Related Papers
Works on Vico 2009-18.pdf
Dustin Peone
This bibliography of works on Vico or mentioning Vico in English continues and expands Molly Black Verene's bibliography from New Vico Studies 27 (2009). It includes a short article, "Vico in Literary Works" and an original Foreword by Donald Phillip Verene. It has been published by Philosophy Documentation Center, for New Vico Studies.
The Imaginative Basis of Thought and Culture. Contemporary Perspectives on Giambattista Vico. M. Danesi and F. Nuessel (Eds.). Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press. Pp. 1-23.
M Danesi F Nuessel Giambattista Vico A Philosopher for Our Age
1994 •
Frank Nuessel
This introductory essay provides an extensive overview of Giambattista Vico's (1668-1744) empiricist approach to philosophy in contrast to the rationalist view of René Descartes (1596-1650). Vico's approach is reflected in many of the major works of the last quarter of the 20th century, e.g., George Lakoff.
What for?
Waldomiro Silva Filho
This text is the presentation to Giambattista Vico and the New (Psychological) Science edited by Luca Tateo, Aalborg University, Denmark (Transaction Publisher, forthcoming).
Law and Literature
Transcending Law and Literature: Literature as Law in Plato, Vico, and Shelley
2016 •
JD Wright
New Vico Studies. Vol. 14. Pp. 90-93.
F Nuessel M Danesi Giambattista Vico and the Cognitive Science Enterprise-1996
1996 •
Frank Nuessel
Marcel Danesi's Giambattista Vico and the Cognitive Science Enterprise, Emory Vico Studies, Vol. 4, New York: Peter Lang, 1995) addresses the issue of Cartesian rationalism versus Vichian empiricism. Danesi argues that Vico's model offers a viable alternative to rationalism.
From Hegel's Topological Notion of Multiplicity (Topological notion of Qualitative quantity) to The Topological James Joyce (Finnegans Wake) Philosophical Topology Fragments in writings and arts
borislav dimitrov
Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Joyce without Hegel and Vico without Hegel: From Hegel’s topological notion of multiplicity (topological notion of Qualitative quantity) to the topological James Joyce (Finnegans Wake) 3. Topoi of Recollection in G.F.W. Hegel and Giambatista Vico, 2013, _Giambattista_Vico 4. Топологията на Джамбатиста Вико: логическите и метафизични доводи за изначалната обреченост на модерната цивилизация в български прочит на „Новата наука”, 01.02.2014, 5. Philosophical topology and Topological philosophy as the mode of thinking of Evolution of Hierarchical Systems: The Role of Heterarchy and Heteronomy in Evolution, Conference Edition: Evolution of Hierarchical Systems, Sofia, 2014: 6. Hegel’s Analysis Situs:Topological Notions of Multiplicity in Hegel’s Fourfold of Infinities, 2014, Abstract. 7. Topology, Homeomorphism and Literature: Topological James Joyce – Finnegans Wake
Romance languages Annual. Vol. IX. Pp. 280-287.
F Nuessel Vico's Views on Language and Linguistics
1998 •
Frank Nuessel
This article discusses Giambattista Vico's (1668-1744) views on language and linguistics. It poses the following questions: (1) What is language?, and (2) What is linguistics? It also discusses the following items: (1) The Iconicity Hypothesis, (2) the Visual Mimesis Hypothesis, and (3) the Metaphoricity Hypothesis. It delves into Vico's statements on metaphor as an epistemological strategy. Finally, it considers Mark Johnson's (The Body in the Mind: The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination, and Reason, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987) five components of the imagination: (1) Categorization, (2) schemata, (3) metaphorical projections, (4) metonymy, and (5) narrative structure.
Each Nation has
2017 •
Giorgio A Pinton
If every nation has its hero, as Vico stated in the New Science, then ...
James L. Kelley, GIAMBATTISTA VICO ON GOD, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY, Romeosyne "Myths and Memes" No. Three (Norman, OK: Romanity Press, 2018).
James L Kelley
Vico's genealogy of human knowledge has a great relevance to contemporary debates in the areas of politics, theology and sexuality. Apart from the seemingly ineluctable binary of liberal individualism versus conservative communalism, Vico models a politics based upon his understanding of the rhetoric of topics, in which meso-level identities and a plurality of motivations become so enmeshed that dichotomy-straddling trajectories leap out to the attuned observer. On the theological front, Vico reminds us just how fluid and tractable Roman Catholic theology was in the early modern period, when Descartes' and Spinoza's terms could still be taken over and reanimated without fear of a Thomist orthodox backlash. But, perhaps the most striking area in which Vico contributes is sexuality. In an era in which Enlightenment hubris has led to anathemas being hurled at traditional Christian teachings on sexuality, it is jarring to encounter Vico's typological reading of salvation history as a deliverance from phallic self-worship that, if unchecked, could precipitate a reversion to the carnal apeiron of the Age of Gods.
Vico or Spinoza: An Other Way of Looking at Theory, circa 1983
2018 •
Yoshiaki Mihara
This is an anachronistic attempt to revisit "Theory in the 1980s" by casting light from an Other angle, namely, two anti-Cartesian critical tours de force-Vichian criticism and Spinozist critique-heuristically corresponding to Edward W. Said's "secular criticism" and Paul de Man's "deconstructive critique," respectively. Said's article "Secular Criticism" and de Man's Messenger Lectures, both appearing in 1983, are closely analyzed in light of topics, patent or latent, including "epistemol-ogy of error"; "truth-as-trope and the-True-as-occurrence"; "the literal and figural body"; "humanized and dehumanized conatus"; "Humanistic and dehumanized philology"; "secularism and worldliness"; "oppositional criticism and immanent critique"; and "Ethics-as-ethology." The essay's end is emphatically not to "map"-let alone "define"-the entire discursive formation tentatively called "Theory in the 1980s," but, rather, to essayistically open up the field of speculation beyond the spatio-temporal confines of individual oppositions or conflicts that informed those particular discourses. In the end, a possibility of reading the conjunction "or" in the title, "Vico or Spinoza," as otherwise than oppositional, will be suggested in the form of a post-scriptum supplement.