar.uiAAM uarnngiora-roaa, tpping. "tARRYING. Wanted to Seil, a VAN TURNOUT; in vuiiawiib worn wun aiy arm, Apply alter a p.m., to tv iJowiing-'-rreei. raoiintrton, ITtOR SAI.E, S-Epring Sulky, sliding seat, and good pet Harness, cheap.

Applj Of) Bank-street, North Sydney. FOR SALE. Black PONY MARE, 2 years, good mover, Cleone, Edward-street, Glebe Point, tram terminal. Saturday, before 12 o'clock. and B.

TOURING BIKE, 10, U.S.A., 3-specd, cable brakes, eta, Al condition, cost 20 5a, 12 use, rean. trial. A. Chnmpion. VVahroonira.

THtST-CLASS 5 yr. Pony Marc, 10.2 hands, quiet, rc -s-J liable, good mover. Cleone, Edward-street, Glebe Point, tram trrriiiiius. FOR SALE, Draught Maxe, with Van and work on S.H.T., good lot, steady man, price 55. TJTIRST-CLASS ij-ahaft Rubber-tyred Hooded Sporting JJ SULKY and Set of Double-stitched English HAR- NERS.

Stable, rear 04 Hargrave-street. Paddington. TTIOR Sale, the brightest. lOh PONY TURNOUT in ii x. Sjfiney, ia6t, snowy, viceieas.

Prire taker. Used Appiy George, 118 Bathurnt-st. F' GR Sale, one of 2 B.S. Sulkies, suit 13h and 14h pony, cheap. o.

waiiter, jaargarci-sx, jampsie, near Piinchbowl-road Bridge. iOOD SUIaKY for Sale, cheap. Apply Plumber's, VJI Durham-st, Carlton. SULKY TURNOUT, good, lady can drive, owner leaving, cheap. Lea Vaux, Dallcy-st, Roc-kwood.

ALE, Drags, Sulkies, Vans, Vill. Carts, Tipdrays, Hontea, Ham. 11. conen, wissenaen-ro, a iwn. "7ELL-MADE Tipcart, good order, eet Harness, 1 nearly lot cneap, 47 Bnage-ra, uieoe.

OCIABLE, Waggonette, pole, shafts, 16, Ridg. Sad die, 25s; 17. 489 TARCEL Delivery Van, Horse, and Harness, for Sale or Hire, at puiines, a L.uaiuui'Bt. G' EM Milkcarts, Lorries, Vans, Bradleys, Sulkies, in oek.

Tlione, ao. llosKins. 11111. UST Sell, Pony, 14 Sulky, and Harness, 18 Muriel, kookwooq. VERY stylish Bay COB, with Hack points, price 20.any trial.

Phono, City 2014. lOW, 2nd also Jersey, both very quicL ia 1 ore. OW SALE, quiet," reliable COW, in full milk. Ap- piy ireianu noiei, inirwooa. rilRAY Sulky, long-dist.

axle, spring nearly new, sat. or mm. uurnev, nmvicw, Jia. rpiP Dray Turnout, cheap. 6 Botanyrd, Alexandria, near Johnson 6 jjne.

TTOR SALE, cheap, lifrht Van HORSE, seen working. Side entrance. 17 Castlerciigii-at. ALE, first-class Bent-shaft Sulky, Harnew, 14 to 15 hands, cheap, illness. 8 Hargrave-st, Paddington.

TiJ'UOaETY Draught Mare, any trial, 5 year. uur.l 1 i-raiitJiii v. Mazitelli, Croydon-st, lakcmba. FOR SALE. Set 1IARNICS3, i-uft 12 or 13 hand pony.

1 r.lee-?nn. Ginps-rt f-'oncord. reliable Ponv. Set llarnera. any trial, 12 lot, cheap.

Darlington, PONY, 11 hands, Sulkv, Lamps, Set New Harneta, 12 lot, cheap, any triaL 41 City-rd. Darlington. 1MIREE Heavy Draught Horses, ton trial, uod to plomrliinir, suit farm. 7 ea. 41 CTty-nl.

