i I i 1 rjrc svkday rm august im If A 2. Businoss, Labor, Both Right This Timo Ford's Inflation 'Summit' Draws Skepticism -e I. I. Ujt M4 4 Tt ty a-peara te tal at th rt-e-L a Kt1 th 1 ikeM ad tb vi thug man tilcvUtad by tba JaiM l-iyiitntat 11 la tp Hie tba be at.nat tiul a4 l.tM -I bc.tg ta )Mda emil a art 1 tivieg taah M. kit W- reAb-e It i ol.
en aMSx am pUa Iv i i3 vaieUi baa hit! Mt) MkWy J4- Tw Amartra firt at nael ad tiiMM ad fum me Wa M'iU that pcad eta 4 tM MiaWe, aWtJai tax 4 at Wk! u. etb a a yrtaed thia 14 tmpert.au I Uat per gay'. Urn at IMimM I JT fa Mf are tirual twim.ut-. ta ag.g. muk a ia Ana ar mack Uw.ll iiy f4 Mt kaa Me t4 kci uLimiuiy BmfwaU 1 1 a a i -Tier at ye tent a a Hal tiumir 4 adk (f Kljettit wj ea 11 ASmiAl.uati howl 4 da bat it kery it af ti Mmst AWta ail.
tb kr area ti ki(ci. ytirtt and pmdiia Ia feiUaJ' I ably tfc a tbr ka tkr a ti ta ft memory kba i r-x-tt larama by bath bwunrja and tats ka Ml mo foumiad. si di.uart from MU th laminar irgumeeia of th past 71 (ki point la worth Pr-kng Far it appLea a iy la "lummil bjt aiw la tha urc -( th "roit of living Uk by twd and I OwiN I. OAll Jl iii a i a tif JUi4 fftwitii tm fTx. li hftu4 i I i.
imwn it aid i ue i. a ivitH amount 4 ltii C-Uitii M. I id Kit twt ti te is tv 4 b- mm, labor, fMUmaa ft to' a fin. Tiiur (iKijit and it La tut lti' F4 Ui fit ar a TI iAept.ru any futmeiwi Ur aC4 bind kwe, 4 ety mi 4 tk.t nt li.l A lit Dim aufj, aid I bad an tdl-inu! if all itktuua, a. lb Im.
Seel iuff.t'4. 't Is Udwi twuu might ai iniMiituI aid as Du members 4 IU lMu Ccwmiiite- rr dar teg Ifrpu.c bmcM dthbrt- tUatit Bat hil wt th rmmm tottt While a mwact might Ur pan An ifctrw. n.t J.rt ail by tie Trvavarp. and Ktnitlcd pbitPy te Ih (etiivM-Mil Jn1 fi turn, UnentM, I inwa -dx at-4 Unit a.at t( 0 I fit as fc-ivkl teft.aUM, the ad g.try 4 llt la Lea are nMtrtg tad tl4 tayttal baa Kit it. part (t By if: uat aiogaary bad nd A w( Kbtd I urtbrf irt Can ILI Lt giirtefly gevgrtt ara ay yvpcaiadly ih li a pee aver a yr iitUf? Tba a-i ve ai aintiwxi geitasa anatyaet ka ooMhrtUd, tavoek Hcb as in rtf.
lory profit" and tb 4J-ftrvtnc betaea erigieal and replacemthi root aqu'p' meet Tb an! tat 4 tb Trtaxury lt dir. Mid tbera a groUd Usd e-juacy of ptUitt lBt I rautifg all kind 4 problem, tntUdrt-g a a current pftwurtx in capital marked Tb rauwd by I'ftatw bi in a Xfoul ovefktatemeftl of eoe- payata in rvnl year Even auth demoeratic, eeorwmtvt at Jam Tobn of Vat Iniver itty ra in th rsvovt reeee-t ed-tion of the Brouaingi laeti-lutioa Papera oa F.coooraic Activity that th decline in profit i no myth In a nation uxed to trail tionai. but cdten rather tire tome, argument beteeen buv.neat and labor over income aharea. it I fair to nk- Can both aide be rigbl? Th anxaer ta that they can be thi time, and almoxi certain! are. Tb mayor reason letltvll kbu Sea Uv detiiy aJrt fnv age a Ml leiie.
iMv.h -4 b-W 4 tBky 6 have kiLMy 1Y labor rgaM I veU knee u4, f. Atpab average af rrM have fU k4 it fttM hertH ta pa 11 ages iarb-'j at Wart a little TV AI LrCiO Executive Cm. Mil Mid a tllUtf ILI utb ttat JtMMt matted Tb IVt rve live moeth a tub wottr poee, Wk If Ufa rt-ltf dtop 5 ar 4dd lhat Itt W.d 1914 lb avttxga orkert' buyag poer a about lb Wvtl oi The it ate meet mat otter and tbr ue have rvu alteoati' etber than to Mwt larger eage tfirreaxe evd cat4liiC protect tut tbe o( ibert (atmLei a4 their living euadarda ttag increaae a tb fttt I eo month after ctmirol ended futimeed eaactfy that preaertption. I they aeera to have tailed oft toinm a July. The argument la th tv of profit ta far more aubtl, but no Itu believed by tba men of buxuiexs and banking, and by many other.