Pari' ton. "pvEALElt VAN, reliable Horse. Set Harriets, any tr: ial, lot, chenp. 41 Cily-rd, Darlington. 1JONY VAN TURNOUT, any trial, 11 lot, must go, chenp.

FOR SALE. Bay HORSE, 10 hands, 6 yrs. old. suit can, cheap. J.

Parry, Denison-st, Amcllffe. mRA ELL ERS. Good Sulky Turnout for Hire, by week. Mrw. PeterBon, 6fl Ahercromble-st, Kcdrem.

BROUGHAM CAB, sound, strong, suit country, ready for use, clieap. 44 Vlne-st, Redfern. QET Ixirry Wheels, Pair Van Wheels, fj works. Iron Tanks, etc. Llverpoo Home fH Liverpool -Sussex its.

TjONY, 14.1, 6 reliable, sound, fast, trial given, rh eap. ADereromnie, wnan-ra, ioncoro rasi. LEATHER Hooded SULKY for Sale, must pell; nlso Harness. Hughenden, Croydon. ALE, Brntsliaft Sulky, equal new, suit 14 to 15 hands, i-inn lo Pnnir SnHrv nnrl Ifnrn.

"together or sepa e. Bav-st. R'dale. rate, cheap. Applv Ronton Cottage.

Bay-st. R'dale, I-Olt SALE, 2 good Tipdrays, also 2 aingie and 1 Douhlc. 90 Roilway Subwiy ftZTvi-n Tl'liWrT for SALE, suit haHter. rhoap. 110 Chalmers-St.

top of Railway Subway. ACRIFICE, 1 Sfnale, alo I Double fOrtRY. 212 Goulburn-st, near micyi, ourr.v unm. STYLISH BULKY, suit VlUi. CART, gd.

ISh pony, nearly new; also cheap. G. Curtis, Zetland. hands HORSE, years, fmt. sound, 12.

Bell, Portman-st, Zetland. Cj ALE, brown HORSE, suit van. S. Bampton, Ash-IO ley Cottage, Botany-road, Ale-tandria. NEWLY -CALVED young Ayrshire COW, suit dairy or largo family.

.1. Coaling, L'pool-rd, Burwood. IOR SALE, TIPDRAY TURNOUT, with work, ntiggety st. horse, trial. R.

Treuer, Watprloo-rd, Bankstown. fpWO Farm Marrf, used to ploughing, 0 each. Na- HOODED Waggon, Horse, Hnrness, 18, suit rabbit er.Nal 1 lll.Coulhiirti;Bt opp. JItbiIm Hall. Cart, Hanic, milt lady, iiji, NjiLFloiir Mills.

OniiUnim-stA nr. Trades H. DEALER'S Van, young Horse, Harness, 18, bargain, Nat. Mills, Goulburn-st, near Trades It All miPDRAY. Horse.

HnmPM, with work, 23. 25. Nat. Trades nail, Flour Mills, nouHmrn-Bt. city, nr.

130NY, Rnbber-t. Sulky. R.G. Harness, cheap. My Hunt-alow, Oreenhlll-st, Croydon.

A RUBHER-TYRED Sporting Sulky, F.8., x- nliiKKt J.enf"-st,CainrMln 17I0R9TLE, pretlv PONY bud'SULKY, Iri good order, cheap. T-oeh linmond, hew ltanksia station. I 71 AST WOOD. HIGH LAND, Soil, at DenUtone Est, Sub. No.

1. SALE NEXT SATURDAY. GRIENflnd( 'O. Moore-street i (TuARDRAIL Van; with fifnltr, new mall. Pot axle, 10.

D. Gordon, ColUni-it, Tempi, nr. tchooL AfiY who afJtpd Gent. In Kinir-st yeBberdav if he 1J left anythiiift tn tram, kindly write re purse to aoi mrreii-Bt, onai. AG.

CAMPBELL, call O.P.O. for Letter addree- scd A.K.a.U.t wo 10 puainosa. No letters at Haymarket; advise this paper when see you. u. J.

A. SCOTT, call and see me Monday after- noon. Letter at P.O. for you. Mcrton.

RS. BOUItltE (Glebe), pleaBC call in Monday, Bustneaa. -irenerry. 1DDLK-AUED fair rneaus, des. meet lady, sim.

view Mat. I.H.H.. v.v.. uozeue. MKJTON (Stanmore), who had opp.

with laay irom Granville, at Stanmore sUtion, Wed. mght, call lor letter, Btanmore r.u. ATIUMONY. Lady wishes meet hon. means.

33-40, eUUC, proiuw. vmvcuer jr TjTMnxrv.llav(rnr few social oDDortunitieB, iYL young lady, irrep. character, desires meet about S5, fair, good app. and poaiiion honourable. Y.

W. CO. Florold, King Btreet-T4(TATUIMONY. ReBD. Widow, ProL," means, like i.VL rnnke acq.

genuine widower, abt, 64, in com. pos. P.OaddreflBea Ignored. Addrcsa, Lilly, flerald Office. 'XVX ono knowing hia whereabouts, itcase send address tO, Harden Post-office.

i lrr.T.-pw TriwTJTO hn wu in Svdnev 10 Tears nirn an.iH ar4Hpaa tn IM Nnrton-SUeCL. LrilCCmTUU Important Business, or any knowing her present ad- orwa picaweootnrnimicate. OLD Friend would like to hear from children of the late Mm. Keciiey, or Bpaln, last heard of Barley Mow Hotel. Sydney.

Jd. BMliil, -u larapueu-mfwi. Milson'a Point, Sydney, educated, working. Eng. ynff.

Lady desires Li.a sann-. oulinira. C. Summer iiuir.u. EESPECTABLB Woman, with gd.

wishes meet Working Man, view to child aot ob to. A.H.C., P.O., Kediern, SHOULD this meet Vie eye 01 jaum rviwunjj, he will hear of something to his advantage. Left iHindon for Australia ire)7. 'J4. iicraiu.

CJPlNSTKIt 11K0 maite acqn.iinininc--K uuu. KJ fair position. Uripn, ffj. mUAVEL, Young Lady, desirous travelling London 1a Canal, in July, like join another, or ra DESMAN dcs.

corr. relineH voung lady, under 30, view eood aetirancc Lilac, Herald. nOLETiecervodlcgram too late; will- be there 'V to-night. Will. IfXTOULD Harold (late ot Aimiunlej, iW P.O..

Wellington. N.Z. AM S.S.W. write Qucenie, papers copy 7ILL NURSE WATERSON, late of RUey-st, send addreiu to M. William-st P.O.J J.

CUAMilEllS. nleaiie cend addrcsa to Bouriie-Kl. on fiiT.n whriiie name is that of a VV star please c)mtn. with friend, name of river in X. of Vict.

M.H.L.D., Mair3B. -house, Briiibant-. drwa in Kinrr-fit tram. I. IV unmsuuy cvuub, rito rost-onioe.

7niL Mr. MAB.SDEN, late of south Africa Rau- Lady, good home, no encumbrance, few social opport-imitiea, wishes to make acquaintance nf hon. steadv over 45, in fair position and well 1'ilurated. view mat, Anglalse, Herald, hing-st, Sydney. W- OR KING Man, 35, steady, fair position, with moana, like to correspond working young Woman Widow, with A child no objection, view matrimony.

AddrcM VNO. Irishman, desires acq. refine i ye. lady, C. ty.i3 1.

aynia-ket O. 'fOLJNO Widow "would like to meet working man, J. vie i myny; E.M., M'ville P.O. rOUNG Lady like to make acquaintance young Gent, iview Jo Mtttriinony. Adtl.ybil, Mamckyille P.O.

OUNG Man like meet rcsp. Woman, some means, view P.O. addrcua ignored. J. P.O., Randwick.

28, rcfinedi wishes to meet Oenile-man, sonic meanfl virw photo i.jiOHslblc: genuine. F. V-VrP-tyATi YOUNO Lady, of independent means, wishes make aco. of vne. Gentleman, refined and musical, view to Matrimony.

miz ('SbOKE'S'Detectirc and Lost Friends Office, 4 Rowe tt, Sydney. Commended by pudges and Police. DETECTIVES (Male, Female), reliable; strict privacy. Llovd-s. Sydney ArcadjWnt JMfCjtr, "aETEOTI VE WORK.