Thu argument i becoming Inert-xmgty underxtood. In brief. It la that the large reported dollar and percent aga inert corpora- profit lait year and to (ar this year are, to um Uv ord of Secretary of tba Of tlneiTimes Word Agent Advised Gumnan ifotu fc.h hmu tAD-A-t 1M gtS UWl I IWMIiMH cuii iu rfc If A see wi Jit Tbe raau trel 1 ri! ft tfeitf fcAciw tf I r.iwl yeiirtt k--4 Vf A g4 r-fl b4 11 Mom i A- Ht.f amv'al Athens Propares for War A THEM. Crwe Kt i T- gf.l vs ifi! i wet sue kl Ul li CimI ft' tit! Aifrfit rftl bffUM el lb llfmi Cf-i la iu eretr feiiry, th (Mtuaitt Mil tu yrtmary ebje-rov ta fDy lb cmuMry pf e4 feedi lay IdtlM 1e reuisjry it under gateg a'ruf t' ever-ree the eLeal mu iCyyevat 4 ar.abLik demorrary A trg defena a4 beafthy remi be eemb-fiei. Prm I'ctf aaii la rtp ieg at'.
meet Nation NASA Rehires Detractor V. tH Me llW WASHINGTON (AD Ruth Ram. ha ii fifed Ay I be Natioeal Aroeuui Spar AdminiitraLon after enUetrtnf tu ttwl la Atria i fid mft tad iniaoriltet, iU re wv.a tb ageary. It baa bee announced, Dr. Jame C.
NASA admwatrau. ltd that Mr llirm. fired October deputy aaaiitani admifuitraior of NASA for equal opportunity program. tit return Monday as deputy isatauM edmir.uiriior of public affair Cr community and human relation. Mr.
iUrru firing eim after and te ether employe produced a report alleging Chat NASA bad the rit record ataUaUcatfy in gov-ernment" oC hiring and promwir.g omea and mtnonuei. St. Clair Ends Nixon's Work BOSTON (AD Former oreiidenilil la7r Jame D. SL Clair lay hi doe not know if he ill represent Rjchird M. Ntaoa again.
"The question hnt com up. Although he bn hid no contact ulth Nuon line thi former Treildent resigned, SL Clitr Hid In I copyright Interview publibd Siturdiy by Ihe Boiton Herald American that he enl Nixon a message when he completed hil work at the White House lait Wedneiday. The Sunday Times t8t In Srid on Aupuncfur ThU I Mp Twn tagacy lift by RUhird M. Nion Aatraacp tl Brkdg Buxlnaai cy rw City HaU bwifcd-eg B4 Oaa.Xed I be FL ioeiat -IU CiijratiDa Nut 0--t 1 I nantM-ry tufirra: I mt-rg, B3 Ituuaa cd the ck Utter Tb Editor 2 lively Art A 13 Mariaa Chmty Farrygrapbi Pun lea Timely Topica Travel Youth (Tune In) Cerrie Dt)ery 7 Deye $1.09 ludey Only IW Vol. 9.
No. 29 132 Ptgi For Circulation Call 342-9151 or 342-1085 Usually youre (-ill who are Jul bone at a they ih-rk ar Natural Gas Producers Win Appeal on Pricing dealing a you that further aggravate of the gat aupply problem protends grave impltraUcna fur ih natjon'i economic b- feCUVH. Energy expert have Hid that many homeonrn nil face the powibility of healing shortage! during coming inter unleu potential natural ga areat are develop. WASHINGTON (AD Tba Court o( Appeal baa tpbeSd a Federal Power Com-mitison der.uon allowing natural gaa producers to set pricea for aale to p.peLce compart, pi. Conumer gro-jp had argued th FPC ruling would double or ern triple the ctl of natural gaa to eontumeri over the next two year.
TTve FPC Hid open-market pnemg kit necenary toetim-u'aie natural gaa production, which was in ihort supply even belore th now lifted Arab oil embargo. Th commukion retained the nght to review each individual rate increase and order a reduction if any rate appears too high. In a 21 page opinion, the three Judge court said Friday AIL ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER 9- A A State State Lottery Profit Up HARRISBURG (AD The Penmylvima lottery earned million in the 1973 74 year, about 13.7 million above the previous year1 fig-urn. the lottery bureau laid Saturday. The proceed went to elderly persona In the form of property lax and rentcri' aid, ind free mass transportation rides.
Overall, the lottery took In $128 5 million from ticket tales and paid out $55.7 million In prixea. After various administrative and printing expenses, that left the state a profit of $61.2 million. Agent Wants Guns Back PHILADELPHIA CAP) A former CIA agent has filed a federal suit to force the stale to return firearms taken during a raid on hi borne three years ago. The auit was filed Friday by George Fass-nacht, whose firearms collection was described by Philadelphia police as the biggest arms cache ever found in the city. Charges in the 1971 raid were thrown out by Judge Joseph Murphy, who ruled the search was illegal.