LOST FRIENDS, XJ waits claims. Divorce inquiricfl. The Manse, next Church. 177 Liverpool-st. Hyde Pk.

770 Cy. Chas. fLOYD'S fully Inquire All Matters; Chancery Clina X-4 Missing Friends. Sydney R1VATE DETECTIVK work atnct'j i Kiiwards. 00 tt-st.

Sydney. lKlTNDERGAST'S old-eat. Miwing cnda, Unelalmed I0ST AND POUND. 1AIYE POUNDS REWARD. wvmn Missing from llallarat, Victoria, Triumph MOTOR IHCYC'LK 1012 model, number on engine 17.WJ, nom-Ikt on frame 100.

wn. dent in tank on right side atom Hie middle of lower edge, also six extra air holes in carhurretter; was last seen in Sydney, riw above Reward will bo paid for information that will lead to th n-covcry of same. E. BECK MAN, 1.T Wiisse.t, I nnarar. vicrnrri.

ylOMJ Seal lort. 10th, bet. CatleHiU and Darling VRFJiNBTUNB KARKINU, in taxi-cab, between O.P.O. UT and Darling l'oint, Thnrwluy nisht. Reward, MARSHALL and MARKS.

70 "Toil I)' Miirkct-Hl, Baniboo Bangle, I ii 1... r.t i'in Gladr-ivillP small Parcel of Hauls, xji'nes p.iid. Iinrciir. riVN liO-Vr, gold cable BANGLK. Finder ret.

Sllss IVndi non Reward. 1 "bsl'liumh liKYS;" reward. Apply Lifttran, 109 Pittt. i 1)S1 "velvet Neckband, vrith fancy gold oruauents. Lafenoe, David Jones.

ri OHY" Six REVS, on ring, Sl'lt to Railway, via rromnnie. Motuiiiv lnM. heys, Herald. 1 Reward given. .1 Ai'Mly l't' BntbiiM-st.

LOT, the Morntns "iTendache. now that I stick DI('KENS' WHISKY. (XV, in or near Willliim-fl, Gold rot emer-J .,1,1 nnrl pcaiK lleiurn to G. ,1. BIRCH, Roiher- 1 He High-Jt, N.

Sydney 1 (1ST. l.v" ladr tvpfsle, pr. Rf1 tmt i l.lue-lintrd,' in chip, citv or Clmtwood. Reward. OST.

long larc Scarr, llk fringe, bet. iKiwa i Hotel, lop of Market-Ht. about 8 oV. Thursday I OST, on Tuesday, at (-remorne. imni or Jl lliown HANDBAG, containing boots.

Reward "Vwr. PL. "Telephone Hnrrafi, 1 lurr, with rail, ticket, "Mlm lv. Doujrail. silver.

hum vp'p luitooriibii, 2dth Miireli, IlMie-Hlack Cloth OVERCOAT, t.ilk lined, velvet collar. RMurn to Counter Clerk, Iliillrtlti Office. Onod i rv. a rd 'i O.T in tr.tin from Kntoomba, or at Strut hftrid, on' 1'rldnv, April 4th, brown IMper PARCEL, containing bine wrg font and "kirt. Finder rt-wnnlrti.

Mrs. Cro.nlon. OST from Kilev-nt, 'North Sydney, Hlm-and-tun Si iky n.Rl.'H-'t. II ward returning to St Avcnue-ro'id. 1.mnn.

Dftainer 1 OST from Obcnm-t, ltelow lli-aclvnt, .1 4 htuk wldlp Tomcat; reward. Howdrti. 6i "iVarl to Market -i; rew.inl. Sliepherd'n, li -t PENDANT. keepnV I a A(diffn-rd Inim or lnlw'n Newtown and Dnlwirh ll-ll; irwiird.

A. C. lUGtiS, Diber, neijvrl-t, D.JI1. iki'" lV.iff iiroot-h, "llocridi-le-Hoxiry. Kfttirn St.

.1 JiOPfnrttwJi. 1 i isT "nViill" (irev Auitrulian Terrier, nt? Mllson's Ii Vf to llornibv' train. 9.W Tliiimhy night, answcis Chippie." Reward, CEARNS, LindflcM. "al wtmt.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.