Layman to Quit Post PHILADELPHIA (AP) Dr. Charles V. Willie, the highest ranking lay official in the Espicopal Church, said Saturday he is definite about his decision to resign as vice president of the churchs House of Deputies. It is my protest against the inhuman ways the Episcopal church has treated women, Dr. Willie said in a telephone interview from bis home in Syracuse, N.Y.
He was referring to the church a decision last week to invalidate the ordination of 11 women as Episcopal priests. The ordination, in violation of church canons, took place here July 29. Winning Number Drawing Date: Aug. 14, 1B74 924814 Represent any non-matching number. 92414 WINS $50,000 92411 WINS 2,000 24814 WINS 2,000 9248x WINS 200 xx4S14 WINS 200 924xxx WINS 40 WINS 40 MILLIOMAIRE FINALIST NUMBER 09836 (Alto Wins $400) 0983x WINS $25 x9834 WINS $25 Compact car 4-7-2-4-2-7 Cash Winners: Bring your ticket (Do not Mail It) to any liquor store.
Your ticket will be checked and validated. A winnings will be issued to you from Harrisburg Central Headquarters. Winners must claim prizes within one year of drawing date. MRKESTHE DIFFERENCE rn In SUMMER md WIHJER enjoy the PIFFEREflCE in FUELSAVINGS MAINTENANCE JOBS AS LOW AS NO PAINTING NO MAINTENANCE NO HIGH FUEL BILLS BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Prlma-O-Sash eliminates to clean" window forever with the Introduction of our new replacement tilt window. Just swing the glass panel down, wipe It off and swing ii back- It's so easy that window cleaning is no longer a chore.
Prime-O-Tilt virtually eliminates drafts, and Is the most functional and attractive window available he dunes DONT PAINT SAVE FUEL! Keep your home looking new and beautilul choose from a wide range of styles and the Insulation value saves you on heat-inq bills. Completely installed. CALL TODAY FOR NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE. STORM WINDOWS STORM DOORS ALUMINUM GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS GENUINE 24 DECORATOR STYLES AND COLORS AVAILABLE The sturdy, steel-clad. virtually main ten, nce-lree door hai an amazing new timsh.The Prima-O-Door Magnetic Seel provide! a lighter lit than conventional doors Every Prime-O-Door is furnished completely instilled.
TILT DOWN ALUMINUM WINDOW CASINGS. xciuomo wiNDOwskmMrt WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN A COPARTNERSHIP An Independent Newkpopwr Publitbad Evry Weekday Aflwnoon and Sunday Morning at THE SCRANTON TIMES BUILDING Pnn Av. at Sprue Scranton, Pa. 1 8501 Phone 342-9151 Ara Cod 717 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Trm 7 Day per week 1 Wlc 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Yar Mail lubscriptions or payable strictly in advance (Pleat Do Not Send Cash) 1 Member of Associated Pnsst Member of North American Newspaper Alliance Client ef The New York Times News Service Member af Audit Bureau of Circulations The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use of republication of all the local vws printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved.
Sawyer-Ferguson-Walker Company National Representative New York, N.Y.; Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Minneapolis, Charlotte, N.C.; Boston, Moss. The Scranton Times entered os second dots matter Oct. 10, 1895, at the Postoffice ol Scranton, Pa. The Surv day Times entered as second class matter Nov. 3, 7966 at the Posloffice at Scranton, under the Act of March 3.
1879. 1 rmmmi This Wteks Winning S-DIglt Numbers 9-5-8 9-3-1 4-7-4 This Week's Bonus Number 9-6-1-1-6-8 Note: Numbers In your bor do not qualify tr matching tbs 3-digil winning numbers snd vies vsrss. Csrsl MY check thess winning numbsrs against tns numbsrs on your ticks t. IF YOU MATCH YOU WIN Th 6-dlglt bonus number exactly $75,000 Any two A-dlglt numbsrs sxsctly $15,000 Any on S-dlgtt numbsr sxactly $50 All wfnnsrt ihoold take thalr winning riekats any Stala LIuor Stora for vallSatlaSs Compact ear 2-9-3-4-9-4 Baker's Dozen Three digit 0-0-0 Five digit 2-0-4-6-4 Six digit 9-1-1 -2-6-9 Compact car B-6-9-5-2-6 Other States Here is a list of winning weekly lottery numbers from Northeastern states drawn this week: All numbers were drawn Thursday except Pennsylvanias which is drawn on Wednesday. CONNECTICUT 89997 MAINE 099-541.
Doubling number is 2 MARYLAND 503567 MASSACHUSETTS Green 6648, Yellow 774, Blue 19 NEW JERSEY 704937 NEW YORK 265335 RHODE ISLAND Blue 678, Green 603881, Gold 721340 ST-8 1874 CHECK ONE: I WOULD LIKE A NO-OBLIGATION VISIT FROM YOUR EXPERTS PLEASE SEND ME BROCHURE I am Interested In Sash Siding Prlme-O-Sash pother IN SCRANTON CALL OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT WILKES-BARRE 823-8189 HONESDALE 253-1273 tRBOYIIHH 282-3250 i.